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La sécurité du web passera-t-elle par vous ? : Ergonomie Web, Expérience Utilisateur et Ruby On Rails Cet article est la traduction de l’article Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? écrit par Chris Heilmann et initialement publié dans Smashing Magazine. La sécurité des sites web est un sujet des plus critiques, qui devrait concerner toute personne présente sur le web. Le problème avec la sécurité sur le web, c’est qu’elle est aussi complexe à mettre en oeuvre qu’elle est importante. Il faut dire que les experts en sécurité n’aiment parler ni de ce qu’ils font, ni des causes aux problèmes ; ils peuvent également être particulièrement arrogants quand ils exposent leur point de vue. La faute en incombe également à tous ces didacticiels qui vous apprennent comment “faire un truc en cinq minutes”, tout en négligeant les implications de leurs conseils. Attention : ce dont nous allons parler dans cet article ne fera pas de vous un expert en sécurité, pas plus qu’acheter un couteau suisse ne fera de vous un as du crochetage ou acheter un fouet ne fera de vous un dompteur de lions.
La vie des intégrateurs, chapitre III : puis vint Html5 Depuis plusieurs mois on ne lit plus que ça dans les nombreux blogs qui parlent d’intégration, de développement ou de webdesign. C’est venu timidement et puis la sortie des nouvelles versions des navigateurs a accéléré le processus, du coup les mêmes démonstrations se répètent inlassablement sans que concrètement on puisse dans un cadre professionnel utiliser pleinement toutes ces nouveautés. On peut maintenant faire des sites en HTML5 et CSS3 ! D’abord pourquoi passer à HTML5 alors que pendant des années on a seriné à tous ceux qui voulaient l’entendre que XHTML, c’est l’avenir, il y a rien de mieux et que franchement HTML c’est has-been (ok je caricature, mais à peine). Plusieurs solutions : Continuer à faire du bon vieux XHTML 1 et CSS 2.1Faire accepter qu’avec IE ce sera moins bienFaire du code forking, comme on faisait avant que des bibliothèques JS gèrent ça pour nous : une version pour IE une version pour les autresPrendre le risque des solutions JS quand même
mod_rewrite cheat sheet | mod_rewrite reference with useful examples. A Binary-Octal-Decimal-Hexadecimal-Base36 converter By Tony Marston 13th June 2003 Amended 7th April 2004 Intended Audience Prerequisites The Converter form The Converter code - Input-Output operations - Decimal to String conversion - String to Decimal conversion Summary Amendment History This tutorial is intended for developers who wish to have a utility which will quickly enable them to convert values from one number format to another. Although PHP has a series of standard functions to convert values between decimal (base 10) and binary (base 2), octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16) and back again, this tutorial will show you how to build a single routine that can process other number systems such as Base 36. Access to a working PHP development environment. It is a self-contained, self-executing script. It has multiple input fields. It has multiple submit buttons. It has some simple validation which may cause an error message to be displayed. It uses some basic string manipulation and mathematical functions. <form action=" <? if (! do {
Ncrack - High-speed network authentication cracker Ncrack is a high-speed network authentication cracking tool. It was built to help companies secure their networks by proactively testing all their hosts and networking devices for poor passwords. Security professionals also rely on Ncrack when auditing their clients. Ncrack's features include a very flexible interface granting the user full control of network operations, allowing for very sophisticated bruteforcing attacks, timing templates for ease of use, runtime interaction similar to Nmap's and many more. Ncrack was started as a "Google Summer of Code" Project in 2009. Ncrack is available for many different platforms, including Linux, *BSD, Windows and Mac OS X. Specific details and instructions are available for the source code distribution, Windows binaries, and Mac OS X binaries, and Current subversion repository source. The Ncrack tarball compiles under Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other UNIX platforms like *BSD. tar -xzf ncrack-0.4ALPHA.tar.gz cd ncrack-0.4ALPHA .
"Mobifying" Your HTML5 Site Introduction Developing for the mobile web is a hot topic these days. This year, for the first time ever, smart phones out sold PCs. The "mobile" battlefield is still uncharted waters for a large number of developers. Creating a mobile-friendly html5rocks.com As an exercise I thought it would be interesting to take html5rocks (an existing HTML5 site) and augment it with a mobile-friendly version. This article examines how we created a mobile version of html5rocks optimized for Android and iOS devices. HTML4 and CSS2 have supported media-dependent style sheets for some time. would target print devices and provide specific styling for the page content when it is printed. You can use media queries in the media attribute of your external stylesheets to target screen width, device width, orientation, etc. In the following example, phone.css would apply to devices that the browser considers "handheld" or devices with screens <= 320px wide. Some read only the handheld style sheet. <head> ...
3 Solutions for Supporting Internet Explorer In the beginning, Internet Explorer was the progressive browser. After a period of inactivity, Internet Explorer became the bane of our existence. Microsoft has since recommitted to their browser but the fact remains that sometimes modern Internet Explorer is lagging just a bit behind WebKit-based browsers and Firefox. We also need to accommodate for earlier versions of IE. The following will allow your sites to quickly and almost magically work better in Microsoft's flagship browser! htmlshiv.js Remy's HTML5shiv creates HTML5 elements like main, header, footer, etc. via JavaScript. selectivizr.js Selectivizr.js is an incredible resource, polyfilling loads of unsupported CSS selectors and properties, including the all-important last-child. An absolute must for your modern projects. <html> Conditional Comments The ugliest conditional comment series you'll ever see. This snippet doesn't require or wait on JavaScript, and isn't near the weight of a JavaScript library.
Freeware - kostenlose PC MIDI Software für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke Konvertiert MIDI Format 1 in Format 0, samt einem einfachen Karaoke MIDI Player. Zeigt welche interessanten Funktionen GNMIDI Shareware enthält. Hinweis Sie müssen einige DOS Kenntnisse zur Bedienung der MS-DOS-Eingabeaufforderung (cmd.exe) besitzen, um diese DOS Tools benutzen zu können. Viele der Tools sind in der Windows Shareware GNMIDI enthalten, die leichter zu bedienen ist und wo die Funktionen verbessert wurden. midi2txt Konvertiert MIDI Dateien in lesbare Textdateien txt2midi Übersetzung von Text in MIDI Datei midi2gm GM Kompatibilität von MIDI Dateien erhöhen midifix Repariert fehlerhaft strukturierte MIDI Dateien. midi2to0 Konvertiert Format 2 Datei in Format 0 Dateien midi1to0 Konvertiert Format 1 Datei in Format 0 Datei midi0to1 Konvertiert Format 0 Datei in Format 1 Datei midi0to2 Konvertiert Format 0 Datei in Format 2 Datei midifade Ein- oder Ausblenden der Lautstärken. midipat miditran Transponiert Noten, ändert Lautstärke oder Notenanschlagstärke. mididmp dmp2midi midi2hex midifind miditrk midifmt
SkipfishDoc - skipfish - Project documentation - Project Hosting on Google Code Written and maintained by: <Michal Zalewski>, <Niels Heinen> and <Sebastian Roschke> Copyright 2009 - 2012 Google Inc, rights reserved. Released under terms and conditions of the Apache License, version 2.0. What is skipfish? Skipfish is an active web application security reconnaissance tool. Why should I bother with this particular tool? A number of commercial and open source tools with analogous functionality is readily available (e.g., Nikto, Websecurify, Netsparker, w3af, Arachni); stick to the one that suits you best. High performance: 500+ requests per second against responsive Internet targets, 2000+ requests per second on LAN / MAN networks, and 7000+ requests against local instances have been observed, with a very modest CPU, network, and memory footprint. That said, skipfish is not a silver bullet, and may be unsuitable for certain purposes. Most curious! A rough list of the security checks offered by the tool is outlined below. All right, I want to try it out. $ . $ . $ . $ . $ . $ .
Initializr - Start your HTML5 project in 15 seconds! Broken Link Checker Tool - Dead Link Checker Worried about broken links affecting your website's usability and rankings? Site Checker is a free tool, which crawls through your website identifying broken links for you to fix. Multi Check enables you to run Dead Link Checker through multiple websites in one go. Our most popular service is Auto Check, which runs Dead Link Checker through your website(s) on a regular basis and emails the reports to you automatically. Why are broken links bad? They negatively impact usability - resulting in reduced traffic and conversions.They damage your rankings - by preventing search engine website crawlers from indexing pages. Site Checker is a simple solution for webmasters and SEOs Identifying broken links on your website is easy and free. To access the multi-site checker or auto checker, first or
ssh tricks - the usual and beyond The basics: Password-less login: This is usually the first thing start doing when want automation with ssh $ ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/patrick/.ssh/id_dsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /Users/patrick/.ssh/id_dsa. Install your keys on a remote server: $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub user@remotehost $ cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | ssh user@remotehost "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" Passphrase automation: If you have protected your keys with a passphrase (which you should), then it is annoying to re-enter that all the time. $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa Need passphrase for /home/mah/.ssh/id_dsa (you@example.com). Pseudo Terminal : some commands like sudo require a pseudo terminal to be activated $ ssh -t patrick@remotehost sudo cat /etc/passwd Avoid lastlog: Log in without appearing in lastlog/w and who output. $ ssh -T user@hostname.com Piping Speed
Gestion des images en HTML Mars 2014 Comment afficher des images sur une page web? Quelques images sur un site Web peuvent le rendre plus attractif et plus convivial, cependant il est important de ne pas sombrer dans l'excès car les images peuvent impliquer un temps de chargement assez long et peuvent dans certains cas nuire à la lisibilité. La balise IMG du langage HTML permet d'insérer des images dans une page HTML. L'image peut être située sur le même serveur que la page dans laquelle elle est insérée mais également sur un autre serveur en spécifiant son URL complète. Seuls les formats d'images suivants sont acceptés en standard dans les spécifications du W3C : Les principaux attributs de la balise IMG sont les suivants : SRC: Indique l'emplacement de l'image (il est obligatoire) ALIGN: Spécifie l'alignement de l'image par rapport au texte adjacent. Ainsi pour insérer une image, il faudra saisir une balise du type suivant : Texte enveloppant une image Il existe en fait plusieurs façons, nous allons en voir deux :