Johnny Depp Faces Coruscate's rating: Corsetry © Maya Hansen - Cake-Corsets, Photo Marcelo Aquilio Maya Carbajal Alex-Hansen (1978, Madrid) è una giovane fashion designer specializzata nelle produzione di raffinata corsetteria; non troverete mai nelle sue collezioni dei corsetti semplici, ma la ricchezza è il punto focale delle sue eclettiche creazioni che accontentano tutte e tutti gli amanti dell’intimo, anche se nascondere questi meravigliosi indumenti è un vero peccato, tanto che molte VIP hanno deciso di sfoggiare i corsetti bene in vista. Maya Carbajal Alex-Hansen (1978, Madrid) is a young fashion designer specialized in the production of refined corsetry; you will never find simple corsets in her collections, but the richness is the strong point of her eclectic creations that satisfy all the underwear lovers, even if it’s a pity to hide these wonderful garments, so that many VIPs have decided to show off the corset in full view. © Maya Hansen - Wild Rose Couture Corset © Maya Hansen - Maria Antoniette © Maya Hansen - Pink Queen
Brilliant Logos Big Ten Big Ten is an academic union which was founded in the year 1896. Until 1990, this union consisted of 10 universities, but in June 1990 Pennsylvania State University was added. They didn’t want to change their name, so they added the number 11 to the logo. This logo doesn’t seem to hide much at first sight, but it gives you a little insight in the philosophy behind the brand. Eighty-20 Eighty-20 is a small consulting firm. Fedex This is probably one of the best known logos with a hidden meaning. Continental Continental is a manufacturer of tyres. Toblerone Toblerone is a chocolate-company from Bern, Switzerland. Baskin Robins The old logo of Baskin Robbins had the number 31 with an arc above it. Sony Vaio Sony Vaio is a well known brand of laptops. Eight I really love this logo: every letter is made of the number 8. Carrefour Carrefour is one of the biggest European retailers, and it’s also French for “crossroads”. Roxy Unilever Northwest Airlines Milwaukee Brewers Hartford Whalers
Chictopia Vote. 36 voted Favorite photo Follow user Vote. 175 voted Vote. 217 voted By Kryz | 136 votes | 3 comments Vote. 136 voted Vote. 183 voted Vote. 245 voted Vote. 181 voted Vote. 203 voted Vote. 215 voted Top Today Currently Online Style Icons Guerilla Advertising Posted on by bmackler in Inspiration The main job of any design is to be noticed and remembered by your target audience. Creating a buzz around your product, cause or message is vital if you want word to spread. In some mediums it is harder than others to really stand out, but as designers it is our job to make sure that happens. One area in which we can learn alot about how to do this is Guerrilla and Ambient advertising. In this field they have skills that it takes to get noticed and remembered. Today lets take a look at 40 of the Most Interesting and Creative Guerrilla and Ambient Advertising Campaigns and hopefully get inspired for our next project. Leave a comment and let me know what you think it takes to get noticed. Copenhagen Zoo Guerrilla Ad Campaigns Feed SA : Trolley National Geographic Dental Implant Insurance ACAT – Anti Torture Ikea Staircase Drawers Bounty – Coffee Spills Red Cross Golds Gym Law and Order Fitness Company Flashing Nikon Paparazzi Red Carpet McDonalds Kung Fu Panda Mr.