Recent Work by Jay Maisel 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Grid View Previous Next Road Trip with her Son Voici Justin Kurland : une photographe américaine qui a décidé lorsque son fils avait 3 mois de partir en road-trip et de l’emmener avec elle jusqu’à ses 5 ans. Cette expérience, l’artiste en a fait part dans le livre collaboratif « How we do both : Art and Motherhood » contenant des images très touchantes. Outline blog Jared Platt Blog — Jared Platt's Photography Blog Toy Stories | gabriele galimberti If Riverboom’s photographer Gabriele Galimberti had happened to shoot me, aged 6 and surrounded by my favorite toys, he would have seen the following: plastic medieval weaponry; assorted Lego (Space, Castle and Pirate); an inflatable Tyrannosaurus rex (punctured slowly into extinction); a Superman action figure (I lost it and hyperventilated with grief); a pair of cuddly rabbits (Sally and Billy); toy cars; a tiny guitar; a plane you launched with an elastic catapult; a replica pistol I thought my mum didn’t know about. Everyone remembers their childhood toys. The fact that I can recall how most of mine tasted better than I can remember the names of my primary school teachers says everything you need to know about the universe kids inhabit. But how they play can reveal a lot. Yet even children worlds apart share similarities when it comes to the function their toys serve. Ultimately, the toys on display reveal the hopes and ambitions of the people who bought them in the first place.
Bellocq: Storyville Portraits (1912) 18+ - Mai Manó Ház John Ernest Joseph Bellocq fotográfust (1873-1949) New Orleans vöröslámpás negyedében készített képei tették ismertté. A Storyville-nek nevezett városrész – egészen az 1917-es bezárásáig – Amerika legnagyobb prostitúciós negyede volt. Bellocq prostituáltakról készített képei komolyak és együttérzőek voltak, ugyanakkor sokat elárultak a modellek belső énjéről is. Az effajta ábrázolásnak Amerikában nem nagyon volt hagyománya, témaválasztásának okára soha nem derült fény. Vigyázat, felnőtt tartalom! Fotó: E. Susan Sontag a könyv előszavában rámutat a fotókon szereplő nők szépségére és nyílt jelenlétére, akik olyan meghitt környezetben örökítődtek meg, amely egyszerre beszél az érzékiségről és az otthonos fesztelenségről, valamint letűnt világuk kézzelfoghatóságáról. (forrás: Ha tetszett ez a sorozat, akkor nézd meg Jan Saudek erotikus fotóit is!
Jim Brandenburg Canteen Magazine's Naked Judging: Bear Kirkpatrick Just for the record, Bear Kirkpatrick is a friend of mine, so I was feeling his pain as the judges were less than careful when treading on his photographs in Canteen Magazine’s Live Naked Judging round. I really appreciate Bear participating in this post today. I would have opened the vodka bottle and pulled the covers over my head, but as he states, getting an art beating once in awhile is a good thing. Bear realizes he made a crucial mistake that is common to so many photographers – not all the images he submitted were from the same series. Eligible Work Work derived from all traditional and digital photographic processes, as well as mixed-media work that is primarily photo-based, will be considered. Response from the photographer: so to get a beating once in a while (not too often!) The Thought of Thinking This was the image that got some positive response… They Were Saved By Whim, Without Turn A Portrait of May Dryer Images from Sexual Selection Images from Wall Portrait
Portfolio | Robin Eley