// Andreas Preis // BirdDog im{press}ions | an adventure of inspirations … a chronicle of creativity… a collaboration of multiple personalities … calendar 2011 October 29, 2010, 7:25 am Filed under: Craft Biz, Design, Feedsacks, Green, Handmade Revolution, inspire . spark, letter . press, Life | Tags: 2011 Calendar, handmade, heirloom seeds, heritage breeds, homestead We are beyond thrilled on this fantastic feedsack friday to announce our 2011 Calendar project. A collaboration between Allison of BirdDog Press and Theresa of WonderBound Press. This calendar features woodcuts of heritage breed farm animals, a showcase of heirloom seeds and patterns inspired by vintage feedsacks cultivating 12 beautiful scenes to see you through 2011. The calendars will be $40 and will be ready by December 1st. Like this: Like Loading... bdp stationery Two of the latest bdp custom wood type stationery sets to go out to lucky recipients. Two Hands About 10 years ago, when we moved to Boulder, one of my first discoveries was Two Hands Paperie. the most wonderful … time of the year. Promotion Recession got you down? Go Fish! Hip Hip Hooray! Yikes, Stripes!
Cargo - Gallery Letterpress | The Beauty of Letterpress In the 1980's, Photopolymer plates emerged and provided the perfect platform for the revival of letterpress printing. The ability to transfer a photo negative to the printing plate revolutionized the process. Larger print runs were now possible and while some printers still utilize the individual character method of typesetting and printing, many have embraced the new digital method. The contemporary letterpress community is comprised of not only highly skilled printers, but artisans. Decades and even centuries ago, the kiss, or transfer of ink to paper, was meant to be just enough of a touch to get the ink onto the paper.
1.5 Million Stitch Sweatshirt by Ashley Marc Hovelle About this project Risks and challenges Challenges: Ensuring every sweatshirt has at least 1.5 million stitches due to size differences! Risks: Production errors or defects. Qualified: With over 10 years experience in the fashion industry I am able to handle all quality control checks in person before, during and after production with a full inspection before packaging to ensure our garments are of the highest standard. Learn about accountability on Kickstarter Have a question? Ask a question Letterpress | 活版印刷 | 青い月 岩手花巻の成島和紙で、ブックジャケットをつくりました。言葉は有島武郎の『小さき者へ』より結びの言葉を。“前途は遠い。そして暗い。然し恐れてはならぬ。恐れない者の前に道は開ける。 これは困難が待ち受ける我が子に有島さんが託した言葉です。 物語のあるブックジャケット(有島武郎)| わたしたち『青い月』はこれまでも、活版印刷というものが消費や付加価値の為ではなく暮らしに溶け込む身近なものとして、名入れ便箋のワークショップなどを繰り返し行ってきました。 前回に引き続き、Anonima Impressori(facebook)の話を。 自分たちが暮らす足下を見つめ、掬い、手を加えながら、新しく共同体をデザインするように活動を行っているレタープレススタジオがボローニャにあり、訪ねてきました。 一昨日の朝日新聞に九州の新しい世代の活版職人の特集が掲載されました。 掲載された朝日新聞の記事を抜粋。 長崎は16世紀、日本に始めてグーテンベルク式活版印刷機が伝わった発祥の地だ。 ちょうど掲載があったその日は、明治頃のフート機(foot press 電気を使わない足踏み式の活版印刷機)のメンテナンスをして使えるようにし、新聞を刷っていました。
MoMo Modular Furniture by TACADI MoMo [mobiliario modular], is a flexible modular furniture that seeks to merge the concepts of solid and ethereal, creating practical and minimalist space configurations. Elegant and synthetic, MoMo’s noble materials combine orthogonal wooden structural lines, guided by copper nodes and a soft and flexible felt skin. The collection is conceived as an open system which includes four different modules; chair, deck chair, book shelf and table. Design: TACADI / Jerónimo Fanelli / Mecha Palacio / Bea Palacio Photography: Santiago Lopes Exhibition: “Diseño de Raíz”, Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
QUI RESISTE Bonjour, Dans cette version la barre de navigation est à gauche des projets : • les flèches rouges vous font passer d'un projet à un autre • les flèches noires vous font naviguer à l'intérieur d'un même projet • Pour aller sur une autre partie du site, cliquer sur sa case. • Pour retourner à la liste des projets, cliquer sur 'réalisations'. © Pierre di Sciullo - 2009 Tous droits de reproduction et de représentation réservés. > L'ensemble de ce site relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d'auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. > La création de liens hypertextes vers le site web quiresiste.com ne peut être faite qu'avec l'autorisation écrite et préalable de Pierre di Sciullo. > Pierre di Sciullo décline toute responsabilité : Pour tous dommages résultant d'une intrusion d'un tiers ayant entraîné une modification des informations.