“Dead Drops” preview at Aram Bartholl I am pleased to preview ‘Dead Drops’ a new project which I started off as part of my ongoing EYEBEAM residency in NYC the last couple weeks. ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. I am ‘injecting’ USB flash drives into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody in public space. Dead drop (Wikipedia) In the meanwhile drop some files here! 87 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY (Makerbot)Empire Fulton Ferry Park, Brooklyn, NY (Dumbo)235 Bowery, NY (New Museum)Union Square, NY (Subway Station 14th St)540 West 21st Street, NY (Eyebeam) Udate: I have to admit I wasn’t prepared for this unbelievable feedback I am got in the recent days. The site is still a bit naked but step by step I am adding content (FAQ, how to, movie docu etc). All pics on flickr ! This is my blog. 427 Responses to '“Dead Drops” preview' Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.
Probabilities in the Game of Monopoly® Probabilities in the Game of Monopoly® Table of Contents I recently saw an article in Scientific American (the April 1996 issue with additional information in the August 1996 and April 1997 issues) that discussed the probabilities of landing on the various squares in the game of Monopoly®. I was intrigued enough with this problem that I started working on trying to find the probabilities for landing on the different squares with all of the rules taken into account. I first wrote a C program that simulates a single person rolling the dice and moving around the board a great number of times. I discovered that it is really necessary to model two different strategies. In the process of figuring all of this out I ran into an interesting difficulty. Just as I finished putting together this web page, I realized that there is a more efficient way of making the probability calculations. Long Term Probabilities for Ending Up on Each of the Squares in Monopoly® Back to my homepage.
Web Blog / Colorful Scraper Bikes by COLOURlovers My love for bikes of all kinds has been documented well on my other blog, so of course I was excited when I introduced to Scraper Bikes via this amazing short documentary, Scrapertown: Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo. Coming out of Oakland, CA the Scraper Bike kids trick out their bikes in rainbows of color with cardboard, tinfoil, spray paint, and found objects. Two years ago they became a YouTube phenomenon and since then, they've continued to expand, and are still trying to green up Oakland, keep kids in school, and keep them busy with their bikes so they're staying out of trouble. Read and see more on Scraper Bikes here, here and here. www.pitchdesignunion.comMargot Harrington is a graphic designer, art junkie, and all-around collaborator captivated by all forms of making and doing.
Super Mario Enemies Frighteningly Reimagined Super Mario enemies: a lot of times you felt bad killing them because half of them were just happy little turtles THAT DIDN'T EVEN ATTACK. Enter artist Mike Puncekar, who shows you what those 8-bit graphics couldn't: the darker side of Mario's enemies. This is obviously a goomba here, but hit the jump for nine more, all of which are nightmare-inducing. And speaking of nightmares: I had one last night where a friend, under the pretense he'd found a missing shoe of mine, lured me into this basement and tried to kill me. God -- what a girl's willing to go through for a good pair of pumps amirite?! Hit the jump for the creepfest. Mike's Website viaCreepier Versions Of The Mario Bad Guys [buzzfeed] Thanks to Princess Yum-Yum, who knows delicious when she sees it and agrees all these guys would probably taste like shit no matter how long you marinaded them.
Silk Tie Easter Eggs | Well, we’ve found our absolute favorite Easter egg dyes… of all time. No tablets, no food colors, no cups, no drips, no stained fingers or clothes, no spilling— I could go on and on. But seriously, the best part about this method is that everything you need is right in your kitchen and closet…or worst case—the thrift store. Who would have thought that an old ratty, out of date silk tie could be the gorgeous answer to the annual Easter egg dying ordeal? Your whole family is going to love this. Here’s what you’ll need: Eggs Silk ties–look for a tiny tag at the small end of the tie. An old, white T-shirt–cut it into squares big enough to wrap around the eggs String 3 Tablespoons of white vinegar Pot of water Vegetable oil Now then… Cut open the tie at the back and take out the facing fabric. Cut the silk into pieces big enough to cover the egg… Wrap it around your egg. Now, roll the egg up with the T-shirt fabric. The idea is to press the colored silk right up against the egg. He’s such a sillyboy.
Super Creative Sites That Will Kick You In The Gut and Keep You Coming Back For More | The Nonsense Society The following is my top 7 list of odd, zany, emotional websites that will kick you in the gut and keep you coming back for more. These kinds of sites are consistently most inspiring to me. They have the raw emotion that I crave and feed off daily. Both the concept and content of all these sites are creative. PostSecret Okay. a softer world This is an incredible combination of artsy photography and written word. a beautiful revolution I don’t think this one is as well known as the last 2, but it’s definitely a gold mine. explodingdog A nonsensical name (totally my style), but an inspiring artist. Awful Drawings This dude emailed me as I was writing this post (believe it or not) and I’m totally into it. FOUND Magazine Heard about this one a couple years ago and loved the concept. Nonsense Thoughts At the risk of looking like an ass-hole I am going to plug my own creation: Nonsense Thoughts.
Visual Art by the Human Body Visual Art by the Human Body