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Software for Brain Computer Interfaces and Real Time Neurosciences

Software for Brain Computer Interfaces and Real Time Neurosciences
Related:  Brain and Sleep

Handicap et loisirs 18 septembre 2006 - La participation des personnes handicapées à la vie sociale, culturelle, sportive, reste relativement restreinte en raison du manque d’aménagements spécifiques et de leurs faibles revenus. Le handicap reste un obstacle pour prétendre participer au même titre que les personnes valides à la vie sociale, culturelle et sportive. Des problèmes liés aux déplacements, d’accessibilité, la faiblesse des revenus des personnes handicapées ne leur permettent toujours pas d’accéder aux mêmes loisirs que le reste de la population, même si l’on a pris récemment conscience que des efforts importants devaient être faits dans ce sens et que des initiatives allant vers une égalité de traitement apparaissent ici et là. La culture 25% des personnes handicapées déclarent ne pas aller assister à des spectacles, sportifs ou non, au cinéma, au théâtre, à des concerts, etc., contre 13% des personnes ne déclarant pas de déficience (1). Le sport Photo / © auremar -

Brainstorms Your Mind Creates: Binaural Beats: An Infographic Guide to Brainwave Entrainment Imagine if you could get into a deep state of focused consciousness any time you want.What if I told you that this is possible? Here's your answer: get yourself some stereo headphones and listen to Binaural Beats. Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment are amazingly powerful tools for altering your state of mind.This is seriously useful whether you want to reach a deep meditative state of mind, achieve peak concentration whilst studying or immerse yourself in vivid creative visualization. Binaural beats can also help you raise your vibrational frequency. So, what are binaural beats? Binaural beats are one of the more popular types of brainwave entrainment. Here's an example of how binaural beats work: Let's say you have a base frequency of 400 Hz playing in stereo. Here's an infographic to please your eyes: What do binaural beats sound like? Here is a sample of a pure Alpha wave: This is an example of what a pure Alpha wave of 12 Hz sounds like at 5228 Hz. Frequently asked questions

l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées : loisirs, culture, tourisme Vivre la Région ensemble Échanger, se déplacer, se rencontrer, travailler, partir en vacances, préparer son avenir. Chaque citoyen aspire à cette liberté. Aussi, la Région Rhône-Alpes s'engage à favoriser l'accessibilité dans tous les actes de la vie quotidienne. Cet objectif est un préalable indispensable à une participation des personnes handicapées à la vie de la cité. La Région peut intervenir en matière de logement, de tourisme et de loisirs adaptés. First trial with EPOC headset device. « BH Digital Media Production// I was very excited to test the EPOC headset and to see what it is capable of. Firstly, I took it out of the box and read through the manual. Before I could start the headset had to be charged and sensors prepared by hydrating them in a special saline solution. I charged the headset with a special usb cable provided. The sensors came packed in a plastic case which is suitable for soaking. After preparing the headset I have to fit it correctly on someone’s head. In order to establish the connection between the headset and the computer I used a supplied USB Transceiver Dongle and placed it into one of the USB slots. In this image I can see that all sensors apart from one are green. I noticed that EPOC must be in field of USB dongle. To test this head device i used two software tools: 1. Here is a small video preview of Mind Your OSC software responding to the headset in use: Here is a video showing how actual facial expressions are being translated onto a 3D model. Like this: Like Loading...

The Lucid Dreaming Podcast - Episode 29 – Jayne Gackenbach In this episode I interview Jayne Gackenbach who is a researcher and author of several books about lucid dreams and videos games. We discuss the intersection of videos games, dreams, nightmares, lucidity and how they are connected. Show notes: Episode 28 – Craig Weiss – Aladdin Dreamer In this episode I discuss the recent lucid dreaming device showing up on crowdfunding campaigns plus an interview with Craig Weiss, the Founder of CEO of Aladdin Dreamer, a company making a brain stimulation lucid dreaming device. Show Notes: Episode 27 – Daniel Love In this episode I talk to Daniel Love, a life long lucid dreamer and lucid dreaming researcher. read more… Episode 26 – Mike Lamberti In this episode I talk to Mike Lamberti, an avid lucid dreamer, an internet friend, and the new writer on read more… Episode 25 – Dream Researcher Kelly Bulkeley Show Notes: Episode 24 – Philosopher Evan Thompson Episode 23 – Dr. In this episode I interview Dr.

Activités de loisirs et situation de handicap - Etudes - Articles Les accueils de loisirs ont un rôle important vis à vis de la situation de handicap. Ils sont plus utiles comme mode de garde que comme structure de loisirs. C'est ce qui ressort de la dernière étude réalisée par l'observatoire des vacances et des loisirs des enfants et des jeunes (OVLEJ). L'OVLEJ s'est intéressé au temps libre des enfants et des adolescents en situation de handicap et a analysé plus particulièrement leur accès aux activités de loisirs et de vacances. Les conclusions font ressortir une situation de désavantage social, accrue à l’adolescence. L’analyse des données de l’enquête Education et famille de l’INSEE montre que : la situation de handicap de l’enfant modifie les conditions de vie de sa famille, réduisant les revenus et conduisant nombre de mères à arrêter leur activité professionnelle. Cette étude souligne : En savoir plus :

Jitter Video Player Hi I’m a willing-to-learn jitter newbie. I’m am building an app that is going to be the digital version of a vinyl record. …And I’m working on a tight deadline, so sorry for asking stuff I probably eventually could work out on my own… There is produced video material for the entire length of the album, and the app should therefore function as a movie player with a few extra functionalities (full screen view (of the app, not just the video), CD player-like UI, tracklist from which you can choose to listen to a song + links to artist and label sites). The video material exists both as a full length .mov clip and as videos for the individual songs but in order to lessen the amount of data I’d like to use either the full length clip or the individual clips, not both. There’ll be both a pc and a mac version, so no mac-only objects or similar should be used. – Is it possible to assign time-codes to the clip and use connect them to the UI. – Umenu for the tracklist?

So can zapping the brain really induce lucid dreams? TL;DR answer: it’s beginning to look pretty likely. In case you missed it, in 2014 researchers in Germany confirmed that zapping the brain of subjects can routinely induce lucid dreams. (By zapping, I mean applying a low voltage current stimulation to the scalp). She looks well rested. Now, a start up called Aladdin wants to make this technology available for the public. As reported in a recent in-depth interview of CEO Craig Wess of Aladdin, on the Lucid Sage Podcast, this new headband may have perfected the recipe for lucid dreaming on command. Sounds promising, but unfortunately Aladdin just cancelled their Kickstarter when it looked likely the weren’t going to get their funding. Quick and dirty review of lucid dreaming stimulation research Let’s back up, and look at the research again. See that red spot in lucid image? It’s the closest thing to a trigger for “lucidity” yet: the technical method is tACS, or transcranial alternating current. Philosophically, the implications are bold. Dr.
