Tokyo Street Art – 33 photos au hasard des rues Tokyo Street Art – 33 photos au hasard des rues Une sélection de 33 photographies de street art réalisées dans les rues de Tokyo. Les habitués de se souviendrons des sélections de street art à Marseille ou à Paris que je réalisais souvent. Mais Tokyo est une ville propre, et le street art ne se trouve pas à tous les coins de rues, car cela n’est simplement pas dans la culture locale de dégrader les biens publiques (ce qui est très agréable à vivre, sauf quand on cherche du street art). Ce qui ne veut pas non plus dire que les artistes ne sont pas présent !
Participatory Art Blog Des portraits géants dans les rues de São Paulo… Des portraits géants dans les rues de São Paulo… Dans la lignée du travail du l’artiste JR, voici aujourd’hui “Projeto Giganto“, un projet street art initié en 2008 par l’artiste Raquel Brust, qui a décidé d’installer des portraits géants dans les rues de São Paulo, au Brésil, afin de lutter contre l’impersonnalité de la ville et lui redonner un visage humain au sens littéral… Images © Projeto Giganto David Best (sculptor) David Best (born 1945) is an internationally renowned American sculptor. He is well known for building immense temples out of recycled wood sheets (discarded from making toys and other punch-outs) for the Burning Man festivals, where they are then burnt to the ground in a spectacle of light and heat. Best received a master's degree in sculpture from the San Francisco Art Institute, where he first took classes at the age of six. His commitment to public art seems rooted in 1960s-era idealism. Best first began collaborating with others, 20 years ago, when he embarked upon a sideline: stripping down vehicles and giving them total sculptural makeovers, using recycled materials and found objects, often retrieved from dumps and dumpsters. Best built his first Burning Man Temple in 2000, The Temple of the Mind. In 2002 Best returned with a new project: the Temple of Joy.
Blue Sky Painters – Quand un street artist illumine les rues de Téhéran avec des fresques incroyables Blue Sky Painters – Quand un street artist illumine les rues de Téhéran avec des fresques incroyables Les incroyables créations street art de l’artiste iranien Mehdi Ghadyanloo, qui avec sa société Blue Sky Painters illumine les rues de Téhéran avec des fresques incroyables… Entre illusion et poésie, les créations de Mehdi Ghadyanloo s’insèrent dans la ville avec subtilité et douceur, tout en apportant une belle dose de couleur. Magnifique ! Images © Mehdi Ghadyanloo / via The Temple: Sacred Heart of Black Rock City [Lee Gilmore teaches Religion & Anthropology at California State University Northridge and is author of Theater in a Crowded Fire: Ritual and Spirituality at Burning Man. This post is part of the Metropol Blog Series.] As travelers, historians, and archaeologists can tell you, great cities contain spiritual and ritual centers–physical manifestations of the human quest for the transcendent and magisterial. Grand cathedrals, imposing temples, and mosques with soaring minarets–each an attempt to intersect both divine and earthly powers. For Black Rock City, that heart is perhaps best identified with the annual Temples–each an ephemeral locus of memory and mourning. Rod Garrett tells us that the origins of BRC’s famous layout of concentric circles lay in pragmatic and organic decisions. Temple of Tears, 2001 To lead our design thinking we look to the idea of Counter-Monument.
American Excess – Le Street Art décalé de Plastic Jesus American Excess – Le Street Art décalé de Plastic Jesus “Stop Making Stupid People Famous“, une sélection des créations street art de Plastic Jesus, un artiste qui peuple les rues de Los Angeles avec des oeuvres engagées, abordant les problèmes de la société américaine, des idoles d’Hollywood à la consommation de masse en passant par le rêve américain brisé… Images © Plastic Jesus / via
Counter Monuments background/history In February 2014, we launched a redesigned version of our website to better meet the needs of the Facing History and Ourselves community. As part of the transition to the new site, we have also taken the opportunity to review thousands of existing pages and do some house-cleaning. Some older pages were phased out, particularly pages and media that had become out of date editorially, or that no longer worked because of changes in technology. If you're visiting this page, you may have used a link to one of these retired pages. We hope you will visit these pages to find our latest resources: For Educators and Educator Resources provide an in-depth starting place for exploring all our resources for educators. Other great tools to find what you need: Featured Projects Readings Resource Collections Publications Library We also have lots of features for our larger community, or those new to us. Search the site for what you're looking for
Montréal Street Art – Les superbes fresques de A’Shop Montréal Street Art – Les superbes fresques de A’Shop Les créations street art du A’Shop Crew, un collectif d’artistes canadiens qui réalise de superbes fresques et peintures dans les rues de Montréal… Des créations colorées, poétiques ou explosives, réalisées avec beaucoup de talent ! Images © A’Shop Ursonography 2005 | Jaap Blonk and Golan Levin Ursonography (2005: Jaap Blonk and Golan Levin) is a new audiovisual interpretation of Kurt Schwitters’ Ursonate, a masterpiece of 20th Century concrete poetry in which speech is reduced to its most abstract and musical elements. Dutch sound poet and virtuoso vocalist Jaap Blonk has performed the half-hour Ursonate more than a thousand times; in this presentation, Blonk’s performance is augmented with a modest but elegant new form of expressive, real-time, “intelligent subtitles.” [Italiano] In Ursonography Jaap Blonk e Golan Levin ripropongono una interpretazione audio e visuale della Ursonate (1922-1932) di Kurt Schwitters, un capolavoro di poesia concreta del XX secolo nel quale il linguaggio viene ridotto ai suoi elementi più astratti e musicali. The following 6'15" video at YouTube and Vimeo shows excerpts of the Ursonography performance from its premiere at the Ars Electronica Festival, September 2005 in Linz. Additional Resources Video