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5 a day Disco en français

5 a day Disco en français
Related:  french3 healthbreakouts

36 French Words And Phrases Related To Yoga Heads up, yoga enthusiasts! If the French language and yoga are two of your favorite things, this article is especially for you. Here are some French words and phrases that you’ll find quite helpful when doing yoga. Whether you’re in a French-speaking destination and wish to join a yoga class or simply trying to incorporate the French language in your daily activities, this list will provide you with the French equivalents of words that you’ll hear in yoga class. So what are you waiting for? 36 French words and phrases related to yoga Les poses de yoga - yoga poses French words and phrases about body parts So there you go.

Muévete si….with a tiny bit of grammar – Loading up my little darlings with C... If your kiddos are like my kiddos… they say (and write) things like yo tiene. And if you’re like me, you think, it’s OK, they just need more input, but secretly it drives you crazy. And so (if you’re like me) you spend a lot of time thinking of ways to give them more input so they can replace yo tiene with TENGO in their heads, because come on guys!! I love the activity “Muévete si” as a way to give them input and build in movement when they’re getting sleepy…but it turns out that “Muévete si” is a really great vehicle for some contextualized grammar lessons that don’t feel like grammar lessons. Have a watch… And excuse the bouncy video…I set up my tripod in the middle of the classroom…which is not the best placement when you want kids to move quickly from one seat to another! Will they magically acquire the “I” form with this simple little trick. Enjoying this beautifully blizzardy SNOW DAY from home! Oh!

24 heures sans téléphone portable This is a text with exercises I posted recently on It would suit an intermediate level class (in England and Wales Higher Tier GCSE). Feel free to copy and paste it for your own purposes. This resource constitutes a whole lesson plan in itself, especially if you add some more oral discussion or compositional writing. 24 heures sans téléphone portable ? Le 6 février 2019 était la Journée mondiale sans téléphone portable. L'idée de cette journée sans portable vient d'un écrivain français, Phil Marso. Que l'on décide d'y participer ou non, cette journée a un avantage : elle nous montre l’importance du portable dans nos vies. Le portable donne l'impression de rapprocher les personnes, mais le portable peut également isoler. Vocabulaire A.​Cochez les phrases vraies 1.​La journée mondiale sans portable était au mois de février.2.​Le portable ne joue pas un rôle important dans nos vies.3.​La journée sans portable est pour la France seulement (only) ? G.​Quelle est ton opinion?

¿✘ o ✔? Weekend Talk Tasks - The Art of Co-Created Comprehensible Chaos – Comprehensible French It’s that time of year. Teachers in the cooler climes know it well. The holidays are over, the snow days and delays are accumulating, and – atchoum! – germs and viruses are running rampant. That’s what happened to me – with a vengeance – during the third week of February. What does a Comprehensible Input teacher do in such chaotic seasonal circumstances? Creating Chaos for Orderly Outcome Yes, I decided to riff of of the chaotic circumstances on campus and the real-life experiences of my students to create compelling comprehensible content on the fly. I wrote a short paragraph on the white board and then I told the students that it was story time.I distributed blank pieces of printer paper and clipboards to the students (fyi we are a deskless classroom) and explained that their job was to doodle in real-time the details of the story. Then the fun really began. The Phone Number Generator: they were responsible for inventing a new phone number for the doctor each turn.

my-first-attempt-at-bvp-style-task I am finally reading Bill Van Patten's book While We're on the Topic and it is excellent and making me think a lot!I highly recommend it. It is definitely a paradigm shift. Reading this book has been good for two reasons: 1) it is reaffirming a lot of what I do in my classroom and 2) it is challenging me to think deeper about some of the things I do... and make some changes. I am about 87% through the book. I have highlighted a ridiculous amount of passages and will go back and reread those! You can purchase the book here from ACTFL. One thing that I read about, and have been thinking a lot about, are Exercises, Activities, and Tasks. Exercises: Not communicative. Here are the Tasks (see this document for what students will have): Students read 20 activities (in the first person) that they may have done over weekend (I got these from this presentation from Christy Lade) and put a check or an ✘ o ✔ in the column next to each one. Here is another similar Task:

APQ pour tous les niveaux - Activité physique quotidienne Ces vidéos, accompagnées d'un tableau blanc interactif (TBI), permettent aux élèves de bouger en classe. *Visionnez toujours vous-même les vidéos avant de les montrer à vos élèves.* Zumba avec Subito texto - Défi des Cubes énergie 2016 Lève-toi et bouge 2013- Zumbatomic® Le cube énergie Subito texto Entraînement Bouge au cube! Pause active WIXX : Julie Ringuette Pause active WIXX : Megan Brydon & Jorge Murcia Ramirez Pause active WIXX : Pier-Luc Funk Pause active WIXX : Pascal Morrissette et M. Pause active WIXX : Benoît Drouin-Germain Capsule d'activité physique avec Moustachat #4 Faisons de l'exercice avec Moustachat #3. Faisons de l'exercice avec Moustachat #1 Faisons de l'exercice avec Moustachat #2 Rajouter du ruban adhésif de couleur en classe et vos élèves peuvent marcher sur une <<corde raide>>. Vincent Lecavalier - Marcher sur une corde raide Ces vidéos, accompagnées d'un TBI, permettent aux élèves de danser en classe. Danser comme un Wixx - 2014 Danse comme un Wixx simplifié

Beginning of class routine worksheet Rutina comienzo de clase Beginning of class routine Download Worksheet Theme: Beginning of class routine Check also our Spanish music videos, games, worksheets, flashcards and songs. Check out the "beginning of class routine" worksheet samples below: Related Content song Free Beginning of class routine Song video Beginning of class routine Video Videos Games Songs Worksheets Picturedictionaries Become a memberGet unlimited access to our content librarySign Up Content typeVideosGamesSongsWorksheetsPicture dictionary More StuffStoreBlogWho we areContact Your accountSign upLoginRenew subscription Rockalingua Foundation10% for a good cause

50 activités physiques OPHEA.pdf Routines for Spanish Class - Srta Spanish Routines are a great way to start class! They help you plan and they help students know what to expect every day. You don’t have to do the exact same thing every time, but having the structure in place is fantastic! I used to do a bell-ringer every day in my classes but I’ve shifted to using a different routine for each day of the week and I love it. Here are the routines that I use in my classes! Monday: Weekend Chat Weekend chat is a great way to get to know your students and what they like to do! Tuesday: Free Voluntary Reading Every Tuesday we spend five minutes of class reading. Wednesday: Música Miércoles I love that my students are hearing people other than me speak Spanish, and experiencing culture in a way that is accessible to them. Thursday: Persona Especial We kicked this routine off with a bang by inviting in members of the administration! Friday: Movie Talk or Picture Talk This one requires a bit more prep than the other routines, but it’s so fun! Your Turn! Like this:

5 ways to jazz up Weekend Talk – Loading up my little darlings with Comprehen... We like to talk about our weekends or breaks when we get back to class, but sometimes my students get bored with the same ol routine. (Ok, to be honest, I get bored.) Our brains crave novelty. Muévete si…. It’s easy and requires no prep at all. Guess who? This one takes a bit more work but they get a lot of input out of it and it’s a game as well. Thumbs up/ thumbs down- The teacher just asks questions about their weekend: Who went to the movies this weekend? ¡Yo también! Sometimes I’m feeling a bit obnoxious (or my kids are asleep on a Monday morning and I owe it to them to wake them up so they can acquire all kids of Spanish) So I’ll write a phrase on the board like ¡Yo también! Cierto/Falso– I haven’t done this one after a vacation, but today both Eve and Rita Barrett told me that they used this activity after a week off and reported that it worked well!

Weekend Chat Update (Structures to support student learning and teacher sanit... This year I am teaching the bookends: levels 1 & 2… and AP. One teacher sanity saving strategy for teaching six classes with three preps is to use the same activities across levels, adapting for the class you’re in. Weekend chat is one of those activities. Though I have some high flyers in AP (in all classes, really) even they can benefit from scaffolded support to help them grow. Here’s a supporting document that I created to help all levels. You can find editions adjusted for quarantine-friendly activities here. Updated 9/2020: Get the Spanish edition with preterit tense here: Weekend chat placemat Update 9/8/2018: A future tense version of the Spanish edition (Iré…): Weekend chat placemat Spanish Future Updated 9/2020 Update 9/19/2018: An immediate future version of the Spanish edition (Voy a…) And thanks to Lindsay Smythe Doucet, here’s a French version: Weekend chat placemat FRENCH German editions past & immediate future (I’m going to…) are here! Like this: Like Loading...

Daily Dashboard (Structures to support student learning and teacher sanity, p... While using a bellringer/do now/warm up has been around for a while, they had long been a struggle for me. This year I am working very hard to be consistent while still maintaining novelty, and the daily dashboard has been very helpful for me and for my students. One of the inspirations for this was Laura at PBLintheTL–see her version here. What’s a dashboard? For me, it’s having consistent elements on a slide that is posted as students come in that sets the class up for success. Since I meet students at the door every day, every period, I need a way to communicate quickly and effectively what they should do independently to start class. While the content will vary according to our needs, these things are consistent: Some benefits: How to make a dashboard: It’s a slide with a consistent layout & elements. When I work with new teachers–especially on classroom management–one of my key questions is “what do you want your start of class to look like?” Do you dashboard? Like this: Like Loading...
