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Facebook report
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Social Media is Hard: The 2013 Landscape of Social Networks in One Infographic Graph Search : le moteur de recherche made by Facebook Fort de plus d’un milliard d’utilisateurs remplissant inlassablement ses bases de données de toutes sortes d’informations, Facebook a décidé de faire fructifier ces contenus en proposant une nouvelle version de son moteur de recherche intégré : le Graph Search. Nous évoquions en septembre l’intérêt grandissant de Facebook à l’égard de la recherche. C’est désormais chose faite : le réseau social s’investit pleinement dans ce domaine et propose un moteur de recherche innovant, baptisé « Graph Search ». Présenté hier au siège de Facebook par Mark Zuckerberg, lors d’une conférence de presse, le Graph Search (« Recherche dans le graphe Facebook », en français) est le nouveau moteur de recherche intégré au réseau social. Similaire au Knowledge Graph de Google dans sa sémantique et son intelligence, ce nouvel outil de Facebook se veut aussi social. Comment fonctionnera ce Graph Search ? Confidentialité (sources : 1, 2)

qwant Go to the main content Give a feedback Give us your feedback Thank you! Qwant can only get better with your help ! The Qwant team Send ImagesVideos Your request seems to target a product. More images Web News Add to my boards Can female board members make banks more robust? - 1 day ago Recruiting a greater proportion of women onto boards may lead to more stable banking institutions, a new report from the IMF suggests. RNC Recruiting, Hosting Information Sessions - 2 days ago If you've ever thought about being a police officer, there's a chance this week for you to learn how to make that dream a reality. Red Cross recruiting local volunteers - 2 days ago The Red Cross are recruiting new volunteers and in lieu of the recent wildfire crisis they are seeking to grow their Disaster Management team. Refugee crisis spurs Doctors Without Borders recruiting in Halifax - 23 hours ago Dr. - 16 hours ago - 1 day ago

10 Private Social Networks for Discreet Interaction You're sick of all the mainstream social networks. The constant baby pictures, your oh-so-in-love couple friends, your creepy co-worker who Likes every single one of your photos. If you want to trim down your social networking, or if you would rather not friend your Aunt Josephine or your boss on Twitter and Facebook, consider switching to a more private network. These 10 private social networks ensure you always have a space to share photos, collaborate on a group project for work or school, or organize a carpool to this week's neighborhood softball game. 1. Everyme Image courtesy of Apple Like Google+, Everyme sorts your contacts into circles, allowing users to share content with one or more circles at a time. 2. 23Snaps For parents who can't resist the urge to post baby pictures, meet 23Snaps. 3. Like 23 Snaps, Notabli allows users to privately share photos and videos of their children with other family members, with the added benefits of audio, text messages and drawings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Yatedo, un outil gratuit pour maîtriser sa e-réputation Les traces sur Internet ont la vie dure, et certains contenus peuvent écorner notre image. Surtout s’ils sont découverts par un recruteur ! Yatedo est un tableau de bord de sa e-réputation qui permet de centraliser toutes ses informations personnelles publiques, pour mieux les analyser et les gérer efficacement. On oublie parfois le skyblog un peu trash de nos 16 ans, les commentaires excédés laissés sur le forum de SFR, ou les vieilles photos de beuverie sur Facebook en mode « public ». Autant d’informations personnelles disponibles sur Internet et qui peuvent nous porter préjudice, notamment dans le cadre de la recherche d’un emploi, à l’heure où les recruteurs n’hésitent pas à enquêter sur nos vies numériques. 1ère étape : diagnostic de votre vie numérique publique Yatedo repose sur le principe du web sémantique, c’est à dire sur l’agrégation et le traitement de données pertinentes mais dispersées. Et oui, le verdict Yatedo peut faire peur. 2ème étape : personnaliser sa e-réputation

Links for Research—Search Engines - ipl2 A+ Research & Writing Links for Research—Search Engines Use the tools on this page when you want to find internet sites related to a specific topic, when you know enough about the topic to have good descriptive search terms to effectively target your search. For Web directories, see the Web Directories page. Note: the links below take you further down on this page. Search engines - single databases Search engines - multiple databasesEvaluations of Web directories and search engines Search engines - single databases AllTheWeb - Search help - Advanced search help - Alta Vista - Search help - Advanced search help - (formerley Ask Jeeves) - Search help - Google - Web Searching

Anger Spreads Faster On Social Media Than Any Other Emotion The emotions you express in your social media missives--particularly anger and joy--could play a role in whether or not your network of friends subsequently send out messages with similar sentiments. In a recently published sentiment analysis study of 200,000 users of Weibo, a Twitter-like Chinese social media service, researchers at Beihang University in China found angry messages were more likely than other emotionally charged messages to spread quickly across your social network. According to Tech Review, "the results clearly show that anger is more influential than other emotions such as joy or sadness." Messages expressing joyful sentiments also showed correlation to influence friends to send similarly joyful messages, although to a lesser degree than angry messages. [Image: Flickr user FromSandToGlass]

Comment se construire une bonne réputation sur le Web - À la une «Au village, sans prétention, j'ai mauvaise réputation», chantait Georges Brassens en prédisant à son personnage de finir une corde au cou... Votre entreprise ne risque sans doute pas un tel sort, mais il est certain qu'une mauvaise réputation répandue sur le Net peut nuire très sévèrement à votre développement commercial. et, a contrario, une bonne réputation peut, quant à elle, encourager des prospects à découvrir votre marque avec un avis très favorable. Mais, attention, la réputation se distingue de l'image d'entreprise ou de marque qui est un cliché pris à un instant T. la réputation d'entreprise comporte une notion de durée et s'envisage à moyen et long termes. autre différence: l'entreprise maîtrise son image, mais nettement moins sa réputation. en effet, l'image d'une entreprise ou d'une marque résulte de ses actions de communication (campagnes de publicité, de marketing direct...) à destination de ses publics cibles (clients, prospects, futurs collaborateurs). L'expert

We're All Narcissists Now, And That's A Good Thing You open up your Facebook newsfeed to a deluge of engagement ring photos, political slap-fights, and--horror--your little cousin's selfies from the Justin Bieber concert. But your attempt to escape to Twitter is quickly thwarted by a litany of "Just woke up!" and "having breakfast #allaboutme" and "Got in the wrong line at the grocery store again!" These "public displays of life"--the posts, likes, and tweets that clutter your newsfeed and irritate you even as they stroke your fears of missing out--are part of our current zeitgeist. So it might surprise you to find out that the cyber-citizens of today genuinely care about their fellow human beings. To be sure, the critics' basic point stands: yes, as a culture, we seem to believe that it is vital to not only track, but post our personal actions on every possible social network. The quantified self movement can be, and has been, exploited for profit. To do that, they quantify us too, and we let them.

CaddE-Réputation 6 Core Principles to Tap the Power of Social Community Participation Gartner reports that many business and IT leaders fail at utilizing social media effectively because they do not understand mass collaboration. Many businesses use a “provide and pray” approach, expecting online community participation to just happen. It’s just one of the reasons why communities fail. What happens instead is that users have an initial interest and then lose that interest as they discover that the platform is too difficult to use collaboratively. Applying the six core design principles creates a better social media environment for meaningful collaboration and social community participation, Gartner says. 1. User and community participation is the driving force behind successful mass collaboration. The design becomes driven by this goal instead of making a social outlet where people can easily participate in the conversation and add meaningful content. 2. A purpose must be meaningful, identifiable and clearly defined for the target audience. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Social Envy - Study Finds Facebook Causes Depression And Isolation BERLIN - Social networks like Facebook make many things easier. You can find out right away if Alex got the job or not, and you can not only read about Marie’s vacation, but you can also see all those pictures of her on the beach, too. There’s also a downside to this. Researchers have conducted tests that show that people who spend a lot of time scrolling on Facebook are more socially isolated and more frequently depressed than those who do not. The question, of course, poses itself: are lonely people more drawn to social networks – or does constant surfing result in loneliness over time? While it wasn’t able to answer the question conclusively, a joint research study conducted by Berlin’s Humboldt University and the Darmstadt’s Technical University did however reveal that spending time on social networks could lead to negative feelings. The German researchers, led by Dr. The never-ending “envy spiral”

The Conversation Prism: Making Sense of Social Media Surprise. Not all social media is the same. Brian Solis and JESS3 break new ground with an illustrative taxonomy that unravels some of the mystery concerning the use of social media. The power of their contribution lies in the distinctions implicit in the categories found in The Conversation Prism (click the diagram below). Each category around the “wheel” represents a different type of conversation. By implication, each type of conversation serves a distinctive business purpose. As one moves around the wheel, other helpful distinctions become apparent. The taxonomy also marks a key milestone in the evolution of social media. Here are some thoughts on how to use The Conversation Prism: Marketing. Enterprise Strategy. Finance. Information Technology. Human Resources. The Conversation Prism provides a welcome tool as social media moves into its second stage of development.

Facebook likes can reveal private personality traits, according to study It's no secret that Facebook is a goldmine for advertisers seeking to target specific demographics — but it may surprise you to discover just how much of your personality is revealed by simple activities there. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Microsoft Research have been quietly (and innocuously) collecting data on Facebook user likes and personality traits using applications like "MyPersonality" on Facebook, and now they're showing how the data can be used. Simply by tracking what things you've liked on Facebook, the researchers say they're able to determine things like your sex, ethnicity, political leanings, and religion with accuracies over 80 percent. The findings were published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, based on data that you can dig into yourself on a public wiki.
