Ping: ICMP vs. ARP Network and system administrators are well-versed in using the ping utility for troubleshooting purposes, but where do you turn when ping doesn't do the trick? Pinging a host is usually the first step in determining if the host is properly connected to the network. If the host does not respond to a ping request, the host is usually assumed to be offline. But is it? Today almost every organization employs firewalls for enhanced security. This makes system and network administration more difficult. ICMP vs. If traditional ICMP-based pings are no longer reliable unless you know in advance that there is no firewall blocking ICMP echo requests, what other options exist? To know why ARP pings are virtually guaranteed to work while ICMP pings may not, one should understand the importance of ARP in networking. When a host tries to create a connection to another host (on the same subnet), it first needs to obtain the second host's MAC address. (Tools do exist to filter ARP. ARP table arping - Protocol Jump to: XML tag definitions Entity escaping Using Sitemap index files Other Sitemap formats Sitemap file location Validating your Sitemap Extending the Sitemaps protocol Informing search engine crawlers This document describes the XML schema for the Sitemap protocol. The Sitemap protocol format consists of XML tags. All data values in a Sitemap must be entity-escaped. The file itself must be UTF-8 encoded. The Sitemap must: Begin with an opening <urlset> tag and end with a closing </urlset> tag. All other tags are optional. Also, all URLs in a Sitemap must be from a single host, such as or Sample XML Sitemap The following example shows a Sitemap that contains just one URL and uses all optional tags. <? Also see our example with multiple URLs. XML tag definitions The available XML tags are described below. Back to top Entity escaping Your Sitemap file must be UTF-8 encoded (you can generally do this when you save the file). Sample XML Sitemap <? Syndication feed <?
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog référencer un/son site Renseigner les balises méta Insérées dans chaque en-tête de page, les metatags décrivent précisément le contenu du site, son auteur et le sujet de chaque page. Elles contiennent aussi la liste des mots clefs correspondant à la page. Elles sont destinées aux robots des moteurs de recherche qui parcourent sans arrêt le net afin d'en référencer toutes les pages. Voici quelques metatags : <meta name = "reply-to" content = ""/> <meta name = "author" content = "nom de l'auteur"/> <meta name = "description" content = "description de la page actuelle"/> <meta name = "keywords" content = "mots clé qui se rapportent à la page actuelle"/> sachant que à l'heure actuelle, la seule balise prise en compte par les moteurs est "description", les "tags" ne sont pris en automatique que par certaines anciennes générations d'annuaires ;) Toutes les autres sont totalement facultatives et ne jouent en aucun cas sur le référencement. plus de détails sur les balises : Balises dans la partie head
Home - Me Broad pronouncement of the week: We are entitled brats. For immediate proof, turn on the television. Locate a reality show on Bravo or MTV. We watch these shows in horror, with a judgmental eye on their cast members, but how different are we from them? Consider this paradox: Things are becoming more instantaneous in an era when delays are rampant and increasing. What has happened, even though companies are improving service, is that "customer expectations are continuing to rise," says Roger Nunley, managing director of the Customer Care Institute in Atlanta. Change in expectations is a generational thing, experts say. Narcissism and entitlement among college students have increased steadily since 1979, according to a study to be published this year in the Journal of Personality. The data are clear: The ascent of narcissism and entitlement is dramatic. Schools have programs designed to boost self-esteem. Quite a title, but doesn't it feel kind of right?
About Sitemaps - Webmaster Tools Help What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organization of your site content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site. Also, your sitemap can provide valuable metadata associated with the pages you list in that sitemap: Metadata is information about a webpage, such as when the page was last updated, how often the page is changed, and the importance of the page relative to other URLs in the site. You can use a sitemap to provide Google with metadata about specific types of content on your pages, including video, image, and mobile content. A sitemap video entry can specify the video running time, category, and age appropriateness rating. Do I need a sitemap? If your site’s pages are properly linked, our web crawlers can usually discover most of your site. Your site is really large.
SEO Noticias Infografías y estrategia SEO Con el auge del marketing de contenido, todos los bloggers se han visto en la necesidad de crear formas novedosas y fáciles de presentar un contenido más dinámico, que motive al público a verlo y compartirlo en sus redes y, además, que les ayude en su estrategia SEO. Hoy hablaremos sobre las infografías, el método fácil y creativo para mostrar datos y explicar conceptos. ¿Alguien esta copiando tus contenidos web? ¿Qué tan molesto estarías si después de escribir buen contenido o pagar a un escritor para que te escriba buen contenido vieras tus textos en otras páginas web? Factores exteriores para el posicionamiento web El SEO contiene una serie de actividades y factores que se encuentran dentro de la página web (por ejemplo: Código, estructura, contenido, tipo de hospedaje, etc.) y también actividades que realizamos fuera de la página web pero que tienen impacto sobre esta (por ejemplo: link building, redes sociales, etc.). ¿Qué tiene de especial tu página web?