Mailvelope - OpenPGP for webmail | security in-a-box Mailvelope comes preconfigured to work with several webmail services, including Gmail. You can check if Mailvelope is already configured to work with your webmail provider by loging into your email account and composing new message. You should see a Mailvelope button in the upper, right-hand corner of the message area, as shown below: If you see this button, you can skip the remaining steps in this section. To make Mailvelope work with the Roundcube webmail interface used by Riseup and other providers, follow the steps below. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. At the bottom of this list, you should see a new entry for Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. Step 8. Your browser will once again display a screen containing a List of E-mail Providers. Step 9. Step 10. You should see a Mailvelope button in the upper, right-hand corner of the message area, as shown below:
15 plantas medicinales que arruinarían las farmacéuticas - Mundoamores La venta de medicamentos es un gran negocio. Las empresas farmacéuticas invierten cada año miles de millones de euros en publicidad, financiación de revistas científicas, congresos, regalos y conferencias bien pagadas para conseguir que los médicos receten sus productos. El resultado es que se consumen muchos más medicamentos de los necesarios. Hasta un 95% es prescindible, según explica el director del Centro Nórdico Cochrane, Peter C. Los trastornos de salud más comunes pueden tratarse con terapias seguras, como las plantas medicinales. Menta Los analgésicos son los medicamentos más vendidos. Regaliz Los antiácidos, cuyas ventas no dejan de crecer año tras año, tienen efectos secundarios. Sol de oro Los antihistamínicos son la solución médica más frecuente contra la alergia. Para tratar el asma o la rinitis se toma la tintura (50 gotas hasta tres veces diarias), el extracto fluido (30 gotas, una a tres veces) o la infusión (tres o cuatro tazas al día). Semillas de zaragatona Hipérico Ajo
Android - Getting and Installing Bitmask There are two ways to obtain the Bitmask Android client, the first one is to download directly from the Bitmask website and the second is to download it through the Play Store. This first one means you will have to manually download any updates to the client. The second that you are letting Google live on your device. We recommend for now to use the direct download method. Downloading and installing Bitmask for Android You can download the latest version of Bitmask for Android from the following url or read the following QR code from your device: To install you have mark the “Unknown sources” option in Android Settings -> Security -> “Unknown sources”. Getting Bitmask through the Play Store Search for Bitmask on the Play store, or visit the following url from your device Using Bitmask for the first time After that, open your just installed Bitmask app.
Las 230 plantas medicinales más efectivas y sus usos. COMPÁRTELO PARA QUE SE SEPA! Las plantas medicinales se han usado desde la mas remota antiguedad como tratamiento para sanar y tratar las emfermedades que ha lo largo de la historia el hombre ha combatido , para que su salud no fuera mermada.En la actualidad, sus principios activos son los protagonistas de la mayoria de los medicamentos de las industrias farmaceouticas y de los mas modernos estudios contra el cancer como es el caso de la curcuma. Plantas medicinales: A Plantas medicinales: B Bardana raíz: Antibiótico, antiséptico, cistitis, antibacteriano, depura la sangre.Boldo hojas seleccionadas: Muy antioxidante, reparador del hígado vesícula, digestivo.Bolsa de pastor: Regula el flujo menstrual, por exceso por defecto de esta, varices.Borraja planta: Depurativa, sudorífica, expectorante, buena para catarros la tos.Brezo flor: Acciones vías urinarias, gota, edemas, hipertensión, encías sangrantes (gingivitis). Plantas medicinales: C Plantas medicinales: D Plantas medicinales: E Plantas medicinales: F Comentarios
How Mesh Networking Empowers Mobile Activism Mobile activism has proven to be a cornerstone of modern tactics used to hold governments and organizations accountable. Yet as we have seen multiple times across the globe in recent years, when large scale protests erupt, or governments feel threatened, the result is sometimes the shutdown of mobile networks. These events can have substantial impacts felt across the economy, services digital and physical, not to mention the obvious massive communication disruptions. Where there is a will, there is a way, and clever protesters in China have found a way to get around mobile network shutdowns aimed at disrupting their ability to organize protests. A Network In Your Pocket Mobile communications are vital for activists, yet they can run into one massive problem: when the activists are actively protesting the organizations in charge of the mobile networks, this vital tool can be taken away. Mesh Networking on Mobile A Chain of Tiny Networks Just the Beginning
gpg4usb - email and file encryption | security in-a-box Before you can begin encrypting and decrypting email, text messages, documents and files, you must take two preparatory steps: first you need to generate or import your encryption key pair and second you need to send your public key to your contacts and receive their public keys and import them to your key ring. We describe how to share public keys on the next page. gpg4usb assist you with generating your key pair on the first start of the program. Note that you can always come back to Getting Started window from the Help -> Open Wizard menu. Step 1. To run the gpg4usb program for the first time , find and double click to open the gpg4usb folder and then double click . Step 2. Figure 2: Choose your Action Note the other options to import existing keys available on the First Start Wizard screen. Step 3. Figure 3: Create New Key Step 4. Figure 4: An example of a completed Generate Key form Important: Note: You do not need to use your real name and real email address when generating your key.
Privacy and security basics | Me and my Shadow There's no such thing as 'perfect privacy' or 'perfect security', but there are a few simple things you can do to keep your content, communications and web browsing more private and more secure. Keep your devices clean and healthy It's important to keep your operating system, software and apps updated. When updates become available, they often include security fixes. Make sure you're also protecting yourself from viruses. For tips and tools on how to do this, see Tactical Tech's digital security toolkit, Security in-a-box. Use strong passwords Especially where your data is stored online, it is crucial to choose strong passwords, or even better, passphrases. It's also important to use a different one for each account.
Mobiles in-a-Box How to defeat FBI or police 'stingray' surveillance Earlier this week we learned something horrible, although totally predictable: In the vast majority of circumstances, the FBI does not obtain judicial warrants to deploy controversial stingray technology against the public. Amazingly, the government justifies this patently illegal position by asserting—once again—that cell phone users have no right to privacy in public spaces. (I assume the FBI would take a different position if police accountability activists deployed wifi sniffers or stingrays at the police, even if they did so in public parks.) I’ve long assumed that the FBI and even state and local police use cell site simulators to keep track of protesters at political events. How can you protect yourself against these IMSI catchers? Nathan Freitas of the Guardian Project explains it to me in an email: That’s great news for activists, who need to be able to securely communicate at protests. Enter two other apps: SnoopSnitch and Android IMSI-Catcher Detector, both for Android.
Tunnel — Tunnel Robin, one of your most loyal employees, downloaded a gaming app on his smartphone about a week ago. Despite the look and feel of a real game, the app was created as a “front” by malicious hackers. Once downloaded, it gave them the ability to remotely activate the microphone and camera on Robin’s phone. Robin had his phone with him in the meeting that morning. They heard all the details about the code improvements and used the information to infiltrate your systems. Solution: No matter how many security precautions you’ve taken, just one employee’s phone is all it takes for an intruder to gain access. Assign every new employee their own Tunnel, and keep an extra supply of Tunnels stored in the conference room for ease of access. Make conference rooms “Tunnel Required” spaces. Mobile hacking has reached record highs. Vulnerabilities in desktop computers often receive fast responses. Employees who work at major firms are often among the targets. Bulk order deals are available.
Attending Protests (United States) Think carefully about what’s on your phone before bringing it to a protest. Your phone contains a wealth of private data, which can include your list of contacts, the people you have recently called, your text messages and email, photos and video, GPS location data, your web browsing history and passwords or active logins, and the contents of your email and social media accounts. Through stored passwords, access to the device can allow someone to obtain yet even more information on remote servers. The United States Supreme Court recently held that the police are required to get a warrant to obtain this information when someone is arrested, but the exact limits of that ruling are still being examined. To protect your rights, you may want to harden your existing phone against searches. Password-protection and encryption options: Always password-protect your phone. One problem with mobile phone encryption is that on Android the same password is used for disk encryption and screen unlocking.
Communicating with Others Most email providers give you a way of accessing your email using a web browser , such as Firefox or Chrome. Of these providers, most of them provide support for HTTPS , or transport-layer encryption . If your email provider supports HTTPS, but does not do so by default, try replacing HTTP with HTTPS in the URL and refresh the page. Some webmail providers that use HTTPS by default include: GmailRiseupYahoo Some webmail providers that give you the option of choosing to use HTTPS by default by selecting it in your settings. What does transport-layer encryption do and why might you need it? HTTPS is the most basic level of encryption for your web browsing that we recommend for everybody. But there are some things that HTTPS does not do. If your threat model for your email communications. (or Pretty Good Privacy) is the standard for end-to-end encryption of your email.
Brilliant New Device Lets Protesters Block Surveillance and StingraysBrilliant New Device Lets Protesters Block Surveillance and Stingrays - Filming Cops WASHINGTON, DC — Reports about agents using a Stingray on protesters to unconstitutionally monitor their phones are circulating widely, and now protesters have a way to fight back. Earlier this week an anonymous leaked recording exposed the agents monitoring the protesters’ movements by tracking their phones. A Stingray mimics a cellular tower, letting agents pry into citizens’ cell phones and gather their data/location without a warrant. Stingrays were supposed to be used for “terrorists,” but now they’re being used against us locally — which is unconstitutional. And that’s where a new product called Tunnel enters the scene. We’ve known that the NSA spies on us ever since Edward Snowden blew the whistle on them. NSA building in Utah. But have you ever wondered if it’s possible for somebody to spy back on them? The NSA has a special way of protecting itself against such a possibility. Well now we finally can. Other kinds of phone blocking cases have been around for a while online.
Backslash: Anti-surveillance gadgets for protesters When riot police descended on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, last year sporting assault rifles and armored vehicles, the images sparked an awareness of the military technologies and tactics authorities have adopted over the past decade. Many of these tools have quietly become regular components of day-to-day policing. And just as with social networks and cell phone cameras during the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, they've dramatically—and often invisibly—altered the dynamics of contemporary protest. Examples are everywhere, from the controversial Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) sound weapons used to disperse crowds to secretive mass surveillance devices, commonly known as stingrays originally developed for the US Navy, which police use to track cell phones, often without a warrant. Earlier this year, police in India began equipping aerial drones with pepper spray cannons to use on crowds of protesters. “There's no way to have a one-size-fits-all solution,” says Oliveira.