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Teachers TryScience

Teachers TryScience
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Portal de revistas electrónicas de la UAM QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator Open a magazine, a catalog, or take a look at sign in your local grocery market these days and you're likely to see a QR code. (The QR code to subscribe to Free Technology for Teachers is pictured to the left). QR codes and QR code reader apps are one of the many ways that cell phones can be used in schools for academic purposes. To that end, Russel Tarr has developed the QR Treasure Hunt Generator. The QR Treasure Hunt Generator provides you with all of the things you need to get started creating your own QR codes and using them in your classroom. The QR Treasure Hunt Generator recommends having students visit Kaywa to get QR readers for their phones. Applications for Education Creating QR Treasure Hunts could be a great way to get students moving and learning at the same time.

Educational trends A trend is a shift or tendency within a system, for example schools, that is likely to grow in importance and influence how the system operates. Examples include economic developments, changes in society or in employment, or in attitudes and behaviour. Some trends are opportunities, others disruptive, a challenge or threat; some turn out to be a short-lived novelty (an innovation can develop into a trend, or die out), others slow-burning, even barely noticeable but seismic and enduring over the long term. Many trends are of course outside the control of schools, but others can be taken into account in school development planning and designing effective teaching and learning. A trend may emerge in one country but not another, another may be global. Some key trends Outlined below are a number of trends in educational technology and practice that, consensus suggests, will have an impact on teaching and learning in the next five years. Useful resources LangOER (2014 – 2016) Open University UK

GoConqr para Professores <div class='alert alert-danger'> We have detected that Javascript is not enabled in your browser. The dynamic nature of our site means that Javascript must be enabled to function properly. Please read our <a href='/terms_and_conditions' target='_blank'>terms and conditions</a> for more information. Mindmaps are predominately used for two things 1) Elaborating on and connecting ideas 2) Collaborating with others to brainstorm ideas. These two strands are what you should be using with your class. GoConqr offers the unique ability to be able to work on something individually and then seamlessly share this with your friends or groups to help improve. While having a central concept on which to work is the traditional way of creating Mindmaps they can also be used to brainstorm. Teachers can get great use out of this tool by preparing a deck of Flashcards and topics and sharing them with their pupils after each lesson. For certain subjects or topics teachers could go more in-depth.

Immersive Virtual Reality: Online Education for the Next Generation While distance learning has gained popularity over the past decade, it’s still not always the most exhilarating way to study. Although online courses cover cognitive skills just fine, students miss out on an important dimension of learning: engaging other intelligences and more intensive interactivity. In fact, only 4 percent of students who enroll in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will actually complete the course. Immersive virtual reality (VR) could radically change that experience. But as immersive VR begins to establish itself in the education field, these online courses are about to get a serious makeover. The challenges with distance learning The Bloomberg Recruiter Report indicates that employers want job skills that go beyond cognitive ones. Meanwhile, students are increasingly engaging in online learning — as of 2016, one in four students now take distance learning classes. Immersive VR for training and education Take Time Machine, for instance.

Aspectos geológicos do Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês A área na qual se insere esta visita de estudo integra-se, na sua maioria, no Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês (PNPG). Deste modo, os alunos devem ser alertados para o facto de se encontrarem numa zona protegida, devendo minimizar o impacte sobre o meio ambiente envolvente. Dever-se-á chamar a atenção para o facto do Património Natural integrar aspectos geológicos e biológicos, facto habitualmente esquecido nas abordagens relativas ao Ambiente. O itinerário da visita permitirá aos alunos um melhor conhecimento da Geologia da zona Norte de Portugal, especialmente os aspectos associados à paisagem granítica típica do PNPG, o único parque nacional em Portugal. Na medida em que os caminhos a percorrer são relativamente estreitos, aconselha-se a utilização de um autocarro pequeno. Destinatários O percurso proposto nesta visita permitirá uma melhor compreensão e visualização dos fenómenos geológicos abordados nos seguintes conteúdos programáticos: Objectivos da saída de campo Percurso (ver mapa):

Education Trends in 2017 | The Information Umbrella I try to follow higher education trends to make sure I know what is coming and can gear my teaching appropriately. This blog highlights some of the strategies and technologies I think will emerge in 2017. We will see in 12 months if I was right. Improved Distance Education I think technologies that create a shared classroom experience will improve distance education in 2017. Students will increasingly enroll in distance education, so it is important that we improve the virtual classroom. Immersive virtual reality is growing in popularity. Industry Partnerships I believe that we need to do a better job of matching curriculum with skills needed in the workplace. Standardized Certification System Particularly in information technology and information management, there are a large number of available professional certificates. Political Changes The political climate in the United States changed with the election and that could mean a shift in direction for post-secondary education. Thoughts

alimentação – USF Emílio Peres Escolher alimentos num curto espaço de tempo nem sempre é fácil e implica muitas escolhas e, nesse sentido, saber ler rótulos é importante para tomar as melhores decisões. A pensar nesta necessidade a Direção-Geral da Saúde sugere um descodificador de rótulos, que consiste num cartão que pode ser facilmente transportado e consultado no momento de ir às compras. Descodificador de rótulos por 100 g de alimentos A informação contida tem por base as recomendações do Departamento da Saúde/Ministério da Saúde do Reino Unido. Compare a informação constante no rótulo do alimento ou bebida por 100 g ou 100 ml, respetivamente, com a informação disponibilizada neste cartão (gordura, gordura saturada, açúcares e sal). Propõe-se que opte por alimentos e bebidas com nutrientes maioritariamente na categoria verde, modere aqueles com um ou mais nutrientes na categoria amarela e evite aqueles com um ou mais nutrientes na categoria vermelha. Descodificador de rótulos por 100 g de bebidas

Veja como saber se uma fonte é confiável para trabalhos acadêmicos São muitos os recursos que você pode utilizar para realizar trabalhos acadêmicos: sites, livros, filmes, enfim, são muitas as opções. O problema é saber quais são as fontes confiáveis para dar credibilidade ao seu texto. Felizmente, existem algumas dicas que podem ajudar você nesse percurso. Confira: Leia também:» Saiba qual fonte usar no texto do seu trabalho escolar» 10 fontes essenciais de pesquisa online» Como encontrar fontes de pesquisa confiáveis 1.
