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How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine

How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement We all have an increasing number of sites and online services we’re members of, and sometimes it all gets a little overwhelming. At times, we just need to delete our memberships to some sites, either in an effort to simplify our lives or just because we’ve grown tired of a particular site or service. What we often don’t realize when signing up for all these accounts, though, is how difficult it can be to permanently delete our accounts when we’ve had enough. Some require complicated, multi-step processes that can stretch over the course of days (or weeks). Others take less time, but still require multiple steps by the user. Below we’ll take a look at the account deletion processes of popular websites and services, and how easy or difficult they make it. Facebook Difficulty (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being hardest): 5 Deleting a Facebook account is a bit more complicated than many other services. Then you can use the form found here to request deletion. Twitter Difficulty: 2 MySpace

Microsoft Online Surveillance Guide - Cryptome Leak Cryptome, a whistleblower site that regularly leaks sensitive documents from governments and corporations, is in hot water again: this time, for publishing Microsoft’s “Global Criminal Compliance Handbook,” a comprehensive, 22-page guide running down the surveillance services Microsoft will perform for law enforcement agencies on its various online platforms, which includes detailed instructions for IP address extraction. You can find the guide here (warning: PDF). not anymore. Microsoft has demanded that Cryptome take down the guide — on the grounds that it constitutes a “copyrighted [work] published by Microsoft.” Yesterday, at 5pm, Cryptome editor John Young received a notice from his site’s host, Network Solutions, bearing a stiff ultimatum: citing the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), Network Solutions told him that unless he takes the “copyrighted material” down, they will “disable [his] website” on Thursday, February 25, 2010. So far, Young refuses to budge. So, briefly: 1.

google.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Comprendre les typologies de réseaux communautaires Observant avec plaisir sur ma timeline Twitter que les articles sérieux sur les typologies des réseaux sociaux commencent à remplacer les listes qui expliquent comment gagner 10000 followers sur Twitter en 3 jours ou comment développer sa marque sur Facebook en 15 points, je me prends au jeu. Pourquoi est-ce si important, avant même de parler techniques de community management de comprendre la communauté au sein de laquelle on souhaite s’engager? Parce que cela permet de comprendre s’il vaut mieux s’appuyer sur le bouche à oreille ou sur les leaders d’opinion. Un petit rappel, pour commencer. Il est intéressant cependant de segmenter les réseaux en deux catégories : les réseaux homogènes et les réseaux qui prennent la forme de “grappes”. Un réseau homogène est constitué de liens de force et de densité relativement égales. Un réseau sous forme de “grappes”, quant à lui, est beaucoup plus hétérogène. Existe-t-il une formule magique pour savoir comme classer une communauté en particulier ?

Dying Digitally Can the NSA and CIA use your phone to track your location? July 26, 2011, 12:43 PM — There's no need to panic, or start shopping for aluminum-foil headwear, but the super-secret National Security Agency has apparently been thinking frequently enough about whether the NSA is allowed to intercept location data from cell phones to track U.S. citizens that the agency's chief lawyer was able to speak intelligently about it off the cuff while interviewing for a different job. "There are certain circumstances where that authority may exist," even if the NSA has no warrant to investigate a the person whose privacy it is invading or global permission to eavesdrop on everyone, according to Matthew Olsen, the NSA's general counsel. He didn't come to talk about that particularly; he said it yesterday in response to a question from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which was considering whether he'd be a good choice to run the National Counterterrorism Center. So far, though, no law.

9 Implants that make human healthy body even more useful Here’s a list of 9 ways you can modify your body to be even more useful, from bionic implants to portable power generators. 1. RFID Chips – A nice and easy way to start out with body hacking is to implant an RFID chip into you. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Source Réseaux sociaux : 11 façons d’être généreux | Etudes en marketing, Haute Ecole ISE : Vansnick R. Un des concepts que j’essaie d’appliquer au maximum est de donner le plus souvent possible surtout si cela ne me coûte rien ou .. si peu. Voici donc une listes non-exhaustives de moyens pour faire plaisir tout simplement illustrée d’exemples: 1-. Le backlink Certains en sont plus qu’avare et ne font presque jamais de liens vers d’autres blogs. Faire des backlinks ne comporte que des avantages à mes yeux. Cela ne coûte vraiment rien C’est un moyen de se signaler à l’attention du site linké… et peut être recevoir un backlink en retour car certains pratiquent la réciprocité. Voici deux des liens qui m’ont amené le plus de visiteurs : C’est un incitant au Tweet ou RT : si on me link, j’ai tout intérêt à tweeter le billet car il peut m’amener des visites 2-. Lorsque vous avez le bonheur d’avoir de chouettes followers en nombre, c’est un outil très efficace pour drainer des visites. Il est relativement rare que l’on me demande de Tweeter un lien. 3-. 4-. 5-. 6-. 7-. 8-. 9-. 10-. 11-.

Please note - this is a real diary website ‘MegaSearch’ Aims to Index Fraud Site Wares A new service aims to be the Google search of underground Web sites, connecting buyers to a vast sea of shops that offer an array of dodgy goods and services, from stolen credit card numbers to identity information and anonymity tools. MegaSearch results for BIN #423953 A glut of data breaches and stolen card numbers has spawned dozens of stores that sell the information. The trouble is that each shop requires users to create accounts and sign in before they can search for cards. Enter, which lets potential buyers discover which fraud shops hold the cards they’re looking for without having to first create accounts at each store. This free search engine aggregates data about compromised payment cards, and points searchers to various fraud shops selling them. According to its creator, the search engine does not store the compromised card numbers or any information about the card holders. I first read about this offering in a blog post by RSA Fraud Action Research Labs.

Webographie ordonnée sur la réutilisation des données publiques Accueil des pages > Webographie ordonnée sur la réutilisation des données publiques Cette page, encore très incomplète, a vocation a compiler toutes les ressources utiles au sujet de la réutilisation des données publiques. On recherche ici des ressources un peu généralistes sans rentrer dans des niveaux de détail trop important (comme pourrait l'être la base de données tartempion sur la migration des abeilles forestières en milieu alpin). Cette page est modifiable par tous. Cartographie mondiale : données publiques, bibliographie, webographie, ressources

Digital Death and Afterlife Online Services List | The Digital Beyond The Digital Beyond maintains this list of online services that are designed to help you plan for your digital death and afterlife or memorialize loved ones. These services come in all flavors including digital estate services, posthumous email services and online memorials. If your service is not listed here, don’t feel left out. Let us know and we’ll add it to the list. 1000Memories Founded: July, 2010 1000memories provides memorial websites that allows users to invite other friends of the deceased to submit photos and stories. Afternote Founded: 2013 Afternote is a new free secure online platform aimed at helping people store everything that matters to them the most in life and in death. AfterSteps Founded: 2010 AfterSteps is an all-in-one end-of-life planning service. Founded: 2012 is a secure online tool for leaving posthumous messages. Bcelebrated Founded: July, 2009 Capsoole Deadman

untitled Operator Operator YAPO is a new incarnation of an award-winning portable Opera package. You can run Operator on any computer you want (company, library, your friend's computer) and without administration privileges as long as it's a Windows PC. Plus, unless you choose otherwise, no data will be stored at the host computer. Changes in the current release This initial release includes Opera 10.52. Subscribe to updates via the Operator RSS feed. Download Operator YAPO 1.0 Operator weights 10 MB and is Windows only. Please do not link directly to the files. Troubleshooting and bugs If you seek support or want to report a bug, please use the Troubleshooting forum. Looking for the old OperaTor? Here is an archive page.

La carte et le réseau social » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism Avec l'apparition des réseaux sociaux, un nouveau type de carte est apparu, le graphe social. Ce nouveau territoire est un enjeu de pouvoir selon Thierry Crouzet. Ce n’est pas tous les jours que nous découvrons une nouvelle carte. C’est à ma connaissance l’écrivain hongrois Frigyes Karinthy qui le premier supposa que nous étions tous connectés les uns avec les autres par l’intermédiaire des amis de nos amis. L’expérience de Milgram Cette idée resta d’ordre poétique jusqu’à ce que le sociologue Stanley Milgram se demande combien d’intermédiaires séparaient effectivement deux personnes choisies au hasard. Mais en 1967, Milgram avait une toute autre idée. À la grande surprise de Milgram, les lettres parvinrent à leur destinataire en passant par six intermédiaires en moyenne. Comme l’intuition de Frigyes Karinthy, l’expérimentation de Milgram n’eut pas de conséquence immédiate. Grâce à ce site ouvert en 1996, il est possible de connaître le degré de séparation entre deux acteurs de cinéma.
