Living Coworking. El libro de Coworking de Manuel Zea | Coworking Spain Living Coworking, un manual imprescindible para los que quieran comprender el secreto del éxito de una corriente laboral imparable Manuel Zea Barral, director de Coworking Spain, aborda en este libro los aspectos que caracterizan al coworking como filosofía de trabajo, analizando su éxito y evolución. Madrid, 23 de abril de 2013.- Todavía son muchos los que creen que abrir un espacio y ofrecer puestos de trabajo en alquiler es suficiente para crear un centro de coworking. Y es que aunque cada vez se oye hablar más de esta corriente, su esencia aún se les escapa a la gran mayoría de profesionales y emprendedores. “Quería compartir mi experiencia en el entorno del coworking para tratar de dar una respuesta a las posibles dudas que surgen cuando uno desea formar parte de esta nueva corriente, ya sea como coworker o como responsable de un centro de coworking, y animar a los lectores a que apuesten por este nuevo esquema laboral”, explica Manuel Zea. Comprar
Crowd funding Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.[1] One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.”[2] The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.[3] In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.[4] History[edit] Types[edit] The Crowdfunding Centre's May 2014 report identified the existence of two primary types of crowdfunding: Rewards-based[edit] Equity[edit] Debt-based[edit] Litigation[edit] Charity[edit] Role of the crowd[edit] Crowdfunding platforms[edit] Origins[edit] Press
Global Entrepreneurship Index | Global Entrepreneurship Development Institute The GEDI Institute has gathered and provided entrepreneurship and business statistics on a country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem through Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI). Enterprise is a crucial engine of economic growth. Without enterprise and entrepreneurs, there would be little innovation, little productivity growth, and few new jobs. Entrepreneurial success does not take place in a vacuum. This mix of attitudes, resources, and infrastructure is known as the entrepreneurship ‘ecosystem’. The GEDI methodology collects data on the entrepreneurial attitudes, abilities, and aspirations of the local population and then weights these against the prevailing social and economic ‘infrastructure’ – this includes aspects such as broadband connectivity and the transport links to external markets. 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Index rankings
So, What is SU? Since our inception in 2008, SU has empowered individuals from more than 85 countries to apply exponentially growing technologies, such as biotechnology, artificial intelligence and neuroscience, to address humanity’s grand challenges: education, energy, environment, food, health, poverty, security, space and water. In just six years, our alumni, partners and members have generated more than 100 startups, and numerous patents and ideas to help advance this mission. The Global Innovation Index | Leading Innovation Reference The Global Innovation Index (GII) aims to capture the multi-dimensional facets of innovation and provide the tools that can assist in tailoring policies to promote long-term output growth, improved productivity, and job growth. The GII helps to create an environment in which innovation factors are continually evaluated. It provides a key tool and a rich database of detailed metrics for 141 economies this year, which represent 95.1% of the world’s population and 98.6% of global GDP. With the support of the Government of the United Kingdom, the GII 2015 will be launched on 17 September 2015 in London, United Kingdom. The GII 2015 looks at “Effective Innovation Policies for Development” and shows new ways that emerging economy policymakers can boost innovation and spur growth by building on local strengths in traditional sectors and ensuring the development of a sound innovation environment.
"Disciplined Entrepreneurship" by Bill Aulet (Book Summary) Don’t have time to read? Here’s a quick but comprehensive summary of Bill Aulet’s “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup,” released on August 12. Who should read this: First-time and serial entrepreneurs who are looking for a solid product-market fit. Elevator pitch: This 24-step guide to product-market fit is based on a process that Aulet has been refining for years while teaching. Author: Aulet is the managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, which supports entrepreneurship education at MIT. Intro First off, entrepreneurship can be taught. This book will focus on innovation, which means taking an invention and commercializing it. The 24 steps address six key themes: Who is your customer? Step 0: Getting started There are three starting points for entrepreneurship: a technology, idea, or passion. Step 1: Market segmentation To segment your market, start by brainstorming possibilities. Step 2: Select a beachhead market Grade: A
International Startup Festival | July 2015 | Entrepreneurship | Montreal About Since 2011, the International Startup Festival has been putting a new spin on entrepreneurship. Each year, over 2,000 founders, investors, and analysts converge on Montreal from more than a dozen countries. Held in festival-friendly Montreal, content ranges from back-of-the-napkin ideas to champagne-popping exits. What sets us apart? Startupfest puts a different spin on the typical conference. There's nothing quite like Startupfest. Past events Every year, founders, investors and analysts converge on Montreal from more than a dozen countries.
Versátil, fuerte y ecológico: el material que promete destronar al plástico Casi todas las cosas que nos rodean tienen plástico, quizás por eso es que producimos unos 300 millones de toneladas de este material al año. Pero, ¿cuánto del plástico desechado se recicla? Solamente un 3%, mientras el resto va a atascarse a algún lugar del planeta, quedándose por siglos en vertederos y océanos, dañando ecosistemas, cadenas alimenticias y el medioambiente. Una simple bolsa plástica puede tardar unos 500 años en degradarse, según estimaciones de la ciencia, y aunque se han hecho esfuerzos por crear plásticos biodegradables, éstos no han alcanzado a impactar a la gigantesca industria construida en torno a estos productos, por su escasa versatilidad. La solución al exceso de basura plástica la ofrecieron silenciosamente los animales invertebrados con sus caparazones: escarabajos, camarones, crustáceos. Esto se había estudiado tímidamente a principios del siglo XX, pero con la aparición del plástico convencional se dejó de lado hasta que se retomó en la actualidad.
Coworking Visa Map curated by The Network Hub