El framework más popular de Ajax Este es un interesante sondeo realizado por Ajaxian, la encuesta llega a su segunda edicion y según los datos el indiscutible ganador es… Prototype, el framework más popular de Ajax, con un 43% de popularidad, el siguiente es Script.aculo.us con un 33% confirmandose ambos cómo los indiscutibles frameworks más populares. Estos son los resultados de la encuesta: Aquellos frameworks con menos de un 3% no son mostrados En cuanto al lenguaje utilizado para el “lado del servidor” Php es el de más popularidad con un 50% de uso: Otros datos interesantes sacados de esta encuesta son: * 25% trabajan de manera directa con el objeto XMLHttpRequest * 11% utilizan la librería JSON para la transferencia de datos, desafortunadamente no hay datos suficientes para comparar esta librería con otros formatos de transferencia * 3% continuan utilizando ASP (Microsoft), 5 encuestados usan C++ * Un encuesta utiliza Delphi (¿Cómo lo estará haciendo?) Tutorial Básico de AjaxAjaxian
Dual Boot Windows Vista and XP This tutorial will show you how to install Microsoft Windows Vista in a dual boot option with Microsoft Windows XP. This is great choice when you first migrate to Vista. If there are any problems, you can simply boot into XP and get important work done. In order to install Windows Vista in a dual-boot configuration along with Windows XP, you need to have either a second partition on your existing hard disk or a second hard disk in your system. Once you have your second partition or second hard disk operational, just insert your Windows Vista disk and restart the machine. The default settings are set for English, click next to continue. Now select the Install Now button . Now you will need to enter your Microsoft Windows Vista serial number. At this point in the installation, you’re prompted to type in your product key for activation. If you didn’t enter a serial key, the setup will prompt you for the version of Microsoft Windows Vista that you are using.
Paul Irish Request Douglas Crockford douglas@crockford.com 2006-04-17 (Updated 2012-08-10) Abstract XMLHttpRequest has a security model that is inadequate for supporting the next generation of web applications. Motivation The next generation of web applications will be much more data intensive. XMLHttpRequest is constrained by the Same Origin Policy. If the Same Origin Policy were not in place, then the user could be harmed by XSS (cross site scripting) attacks. If the Same Origin Policy were not in effect, a pirate.net page could send a request via XMLHttpRequest to penzance.org. If penzance.org sits behind a firewall, and if the internal servers assume that the firewall makes explicit authorization unnecessary, then the pirate.net page could be used as a proxy, accessing the contents of penzance.org for transmission back to pirate.net. The Same Origin Policy frustrates these attacks, but it also frustrates a larger class of legitimate uses. Surprisingly, the Same Origin Policy does not apply to scripts.
XBase - linux.techass.com [ Status | Documentation | Downloads | CVS | Mailing Lists | Developer Info | License | Links | Credits | Contact ] Welcome Welcome to the home of Xbase, the XBase compatible C++ class library formerly known as XDB, also formerly know as xBase :). Xbase (XDB) started out as merely a bugfix and enhancement of the xBase version 1.8.1 class library, but as of June 2000 Gary Kunkel (the original author of the xBase library), passed the "torch" on to us. At that time we decided to go ahead and continue using the XDB name, but now a large company (who shall remain unnamed) informed us that we can't use XDB for our library as they are using it for theirs. So we have now changed the name back to Xbase. The original xBase website is still available here. With the exception of these web pages, the project is being hosted by SourceForge at the XBase SourceForge Project Page. What is it? We intend to provide complete backwards compatibility with the original xBase library. Current Status Documentation
yayQuery Podcast - A jQuery Podcast Document Object Model Core This section defines a set of objects and interfaces for accessing and manipulating document objects. The functionality specified in this section (the Core functionality) is sufficient to allow software developers and web script authors to access and manipulate parsed HTML and XML content inside conforming products. The DOM Core API also allows creation and population of a Document object using only DOM API calls; loading a Document and saving it persistently is left to the product that implements the DOM API. 1.1.1. The DOM Structure Model The DOM presents documents as a hierarchy of Node objects that also implement other, more specialized interfaces. The DOM also specifies a NodeList interface to handle ordered lists of Nodes, such as the children of a Node, or the elements returned by the getElementsByTagName method of the Element interface, and also a NamedNodeMap interface to handle unordered sets of nodes referenced by their name attribute, such as the attributes of an Element.
Non-Muslim Scientists embraced Islam after discovering the Mirac Scientists’ Comments On The Qur’an Extracts from the video This is the Truth by Sheikh Abdul-Majeed A. al-Zindani, Director, Project of Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an and Hadith, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Elias Karim © Islamic Awareness, All Rights Reserved. SOURCE: Keith L. Joe Leigh Simpson Gerald C. Alfred Kroner Yushidi Kusan Professor Armstrong William Hay Durja Rao Professor Siaveda Tejatat Tejasen Dr. Bibliography[1] al-Zindani, Abdul-Majeed A, This is the Truth (video tape). [2] Moore, Keith L. and al-Zindani, Abdul-Majeed A., The Developing Human with Islamic Additions, Third Edition, W.B. [3] Moore, Keith L., al-Zindani, Abdul-Majeed A., Ahmed Mustafa A, The Qur’an and Modern Science – Correlation Studies, Islamic Academy for Scientific Research, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. [4] Moore, Keith L.; Johnson, E. Create your own visitor map! Like this: Like Loading...
adam j. sontag | this is like a website, only less finished. Ten Javascript Tools Everyone Should Have Filed: Sun, Mar 04 2007 under Programming|| Tags: toolbox javascript popular list Javascript frameworks have exploded on the scene over the last few years but they're no replacement for a good toolbox: those little snippets of code you seem to include in every single project. Here's my list of 10 essential Javascript tools everyone should have at their fingertips! #0 - Trim. Trim is one of the things that leave you scratching your head wondering why it was never included in the language to begin with. String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } String.prototype.ltrim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/g,""); } String.prototype.rtrim = function() { return this.replace(/\s+$/g,""); } Usage… var test = " Test "; var test1 = test.ltrim(); // returns "Test " var test2 = test.rtrim(); // returns " Test" var test3 = test.trim(); // returns "Test" #1 - Numeric Sort. Javascript's Array object has a sort() method, and a pretty quick and fast one at that.