Le Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d?information | Digimind Le Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d’information Le 25/06/2007 Web 2.0 ? La notion de Web 2.0 est très souvent employée mais, finalement, peu de personnes sont capables de l’expliquer précisément. L’objectif de ce document est de “démocratiser” le concept de Web 2.0 auprès des “Knowledge Workers”. Pour certains, le Web 2.0 n’est q’un gadget, un pur phénomène de mode qui ne mérite pas que l’on s’y attarde. Ainsi, en 2006, un metteur en scène a choisi de diffuser son long métrage, Autumn1, gratuitement, et ce uniquement sur internet, via le service Google Video2. Fin 2005, pour le compte de la prestigieuse revue scientifique Nature, des experts ont comparé des documents publiés sur Wikipedia, l’encyclopédie collaborative en ligne, réalisée par des internautes volontaires et bénévoles, avec ceux de la célèbre Encyclopaedia Britannica. Il se passe donc bien quelque chose de nouveau via ce web nouvelle génération, où l’internaute devient actif et collaboratif. Qu’est-ce que le web 2.0 ?
Vidéos Cette page présente des interviews de professionnels de l'Intelligence Economique. La grande majorité d'entre-eux est intervenue au Club IES. Cliquez sur le nom pour accéder à la vidéo. Cyril Bouyeure, Coordinateur ministériel, Service de coordination à l'Intelligence Economique au MINEFI. - Présentation de la mission de coordination Bernard Besson & Jean-Claude Possin, co-auteurs de l'Intelligence des Risques Durée : 10,32 (dont 2,13 d'introduction par Jérôme Bondu) - Définition du concept d'Intelligence économique - L'intelligence des risques - Présentation du dernier roman de Bernard Besson (Chien Rouge) qui met en scène des pratiques d'IE - Formations en IE François-Bernard Huyghe, consultant formateur, spécialiste de l'influence Durée : 9,15 (dont 2,13 d'introduction par Jérôme Bondu) - Exemples historiques de pratique d'IE (la route de la soie) - Le développement de l'IE depuis 20 ans en France - Notions d'influence Les réseaux humains Les outils informatiques Les territoires
Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus (Bengali: মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস; born 28 June 1940) is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist and civil society leader who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. In 2006, Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below". The Norwegian Nobel Committee noted that "lasting peace cannot be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty" and that "across cultures and civilizations, Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development".[2] Yunus has received several other national and international honours. Early life and education[edit] Early years[edit] After graduation[edit] Early career[edit]
WatchThatPage - Monitor web pages extract new information Bienvenue sur le site de l'INHESJ - Flashs Transactional leadership In an experimental study conducted on the relationship between leaders' moral reasoning and subordinates' perceptions of leadership behaviors in three organizational samples drawn from two countries. Kohlberg (1969, 1976) initially proposed a stage theory of cognitive moral development to explain how people think (or reason) about interacting with their social environment. He argued that people's present moral capacity incorporates problem-solving strategies learned at earlier stages. The data used in this study were collected by questionnaire from one organization in Canada Data collection for sample 1. two organizations in the United Kingdom Sample was drawn from a mid-sized Canadian university and consisted of middle-level managers ( n = 64) and subordinates ( n = 185) in clerical and administrative posts who rated these managers. Data collection for (Samples 2 and 3). Textbook Edit: Transactional Leaders[edit] Maslow's hierarchy of needs[edit] Theory Y and Theory X[edit]
Comment veiller sans flux RSS : 15 outils Lorsque l'on met en place une stratégie de veille, et encore plus sur le web dit 2.0, l'on est parfois confronté à la problématique du : comment surveiller une source qui n'a pas de flux RSS ? Voici une sélection de 15 outils qui pourront vous permettre de pallier à ce problème Que ce soit certains forums, sites d'avis de consommateurs, commentaires ou tout simplement la plupart des sites web « 1.0 », il arrive souvent que l'on ne puisse pas suivre de manière efficace (et encore plus actuellement avec la notion de temps réel) les modifications et ajouts d'informations sur ces pages sans flux RSS. Voici donc une sélection d'outils (non exhaustive bien entendu) permettant de veiller sur des sources sans flux RSS. Ces outils sont classés selon 4 typologies : ==> Les outils de création de flux RSS ==> Les outils d'alertes mails ==> Les PlugIns pour navigateurs ==> Les outils de surveillance Les outils de création de flux RSS ==> Ponyfish Cet outil en ligne (gratuit) fonctionne très simplement.
AEGE - Accueil Transformational leadership Transformational leadership enhances the motivation, morale, and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to the project and the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers that inspires them and makes them interested; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align followers with tasks that enhance their performance. Development of concept[edit] The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. Bernard M. Now 30 years of research and a number of meta-analyses have shown that transformational and transactional leadership positively predicts a wide variety of performance outcomes including individual, group and organizational level variables.[2] Research in the area[edit] Ronald E. Bass, B.
naviguez, capturez et surveillez tout le web Social experiments to fight poverty: Esther Duflo on TED playlist If you liked Amy Webb, you’ll love… For the past week, Amy Webb has been inspiring people to calculate their own algorithm for love. Her laugh-out-loud TED Talk, about reverse engineering her online dating profile and, essentially, data-ing her way into her perfect relationship has gotten a lot of attention, including on The Frisky and Pop Sugar. As Webb’s talk continues to […] News TED News in Brief: TED app featured during iPhone reveal, Pico Iyer breaks our hearts Today, Apple thrilled the tech world by revealing its two new iPhones, one a candy-colored, lower-priced model.
Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia I was delighted to attend a talk by Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard. Here are my notes with excerpts from their website. Yvon’s interest in climbing began with his membership in the Southern California Falconry Club at age 14. He began climbing cliff faces to see the falcon aeries. The only pitons available at the time were made of soft iron, placed once and left behind. Yvon decided to make his own chrome-molybdenum steel pitons and became a blacksmith making two an hour which he sold for $1.50 each. By 1970, Chouinard Equipment had become the largest supplier of climbing hardware in the U.S. In 1972, they introduced an alternative, aluminum chocks that could be wedged by hand rather then hammered in and out of cracks. The catalog opened with an editorial from the owners on the environmental hazards of pitons. There is a word for it, and the word is clean. Within a few months chocks sold faster than they could be made.