background preloader - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil - Waterfox - Marko Rodin - Rodin Coil - Waterfox
-- Introduction -- Hopefully this will enable people to understand "why" there is only "one" truth and how we can all move forward in learning more about the "nature" of what that one truth is and why no single person or group of people can be the "owner" of the one truth and that literally everyone has a piece of the "enlightening" puzzle which is like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. -- Substance -- I just figured out a great example of how two seemingly very different points of view can be demonstrated to have not only similarity but symmetricality to the point that they are saying or expressing almost, if not totally, the same exact thing! Perhaps think in terms of a dialogue facilitator (or "introducer") who is in the presence of two people who are arguing violently that "their" symbol represents THE truth. Think about something for a moment. Life is a "continually" evolving dynamic. Then move "this" message window out of the way and continue reading. Now... But wait!

Vortex Flame Amplifier/ Regenerative Combustor/ Solid Fuel/ Waste Recycling - Waterfox These are the graphic plans outlining research completed1981. Vortex geometries were studied for high temperature refractory construction. A small scale model was built and tested. In brief the essential combustor design addresses the problems of burning solid fuels for many diverse applications. It was reasoned that this burner could work with any solid fuel from coal to incineration. I had avidly read books on older traditional cupola furnaces and adopted some of the elements, as should be evident . Above: stages from clay modeling to finished ceramic prototype assembly. One objective with my VFA research, was to make the most out of solid fuels. The diagram above illustrates the claim, that the spiraling VFA walls could provide a fixed-grinder-surface. My concept was to compete with currently huge industrial mills like the reference picture found on-line. My built model here was in fact adapted primarily to heat space and water with cord wood. Insulated Firebox Experimentation ....

- Fractal-Holographic Universe Humans Are Free INTP Relationships, Love & Mating By Dr. A.J. Drenth While sometimes presenting as aloof or self-focused, INTPs often attract potential mates through their Extraverted Intuition (Ne) and Extraverted Feeling (Fe). These functions contribute to their wittiness, personability, and sincerity, conferring a childlike innocence that others find refreshing. Should INTPs Even Bother with Relationships? Because of their Fe inferior, INTPs can enjoy being around people. The fact that INTPs can enjoy working independently for long periods of time may also discourage them from complicating their lives with relationships. In many cases, INTPs’ fears are justified. INTP Compatibility: Choosing a Partner Since INTPs may lack intentionality when it comes to maintaining intimate friendships, their romantic partner often serves as their closest friend, confidant, and source of support. Since INTPs tend to view themselves as highly autonomous and self-sufficient, they usually look for similar traits in their partners.

Alain Boudet: Enseignements fondamentaux sur la science et la spiritualité Enseignements fondamentaux sur la science et la spiritualité pour une humanité en mutation Cette documentation est évolutive. De nouveaux articles y paraissent régulièrement. Survolez une rubrique pour découvrir la liste des articles et cours correspondants Cliquez sur la rubrique pour voir les résumés et accéder aux articles correspondants L'être humain est invité à s'épanouir pleinement, en harmonie avec la Terre et l'Univers Les savoirs sont abordés sous l'angle de la découverte expérimentale et scientifique, présentés dans un langage simple mais substantiel et précis. Matrix Energetics Healing seminars taught by Richard Bartlett The Mars Society Artistes émanants Mystère des ovnis , Découvertes extraordinaires , Sciences de l'univers , Mystères de la terre , Mystères humains , Conscience animale , Les symboles , Conscience de l'homme , Lieux énigmatiques , Surnaturel et fantastique , Espace scientifique , Personnages étonnants , Nature insolite "La source de nos informations est indiquée pour chaque parution, mais au cas où l'auteur de vidéos, articles ou photos souhaiterait ne plus les voir figurer sur le site, qu'il nous en avertisse par mail, et nous les retirerons immédiatement"

The Four Chaos Attractors - Fractal Wisdom The Science of Chaos has discovered four basic Cosmos Attractors: Point Attractor | Cycle Attractor | Torus Attractor | Strange Attractor Although known as the four "chaos attractors," they are really the opposite - they are Cosmos Attractors that balance chaos. The four "Attractors" bring order out of Chaos. Everywhere we see a hidden order and similarity over scales, such as is that shown geometrically by the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. The four attractors act on all levels of reality to form Cosmos out of Chaos. In the computer the electric current automatically creates the iteration.
