Comic Master Glow-In-The-Dark Smart Highways Coming To The Netherlands in 2013 UPDATE: And Holland delivers – glow-in-the-dark highways are now a real thing! Transportation thoroughfares in the Netherlands are about to take a big leap into the 21st century. The Dutch design firm Studio Roosegaarde and Heijmans Infrastructure, a major European road construction company, will transform roads in southern Holland into smart highways beginning in the middle of next year. Over the next five years, features to be implemented will include glow-in-the-dark roads, paint that illuminate to warn of icy conditions, interactive and wind lighting, and an induction priority lane for electric cars, once the particulars of scale for that technology are worked out. With much of the focus on innovation in transportation aimed at automobiles, the Dutch designers opted to focus instead on the roads themselves. The design was recently named a “Best Future Concept” at the Dutch Design Awards show in Eindhoven. One of the improvements the design team proposed was the use of dynamic paints.
Saving The World With Free Energy. this site is currently under construction | Free Energy And Free Thinking The Internet map Next Upcoming Online Poker Tournaments Schedule No Tournaments Found Matching Your Criteria - Please Refine Your Search Poker Tournaments script developed and hosted by Poker Freerolls at Poker Tournament Monitor Welcome to our poker tournaments schedule. This page is always updated with the latest poker tournaments and freerolls from all major and reliable poker networks and poker rooms. The schedule are updated via automatix XML feeds directly from the poker clients! To see what the requirements is (if there is any), click the green icon. You have various sorting options in the schedule, so you can easily find the tournaments YOU want! January 11, 2014 - Pokerstars TCOOP 2014 Tournament Schedule Released The Pokerstars TCOOP (TURBO CHAMPIONSHIP OF ONLINE POKER) will be returning at Pokerstars in January 2014! Carnival - The Bigger USD 27.50, USD 30K GtdPrizepool:$30Buy-in:$25.00+$2.50 The Bigger $11. Carnival - The Bigger USD 2.20, USD 10K GtdPrizepool:$10Buy-in:$2.00+$0.20 Pacific Rim Special. $16,000 Guaranteed. The Biggest $3.30.
Biometric security toy box | Grant Gibson #include <Servo.h> #include <Adafruit_Fingerprint.h> #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #else #include <NewSoftSerial.h> #endif int getFingerprintIDez(); Servo myservo; int pos = 0; int servoLock = 0; int mytimer = 0; int speakerOut = 6; int printID = -1; SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3); NewSoftSerial mySerial(2, 3); Adafruit_Fingerprint finger = Adafruit_Fingerprint(&mySerial); void setup() Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("fingertest"); myservo.attach(10); myservo.write(82); pinMode(8, INPUT); digitalWrite(8, LOW); pinMode(speakerOut, OUTPUT); finger.begin(57600); if (finger.verifyPassword()) { Serial.println("Found fingerprint sensor!") } else { Serial.println("Did not find fingerprint sensor :("); while (1); Serial.println("Waiting for valid finger delay(500); myservo.detach(); void loop() printID = getFingerprintIDez(); if(printID >= 0) { if(servoLock == 0) { myservo.write(10); servoLock = 1; servoLock = 0; delay(1000); mytimer = 0; } else if (printID == -2) { analogWrite(speakerOut,100); delay(100); mytimer++;
Ardumote Tutorial - Control an Arduino from an iPhone Thats it! Pretty simple, huh? Go ahead and tap the Toggle button on your interface. Move the slider around and watch the LED dim and brighten as you move it. From here, you can replace the LED with a relay and control bigger things. Also notice the little arrow at the bottom of the screen. URGENT ! Coca-Cola, Tuc, Colgate … Des produits quotidiens mais très toxiques, Regardez pourquoi ! | insolitebuzz.fr - Votre site media de référenceinsolitebuzz.fr – Votre site media de référence Le magazine de l’Institut national de la consommation (INC) pointe plusieurs familles de produits contenant des substances toxiques et dont nous faisons un usage quotidien. > Ils sont épinglés Le Coca-Cola et le boissons énergisantes, le vinaigre balsamique, les bonbons (Carambar), les gnocchis (à poêler, Panzani), les biscuits apéritifs (Tuc), les barres chocolatées (Kellogs, Special K), les condiments (Savora). Ainsi que les alcools et cocktails avec ou sans alcool (Old nick, Mister cocktail), les chewing-gum (Hollywood, Mentos), les soupes (Maggi, Royco minute soup). > Pourquoi ? Ils peuvent contenir le colorant E150D, des sulfites de sodium, des colorants azoïques ou du BHA. Le colorant caramel E150D est classé « cancérigène possible » par le centre international de recherche sur le cancer (Circ). Le sulfite de sodium (E221) est un conservateur qui peut provoquer des maux de tête, des démangeaisons ou des difficultés respiratoires, note « 60 millions de consommateurs ». > Pourquoi ?