Top 10 Websites to Learn English Online for Free There are many ways for you to learn and improve your English, such as to hire a teacher, to go to school, to take an online course, and so on. And among those ways, the cheapest and still efficient way is to learn English online for free. You just need a computer with internet access, then visit some English learning websites and teach yourself without paying any money. It sounds cool, right? 1. Elllo focuses on your English listening skill. Go to Elllo 2. Fun Easy English mainly focuses on the basic English knowledge and teaching tips, its courses include pronunciation, grammar, idioms, slang, writing, tests and much more. Go to Fun Easy English 3. Go4English.com is owned by British Council, which is the UK’s international cultural relations body. Go to Go4English.com 4. Lang-8 focuses on writing in a foreign language. Go to Lang-8 5. For every language you choose to learn, Busuu provides a few courses, including writing exercises, vocabulary training, reading comprehension, and so on.
Le Conjugueur La traduction automatique gratuite en ligne La traduction automatique par ordinateur L'idée de faire traduire un texte par une machine fut émise dès la sortie des premiers ordinateurs, en 1949, à l'université de Washington. La recherche fut stoppée en 1966 suite à la parution d'un rapport demandé par le gouvernement américain. Ce rapport établissait que la traduction automatique n'avait aucun avenir que ce soit à court ou à moyen terme. Relancées au début des années 80, les recherches sur la traduction automatique (TA) utilisent alors le concept d'intelligence artificielle et la puissance de traitement accrue des nouvelles générations d'ordinateurs. Mais avec une fiabilité moyenne estimée à 60%, le succès n'est toujours pas au rendez-vous. Il faudra attendre la fin des années 90 et l'avènement de la société de l'information pour voir apparaitre de véritables débouchés aux logiciels de traduction automatique : traduction à la volée de page web, traduction de dépêches d'actualité ... Les logiciels de traduction automatique :
Learn Languages Via Subtitles While Watching Movies With LaMP A really great way to get good at a foreign language is to watch films that have subtitles in the language you’re learning; this allows you to correlate what you hear with definite, discrete words, and thus enhance your pronunciation. LaMP or Lingual Media Player is a Windows program that can play any film you load into it while reading its SRT (subtitles) file that you have stored on your computer. You can, in fact, have LaMP read two subtitles files simultaneously; one of the language you’re learning, and the other of your native tongue, so you always know what’s going on. LaMP has a pretty straightforward user interface; most users will require no additional information to get started. The second thing you need to do is load subtitles via the button on the toolbar with the same name; you’ll get the following window. In the ‘Subtitles 1’ field, browse for the film’s subtitles in the language you’re learning. Let’s take a closer look at the translation function. Download LaMP