Animal Architects: Bowerbirds Design & Build Showy, Colorful Homes to Attract Mates Turkeys strut, peacocks preen, and bowerbirds design. Of all the strange things that male birds do to attract a mate, the bowerbird's ritual is the only one that could make it into the MoMA. They use two distinct types of "architecture" and have a keen eye for color as well. Image via The Wilderness Alternative Once mating season rolls around, these Oceanican birds start gathering sticks and using them to erect structures called bowers. Amusingly, the bowerbirds pick one of two architectural styles, depending on their subspecies. The second is an "avenue" bower, where the sticks are arranged vertically to make a path down the middle, like something you'd see a bride and groom walk through at a wedding venue. Image via Isbirds Even crazier, they then start decorating the area around the structure using colored objects. Others stick with one color—and will even use manmade objects as long as they match, like Bic pens and bottlecaps: Image via Fritz Haeg Image via Imaginenation
47 unearthly lightning strikes [PICs] Lightning photography can capture milliseconds of the most powerful natural phenomena. Just be sure you’re at least 6 miles (or 30 seconds between flash and thunder) from the storm. IN THESE IMAGES, lightning appears close up, often seemingly just a few city blocks away. Don’t let the images fool you though — pro lightning photographers let the lenses do the work, or shoot from relative safety inside vehicles or under cover. As lightning strikes only last for an eyeblink, it’s also necessary to use long shutter times (up to 30 seconds or longer) or devices which can trigger the shutter when lightning is detected. The odds of actually being struck by lightning in the US over one’s lifetime are surprisingly high: 1 in 10,000. San Tan Mountains, AZ Satellite imagery shows that only a quarter of all lightning actually strikes the ground. Photo: sundevilstormin Chicago, IL What happens when lightning strikes water seems poorly understood by science. Photo: imgur.com Beijing, China Photo: ndosborn
12 Rarest Species: I Bet You Never Met Before The Bumblebee Bat – the incredible bumblebee bat is one of the smallest mammal in the world, weighing about the weight of a penny. It is listed in the top 12 most endangered list. The crazy looking Valais Blacknose Sheep from Switzerland. The Glass Frogs are frogs of the amphibian family Centrolenidae. This Glasswing Butterfly has transparent wings and finds a Spanish name, “espejitos,” which means “little mirrors.” Giant Red Aeonium ‘Cyclops’ is beautiful tall succulent, it has rosettes of dark reddish-bronze leaves on stems to 4 to 5 feet tall. The beautiful Rainbow Eucalyptus – remarkably, this tree’s colouring is entirely natural. A Frizzle is a type of chicken with feathers that curl outwards, rather than lying flat as in most chickens. The Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel is a type of flying squirrel. The Mountain Bluebird is a medium-sized bird weighing about 30 g with a length from 16–20 cm. The strange looking Monkey Orchid,found in high elevations of Ecuador and Peru.
Europe | Gateway in Resort Located in the Sonalon area of Verbier, the incredible Chalet Trois Couronnes represents one of the Alps most comfortable and desirable resorts. Incredible 1300m ² will be at your disposal, and of course the mountain environment. Artisans, architects, and interior designers across Europe made this amazing property which opening was 2012. The chalet is composed [...] Read MoreAlps Chalet, Switzerland Chalet, Trois Couronnes Chalet This Sea Lion Ended Up Lost In The Forest. Its Life Was About To Change Forever Somehow, a poor sea lion wound up lost and far away from the sea. Its chances of survival were up in the air. Elena from Kavalerovo, Russia tell the story of her parents’ dramatic rescue of this precious creature. Share the wonderful rescue of another innocent creature with your friends. Source: English Russia
These 25 Photos Were Accidentally Timed So Perfectly That They're Brilliant. I Love The Last One. Capturing the perfect photo can give anyone great satisfaction. (Then again, it’s almost better when that perfect photo happens by complete and utter accident.) These 25 photos were accidentally timed so perfectly, they literally couldn’t be any better. I have a feeling #16 is going to make you LOL. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 15.) 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) 23.) 24.) 25.) Life is full of hilarious accidents and coincidences… and they’re made even better when they are caught on film.
Wildlife photography by Marina Cano Wildlife photography was one of the most and beautiful artwork of a photographer. Dedication, patience are much needed for a wildlife photographer when compared to other photographers. Marina Cano was one of the best and international award winner photographers; she was a landscape and wild life photographer from Cantabaria in Northern Spain. Her works were fantastic and inspirited photographs. Her photography were famous all over world, her photography speaks more about her dedication, patience which is most needed for a wildlife photographer. Her work was more beautiful and they were awesome photographs. You may like this related posts: Tags: birds Inspirations Photography Photography inspiration wildlife
Jak pies ze słoniem - fotoreportaż o wyjątkowej przyjaźni Dla wielu fotografów opowiadanie historii za pomocą zdjęć jest szczytowym osiągnięciem zawodowym, bez względu na to, czy ich fotografie ukazują się w prasie, w Internecie, czy telewizji. Niektóre fotoreportaże powstają w ciągu kliku minut, ale prace nad niektórymi mogą trwać nawet kilka lat. Czym się różni fotoreportaż od zbioru zdjęć dotyczących jednego tematu? Ten pierwszy ma określoną myśl przewodnią. Jednym z kluczy do udanego fotoreportażu jest różnorodność ujęć: zdjęcie w planie ogólnym, zbliżenie, portret, zdjęcie akcji, sekwencja, zakończenie, czyli zdjęcie zamykające. Bubbles słonica afrykańska i Bella czarny Labrador mieszkają w zoo Myrtle Beach Safari w Południowej Karolinie w Stanach Zjednoczonych i są najlepszymi przyjaciółmi. Fot.