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Acoustic levitation

Acoustic levitation

No magic show: Real-world levitation to inspire better pharmaceuticals It’s not a magic trick and it’s not sleight of hand – scientists really are using levitation to improve the drug development process, eventually yielding more effective pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to use sound waves to levitate individual droplets of solutions containing different pharmaceuticals. At the molecular level, pharmaceutical structures fall into one of two categories: amorphous or crystalline. “One of the biggest challenges when it comes to drug development is in reducing the amount of the drug needed to attain the therapeutic benefit, whatever it is,” said Argonne X-ray physicist Chris Benmore, who led the study. “Most drugs on the market are crystalline – they don’t get fully absorbed by the body and thus we aren’t getting the most efficient use out of them,” added Yash Vaishnav, Argonne Senior Manager for Intellectual Property Development and Commercialization.

En vidéo : supraconductivité et lévitation magnétique Depuis sa découverte en 1911, la supraconductivité fascine. Elle permettrait de disposer de nombreux moyens de transport en supprimant les frottements par lévitation magnétique et révolutionnerait sans doute la propulsion interplanétaire si des supraconducteurs à température ambiante venaient à être découverts. Voici quelques vidéos à son sujet, à l'occasion du mois thématique de Futura-Sciences. Découvrez le mois thématique Science insolite ! <img src=" class="img-responsive" alt="" title=""> On vient de l'apprendre, sans toutefois qu'il y ait pas encore de preuves sérieuses : un état magnétique pouvant s'interpréter comme une manifestation de la supraconductivité à température ambiante a été observé dans des sortes de flocons contenant du graphite. Claude Aslangul, aux côtés de Richard Taillet, répond à la question : « À quoi sert la supraconductivité ?

Physicists May Have Evidence Universe Is A Computer Simulation Physicists say they may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation. How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And it looks sort of like us. A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture, points out that any civilisation of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible. And since there would therefore be many more simulations (within simulations, within simulations) than real universes, it is therefore more likely than not that our world is artificial. Now a team of researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany led by Silas Beane say they have evidence this may be true. In a paper named ‘Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation’, they point out that current simulations of the universe - which do exist, but which are extremely weak and small - naturally put limits on physical laws. But the basic impression is an intriguing one.

ROP « I spent the last two days with a friend of mine, Frank Boldewin of, analyzing the Adobe Reader/Flash 0-day that’s being exploited in the wild this week. We had received a sample of a malicious PDF file which exploits the still unpatched vulnerability (MD5: 721601bdbec57cb103a9717eeef0bfca) and it turned out more interesting than we had expected. Here is what we found: Part I: The PDF file The PDF file itself is rather large. The first interesting stream can be found in PDF object 1. The second interesting stream belongs to PDF object 10. I then used PDF Dissector to execute the JavaScript code. Later it will become clear that the embedded SWF file is actually exploiting the Flash player and not Adobe Reader (or rather it exploits the Flash player DLL that is shipped with Adobe Reader). Part II: The shellcode – Stage I In the disassembled file I expected to see a nop-sled followed by regular x86 code but this is not what I found. and continues for quite a while.

Watch This Chain of Beads Dash Across the Room All On Its Own The Measurement That Would Reveal The Universe As A Computer Simulation One of modern physics’ most cherished ideas is quantum chromodynamics, the theory that describes the strong nuclear force, how it binds quarks and gluons into protons and neutrons, how these form nuclei that themselves interact. This is the universe at its most fundamental. So an interesting pursuit is to simulate quantum chromodynamics on a computer to see what kind of complexity arises. There are one or two challenges of course. That may not sound like much but the significant point is that the simulation is essentially indistinguishable from the real thing (at least as far as we understand it). It’s not hard to imagine that Moore’s Law-type progress will allow physicists to simulate significantly larger regions of space. Again, the behaviour of this human cell would be indistinguishable from the real thing. It’s this kind of thinking that forces physicists to consider the possibility that our entire cosmos could be running on a vastly powerful computer. First, some background.

Segelqualle An den Strand gespülte Segelquallen Die Segelqualle (Velella velella) (syn. V. lata Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821) ist ein zu den Hydrozoen gehörendes Nesseltier (Cnidaria). Wegen ihres Baus wird die Qualle im Deutschen auch "Segler vor dem Wind" oder "Sankt-Peters-Schifflein" genannt[1] (Petrus: Schutzheiliger der Fischer). Merkmale[Bearbeiten] Die Meduse weist vier radiale Kanäle auf und besitzt zwei Paare sich gegenüber stehender perradialer Tentakeln, einen kurzen adaxialen Tentakel und einen langen abaxialen Tentakel. Segelqualle mit randständigen Wehrpolypen Geographische Verbreitung und Lebensweise[Bearbeiten] Segelquallen leben weltweit in tropischen und subtropischen Meeren (auch im westlichen Mittelmeer), und zwar an der Wasseroberfläche der Hochsee. Feinde[Bearbeiten] Zu den Feinden der Segelqualle gehören unter anderem die zu den Nacktkiemern gehörende pelagische Schnecke Glaucus atlanticus und die Veilchenschnecke (Janthina janthina). Fortpflanzung[Bearbeiten] Literatur[Bearbeiten]

Have Fun With a Red Hot Nickel Ball Sur Youtube, on trouve vraiment de tout: du clip vidéo qui brûle la rétine à la collection de plus de 6000 clips d’un homme qui fume la pipe… Parmi ces inclassables, il y a ce youtubeur, carsandwater, qui, entre des vidéos de guitare, et de son bambin, se filme de temps à autre dans son garage en train d’expérimenter avec son chalumeau, une boule de nickel, et divers ingrédients. Annoncé comme ça, il semblerait qu’on va s’emmerder à mourir, mais en fait point du tout. Non seulement ces expériences sont sincèrement étonnantes, mais en plus on apprend quelques bizarreries physiques au passage. Tenez, est-ce que vous savez ce qui se passe si on plonge une boule de nickel chauffée au rouge dans un mug d’eau froide? Et bien maintenant vous saurez: Surpris? Cet effet, on en réalise souvent l’expérience en cuisine lorsqu’on dépose des gouttes d’eau sur une poêle brulante. Mais vu que j’y capte que dalle, je laisse aux physiciens le soin de m’expliquer tout ça en commentaires…

Daniel Burrus: 3D Printers Can Now Print Chemicals 3D printers, or additive manufacturing as it is also called, have gone beyond printing prototypes to printing final products ready for use such as jewelry, chairs, human jaw bones, and parts for jet engines to name just a few. 3D printers work by using lasers to deposit and fuse a thin layer upon layer of materials such as plastic or metals to create a solid object. Recently, Professor Lee Cronin from the University of Glosgow has taken the idea of 3D printing a step further. He's using a $2,000 3D printer to print lab equipment--blocks containing chambers that connect to mixing chambers--and then injecting the desired ingredients into the chambers to produce organic and/or inorganic reactions that can yield chemicals, and in some cases new compounds. Just as early 3D printers were used for rapid prototyping, his new chemical printer can initially be used to rapidly discover new compounds.

Untere Bauchmuskeln - die besten Übungen | Die unteren Bauchmuskeln gibt es eigentlich gar nicht. In Wirklichkeit bilden die so genannten oberen und unteren Bauchmuskeln einen einzigen Bauchmuskel. Man nennt diesen Muskel den Geraden Bauchmuskel (Musculus rectus abdominis). Daneben gibt es noch den Schrägen Bauchmuskel, der durch besondere Übungen trainiert wird. Wenn man also die unteren Bauchmuskeln trainiert, trainiert man immer auch die oberen Bauchmuskeln – und umgekehrt. Criss-Cross / Käfer Benötigtes Equipment: keins Schwierigkeitsgrad: hoch Rating: +215 (from 577 votes) Hängendes Beinheben Benötigtes Equipment: Klimmzug-Stange Schwierigkeitsgrad: hoch Rating: +38 (from 72 votes) Beinheben im Liegen Benötigtes Equipment: keins Schwierigkeitsgrad: mittel Rating: +29 (from 145 votes) Hüftheben Rating: +21 (from 213 votes) Hängendes Knieheben Rating: +20 (from 54 votes) Fahrradfahren Benötigtes Equipment: keins Schwierigkeitsgrad: niedrig Rating: +17 (from 55 votes) Ausrollen Benötigtes Equipment: Kurzhantel Schwierigkeitsgrad: niedrig
