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Ocean Portal by The Smithsonian Institution

Ocean Portal by The Smithsonian Institution
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Tableaux de Normandie | Andrée Lebel | France Jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre, le festival Normandie impressionniste célèbre la contribution des peintres de la lumière à l'évolution de l'art. Plusieurs expositions, des bals populaires et des déjeuners sur l'herbe sont au programme. Les vitrines des magasins prennent les teintes des oeuvres de Monet tandis que les chefs s'inspirent des recettes du peintre pour concocter des menus tout en finesse. Une centaine de villes et villages de Normandie, situés à proximité les uns des autres, participent à cette grande fête multidisciplinaire. Au-delà du festival, il y a le charme tranquille de la région avec les vaches assoupies sous les pommiers, les nombreuses plages et les magnifiques ciels humides, qui ressemblent étrangement à ceux des toiles peintes dans la région. Voici les principales étapes d'un parcours impressionnant. Honfleur Le berceau de l'impressionnisme En arrivant à Honfleur, j'ai immédiatement retrouvé l'ambiance des tableaux impressionnistes. Le havre Rouen Giverny On y va

Symbiotic Relationships in the Rain Forest Because the rain forest is a very diverse habitat, it contains many different species of plants and animals in close proximity to each other. These species often have complex relationships, many of which are beneficial to the participants. Such relationships are called symbiotic or mutualistic. In mutualism examples, mammals, birds, reptiles and insects may interact with plants and with each other to help with food, reproduction or to protect against predators. TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) Symbiotic relationships in the rainforest are interactions between species in which the partners benefit. Types of Symbiotic Relationships Many symbiotic relationships in the rainforest are broad, across several species, such as when insects pollinate plants and get pollen or nectar as food in return. Some organisms rely on several different relationships with different species, receiving and producing benefits in each one. Examples of Mutualism in Tropical Rainforest Ecosystems

Marine Conservation Biology Institute Cheesecake au sésame Lundi 17 mai 1 17 /05 /Mai 17:16 - Par missaeza Et voici mon cheesecake risqué et original que j'avais en tête de faire depuis un petit moment. Il était bon avec son goût très léger de sésame, il a beaucoup plu à mon beau frère préféré mais surtout il est très stylé! En route pour la liste et la réalisation : Pour la base - 200 gr de biscuit rose de Reims - 100 gr de beurre fondu Pour la partie crémeuse - 500 gr de ricotta - 200 gr de mascarpone - 120 gr de sucre - 2 oeufs entiers battus - 120 gr de pâte de sésame noir Pour le coulis - 500 gr de fraises (fraiches et bien mûres ou congelées) - 100 gr de sucre en poudre Allumer le four à 160° Pulvériser 200 gr de biscuit jusqu'à les réduire en poudre et faire fondre le beurre au micro-onde. Dans une jatte mélanger la poudre biscuitée et le beurre fondu puis étaler et tasser la préparation au fond d'un moule à charnière grâce au pied d'un verre puis réserver au frigo. .Au bout d'une heure, laisser le cheesecake de nouveau une heure dans le four éteint.

Global youth climate strike: What the protests look like around the world This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. Friday may be remembered as the largest global demonstration ever in the fight against climate change. Inspired by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, young people around the world have organized to skip school and protest in the street over the climate crisis and the adults who aren’t doing enough to transition off fossil fuels. Thunberg and her group Fridays for Future aren’t alone: They’ll be joined by adult climate activists, indigenous groups, workers from companies like Amazon and Google, and really anyone who feels like the world is overdue for dramatic action on climate change. The event is truly global: There are 2,500 events scheduled in over 150 countries. Let’s take a look at what’s happening around the globe. Afghanistan Australia Bangladesh Belgium Chile China El Salvador France Germany Greece India Indonesia Japan Netherlands Nigeria Pakistan

Blue Ocean Institute | Home 20 Free Social Media Icon Sets For a More Shareable Website If your blog needs a face lift, the creative types who power the web are here to help. Sometimes a few well-designed, tastefully placed icons can add a little class or creativity to an otherwise neutral theme. Social media links, which we'd argue are a priority for any blog, are a great opportunity to add some texture. To help, we've rounded up some of the most impressive works of social icon art circulating the web lately. If you use a fun icon set that didn't make our list, be sure to share the wealth in the comments section. 1. You don't need a "science" blog to take advantage of these lovely beakers. 2. These are just too cute to pass up. 3. These ice cubes are less practical, but they're so nicely rendered we had to include them. 4. Add these social pastries to any blog for a hint of the sweet updates you'll be posting to Twitter and Facebook. 5. Pining for the days when you'd scribble appointments into a book, rather than your Google Calendar? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 16.

Global climate strikes: Millions of children take part in protests to help protect the planet - CBBC Newsround These students were protesting in the Indian city of Mumbai Millions of children around the world have been taking part in a global climate change protest today - it's thought to be the biggest ever! Protestors from over 150 different countries have taken part in demonstrations aiming to put pressure on governments and decision-makers to do more about climate issues. The strikes are taking place ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Summit which begins on the 23 September. Those taking part want world leaders to take more urgent action to protect the planet now and in the future. Lots of children all over the world think that adults, politicians and big companies aren't doing enough to tackle climate change, and they want their voices to be heard. To leave a message, you can go straight to our comments below. And if you, or your class, want to send us some questions to put to a climate change expert, you or your teacher can send them to us here. What's happened? Twitter/@GretaThunberg Wales
