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DIY Artwork - Easy Paint Projects - Painting Ideas

DIY Artwork - Easy Paint Projects - Painting Ideas
UPDATE: The long weekend is the perfect time to start some new projects, so why not try this awesome (and so easy) artwork DIY? This story was originally published on July 25. If there are two things that have been commanding our attention lately, they're cool artwork and chevron prints. So, we were obviously pretty stoked to find a way to incorporate both — for cheap! Inspired by the work of artist Nancy Ramirez, two stellar Refinery29 interns collaborated on this easy-does-it way to spice up an empty wall. From the moment we spied this Nancy Ramirez painting on Pinterest, we were smitten. To do this project, you'll need: A canvas, in any size you choose Painter's tape Acrylic paints in your preferred colors, plus one bottle of white paint A paintbrush (or two, if you'd rather alternate brushes than wash one between colors) Scissors A disposable plate, wax paper, or scrap cardboard to use as a palette Paper towels or a drop cloth to cover your work area Et voilà!

Unbelievable Oil Paintings by Fulvio di Piazza Fulvio Di Piazza was born in 1969 in Siracusa, Italy. He studied at Urbino Art Academy and currently lives in Palermo, Italy. In 2008, Di Piazza participated in the Quadriennale exhibition in Rome. In 2011, his work was included in an exhibition curated by Vittorio Sgarbi at the Italian Pavilion of the 54th Venice Biennale. Chek him at

Posts in the Crafts Category at The Frugal Girls Share some Easter joy this year with this fun Easter M&M Cookie Mix in a Jar! This Gift in a Jar is comes together in a snap, and your friends and family will LOVE the yummy cookies that it makes! … Continue reading Following is a fabulous Easter Craft and guest post shared by frugal friend Beverly Ann… enjoy! Easter is one of my favorite holidays…. with the promise of spring in the air! I love giving my nieces and nephews an Easter … Continue reading Do you really love Easter?? On the hunt for another fun and creative idea for filling those Easter eggs? Share some spring happiness this season with this fun Spring Burst Cookie Mix in a Jar! On the hunt for a sweet little gift to give this Easter? Add some fun flair to your Spring mantel with these Easter Mason Jar Candles! Would you love a make your own cute & thrifty bird feeder?? We all know that Jelly beans are the classic Easter treat ~ but did you know they’re also a super-fun way to share Jesus, too? Feeling crafty??

How To Mix Chalkboard Paint in Any Color We love using chalkboards as backdrops for displays and parties (like this one here!). So we were super excited to learn that you can create your own custom colors-and it's really easy! We first learned how from Martha Stewart whose tutorial you can read here. She recommends that you use latex paint, but we tried it out with acrylic paints with much success. Supplies: 1/2 cup acrylic paint (choose any color you like, or mix colors together to make the perfect shade!) 1. 2. Once your chalkboard has fully dried be sure to slate the surface before using it for the first time. Have fun creating any color combination you like!!

Crazy Awesome Paintings by Vladimir Kush Here is a collection of the incredible paintings of Vladimir Kush. Vladimir has been creating these surrealistic paintings since the late 80’s. I’m extremely impressed by his work, and you should be as well! Related Plywood Paintings by Robert Romanowic Plywood Paintings by Robert Romanowic, very unique and awesome! February 8, 2011 In "Inspiration" Amazing Contemporary Paintings by Christine Krainock Christine Krainock creates original, abstract oil painting & acrylic knife painting. December 12, 2011 In "Fine Art" Ellison Design student based in CA who was one of the co-founder of AIA and

MAGAZINE ENVELOPES 18K+ Well I got this idea from our friend Nina. She was making these super cute envelopes out of scrapbook paper and I really wanted to make some! So I came home and made some! They are so so SO simple and add a personal touch to your envelopes. You will need: An old magazine, scissors, an envelope, a glue stick and a Sharpie. Tear out some magazine pages that you like. Carefully pull the envelope apart. Trace the envelope on a magazine page. Cut the envelope shape out. Turn the envelope over as well as the magazine cut-out. Unfold everything and separate the magazine cut-out from the envelope. Glue the bottom flap down to the two side flaps. And you've made your own envelope! The great thing about making these envelopes our of magazine pages is that the envelopes have a character all of their own.

50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. 20. 40. Sources – muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! If you enjoyed this post, the Sifter highly recommends:

BEAUTY HAS NO COLOR What Are Pallets? 19 DIY Creations That Really Stack Up What Are Pallets? 19 DIY Creations That Really Stack Up Article by Marc, filed under Furniture & Decor in the Design category. What are pallets? And why should anyone care? (Images via homedit, homedit, decoist) A classy wood dining table can add a simple, rustic look to decor. (Images via mommyapolis, homedit, arninglaws) Now these are coffee tables! (Images via shadesoflight, homedit) The Victorian style of having library walls covered in rich, old growth forest wood, polished to a sheen and carved into intricate designs is just not that practical any more. (Images via homedit, domesticdoozie, wilsonandpugs) A little creativity can turn a pallet into the perfect addition to a kitchen. (Images via brainstorm, homivo, muttonhead) When green thumbs find themselves with limited space, they have to get creative. (Images via inhabitat, iarchive, beyondthepicketfence, recraftmagazine, poetichome) The possibilities of pallet furniture are endless.

Incredible Living Painting With Realistic Body Paint Usually, we admire that the artists can create characters vividly, while this time, we will introduce a different artist who turns living, breathing people into characters in oil painting. That is Alexa Meade. Alexa Meade is a 23-year-old artist based in Washington, DC area. She spent four summers interning on Capitol Hill and in 2008 was a press staffer on the Obama Campaign. She graduated in 2009 from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY with a bachelor’s degree in political science. She applies acrylic paint to the surfaces of people, objects, and walls in a broad brushstroke that mimics the appearance of brushwork in a painting in a technique that she innovated.

Creative DIY Tips & Project Ideas For Homemakers : Ryan Berkley | Animal Illustrations Ryan Berkley is a talented illustrator from Portland, Oregon. A big part of his portfolio are these witty and immaculate animal illustrations. When I first saw Ryan’s illustrations, I could almost imagine the personality of each of the portrayed animals. So when I saw that Ryan has created a individual profile on the animals, it just made them even better. Find the delightful profiles on his Etsy site. Via We Find Wildness
