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Test de Maslach sur le burn-out

Test de Maslach sur le burn-out

La maladie, LE MAL A DIT... Relation entre les émotions et les maladies You've Got Time: Why You Don't Need To Have It All Figured Out In Your 20s The whole idea of having your entire life all figured out is, to be frank, stupid. I’m not even exactly sure what is meant by “having one’s life all figured out.” People will say the people who are making a good living doing what they love have it all figured out. Others will say that the people who have found the loves of their lives have got it all figured out. Maybe it’s the people who have both a great relationship and a great career that have life “all figured out”? What exactly is it that we’re supposed to have figured out? The things that matter in life are rather few in number. When we’re younger, during our college years and throughout our 20s, we do our best to figure out what exactly it is that we want out of life – we try to figure out the meaning of it all and what part we’re supposed to play in the grand scheme of things. Those who don’t “have it figured out” by 30 are looked down upon and said to be lost causes. Time is what it’s all about. Photo via Tree Angels Tumblr

Forget The Past, Fear Not The Future: The Importance Of Living In The Present All that is certain is this very moment. The present is all that anyone ever has. So we must ask: Why are we so wrapped up in the “what has been” and the “what will be”? My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over the place; I can never seem to just be in the present moment. It’s a never-ending cycle of introspection. I know I am not the only one who suffers from overthinking. Suffice it to say, his work changes lives. Tolle writes, “All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. At last! It is not easy to fully be present in the very moment you are living. Those of us who struggle with such often ask ourselves: How can you be present when life cries for you to continue moving forward? We learn from our pasts, this is true, but when making decisions, we have a tendency to revert to that past place. It’s in our nature to remember the past, to allow it to envelope us with thoughts of speculation. The outcome may be better than it was before.

Be Selfish: The Importance Of Standing Up For Yourself And Learning To Say 'No' No matter how narcissistic you pride yourself on being, we’ve all bowed to the pressure of people pleasing at least once in our lives. We’ve all done something we didn’t want to do for someone we didn’t want to disappoint. We’ve all given into favors, requests and subtle demands for fear of disappointment and anger. We’ve all worried about that person’s opinion of us changing, or worse, hurting that person’s feelings. At one time or another, we’ve all given up our own happiness for the sake of someone else’s. It’s admirable and selfless to do things for others; however, there’s a fine line between occasional favors and servitude. There’s nothing wrong with being generous, in sharing your time and your happiness with others. For too long, you’ve been giving in to the ideas and hopes of others, following paths and pacifying wishes other people had for you. When is it enough? Life is too short to be going to bad movies and taking the wrong job. It Will Show You Your Real Friends

Le verre d’eau et le stress | LE BLOGUE KAIZEN Durant un discours devant des centaines de personnes, un vieil homme enseignait la gestion du stress à un auditoire très attentif. Il a pris un verre d’eau dans ses mains. Tout le monde s’attendait à ce qu’il parle du verre d’eau à moitié vide ou à moitié plein. « Combien pèse ce verre d’eau ? Les dizaines de réponses entendues variaient de 8 onces à 20 onces. La réponse de l’homme «Le poids absolu n’a pas d’importance. Le verre d’eau et le stress « Le stress et les inquiétudes dans la vie sont comme ce verre d’eau. Pensez-y pendant un moment et rien ne se passe.Pensez-y un peu plus longtemps et ils commencent à faire mal.Et si vous y pensez toute la journée, vous vous sentez paralysés – incapables de faire quoi que ce soit ». La solution: déposer le verre d’eau Pensez à déposer le verre le plus régulièrement possible. Prenez soin de votre véhicule, car c’est le seul qui vous suivra toute votre vie. Pour plus d’inspiration suivez moi sur Facebook : Like this: J'aime chargement… Dans "Conseils"

5 Life-Changing Ways To Start Your Day What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? When I conducted a highly informal survey based on this question, the most common answer I received was: "My alarm is on my phone. The smartphone. When we first wake up in the morning, we're in a highly vulnerable state. So what happens when we fill this soft, vulnerable time with the loud sounds of the electronic world? What I've observed with my clients is that the way you begin your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. It's as if you had a young child who wanted to snuggle and share her dreams in the morning but you were constantly pushing her aside so that you could read your phone. As an experiment, I invite you to begin your day in one of the following ways for the next week. 1. Even five minutes of mindfulness practice can set a calmer tone for your day. 2. 3. When's the last time you journaled? 4. Yoga is a mind/body practice that is meant to be done at home. 5. Photo Credit:

10 Deadly Habits That Drive You Away From Happiness You’ve been on a path your whole life that you thought would bring happiness, but instead you’re feeling far from it. Destination: Lost. Humans are imperfect, that’s for sure! But if something feels off-kilter these days and you’re not where you want to be, here are ten possible reasons that you’re driving on the wrong road away from happiness. 1. Holding on to the past Whether you’re holding on to good or bad memories, spending your life in another time or place does not propel you forward into something for the better. 2. “I’m not good enough,” is a poisonous thought. 3. Sometimes it seems like the internet is usually one big procrastination machine where you can’t get anything done. 4. It feels justified to blame others because you know it’s not your fault things turned out the way they did. 5. There’s actually nothing more soul-destroying than working a job you hate just for the money. 6. Never accepting challenges is like never wanting to change. 7. 8. 9. Practice self-compassion.

10 Psychology Tricks You Can Use To Influence People Before we get started, it’s important to note that none of these methods fall under what we would term the dark arts of influencing people. Anything that might be harmful to someone in any way, especially to their self esteem, is not included here. These are ways to win friends and influence people using psychology without being a jerk or making someone feel bad. Trick: Get someone to do a favor for you—also known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn’t like him. Scientists decided to test this theory and found that those who were asked by the researcher for a personal favor rated the researcher much more favorably than the other groups did. Trick: Ask for way more than you want at first then scale it back later. This trick is sometimes known as the door in the face approach. Trick: Use a person’s name, or their title depending on the situation. Trick: Flattery will actually get you everywhere. Offer They Can’t Refuse

7 Social Hacks For Manipulating People 1. Whenever someone is angry and confrontational, stand next to them instead of in front of them. You won’t appear as so much of a threat, and they eventually calm down. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 Natural Ways To Help You Beat Depression If you suffer from depression, it’s likely you feel utterly, desperately — sometimes unbearably — alone. It is, after all, an illness of alienation. It drags you down, steals your joy, robs you of your energy and enthusiasm, and distances you from others. But the truth is, you’re far from alone. More than 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from mood disorders. That jaw-dropping number is proof positive that there are millions of other people who share your pain, and I’m one of them. I suffered from depression for 16 years. 1. Negative self-talk is depression’s modus operandi. 2. Via sunshine, that is. 3. Bad food makes you feel bad. 4. I can’t stress this enough. 5. While traditional medicine has its place, holistic medicine works on the mind-body connection. 6. This is HUGE. 7. Having a support network can make all the difference in the world. 8. Always, always, always ask for help when you need it. 9. Sadly, this is one of the first ways people with mood disorders tend to cope. 10.

How To Capture The Miracle Of Being Alive Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts, in which she transforms her depression and anxiety into fullness and joy by devoting herself to a practice of noticing and writing down every moment of wonder, I decided to try it myself. What would I notice inside if, all day long, I jotted down the small moments that brought a smile to my soul? My first morning went like this: A warm bed on a cold autumn morning A striped kitten staring at me when I wake up A tiny brown foot pressed against a furry paw A 4-year old leg slung across my belly And there, just like when I write a poem, I noticed a glimmering of joy. After several weeks of praising, of carrying around a little notebook and writing down the poet-moments, I realized that a path of praise trains us to become artists of life. Each moment carries something praiseworthy if only we can clear our eyes of the silt of routine and see the world with the freshness of a child. We can become poets of experience. 42. 57. You might touch pain.

How I Healed My Metabolism By Rewiring My Brain Being athletic doesn’t necessarily mean you're healthy. I used to run for miles, restrict my caloric intake, and eat as little fat as possible. Then I’d do it all over again the next day. The result? Though I appeared fit and healthy, I’d actually destroyed my metabolism. Not only was maintaining a healthy weight next to impossible, the scale was reading higher and higher numbers, my knees were aching, and I could feel my panic level rising. Luckily, holistic nutrition has come to my rescue! Healing my metabolism by re-wiring my brain and my body has been a long, challenging process. Here are few key things I’ve learned along the way that have helped me emerge from a very deep metabolic rut: Focus on high intensity exercise. Integrate regular yoga and strength training. Count nutrients, not calories! Enjoy healthy fats. There ya go! Photo Credit: Tailwind Jungle Lodge

My Top 9 Superfoods For Looking Good, Feeling Great & Losing Weight What’s so amazing about the leafys is that calorie for calorie, they deliver more nutrients than just about any other food on the planet. Loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, leafy greens stock your body with the artillery needed to fight off potential killers like heart disease and cancer. Simply put: leafys benefit virtually every cell you’ve got! My favorite leafy greens are kale, spinach, Swiss chard, mustard, and dandelion greens because they’re nutritious AND delicious. For an easy added boost, try greens powder in your smoothies.

Yes, Meditation Can Make You A Better Person We humans can be nasty things. Dr Zimbardo’s now famous 1971 psychology experiments and any basic history lesson make that abundantly clear. I didn’t go to a private girls school but I’m often told that’s a whole other lesson in meanness itself. We get drawn into separating "us" from "them" to the point of inter-group conflict (on minor and mass scales) and our brains (yes, our brains) are hardwired to discriminate and categorize our human brothers and sisters according to surface similarities. On the other hand, we humans can also be an awesomely benevolent, compassionate and loving species. Hot off the research presses, we have a creative study exploring how a six-week practice of loving-kindness meditation can reduce stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes towards homeless people. To obtain these results, the researchers assigned participants to one of three conditions: a six-week loving-kindness discussion, a six-week loving-kindness meditation, or a wait list as the control.
