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jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts JAVASCRIPT TOOLBOX: 25+ Tools & Tutorials For JavaScript JavaScript is one of the most often used languages on the web, and it seems to be gaining in popularity each day. We've gathered 25+ tools and tutorials which will be useful to any JavaScript programmer - novice or pro. - A component library that gives you AJAX-style fuctions with common visual elements. Agile Partners Photo Resizing Tutorial - A tutorial on how to use the Prototype and libraries to build an interactive photo resizer. ByteFX - A low-level framework for simple JavaScript effects. DevGuru - Defines all the terms of JavaScript and gives you code samples of what they do. - An open source DHTML toolkit built in JavaScript and based on several other tools. Drag & Drop Sortable Lists - Tutorial for creating sortable lists with drag & drop functions. - A large collection of DHTML and JavaScripts for your use. - A reference site that teaches you both how to read and write JavaScript.

JS-Kit: Web 2.0 For Lazy People We first covered JS-Kit last November when we talked about their quick embed code that lets you add comments to any site where JavaScript is accepted. Since then, JS-Kit has been creating more widgets making adding user interaction to any site dead simple (2 lines of code per widget). JS-Kit has also grown from a one-man-show into a full company after adding 5 of the 12 engineers from Filmloop (which shut down earlier this year). Since then, they’ve been turning out a new widget every two weeks. JS-Kit is growing a suite of widgets that will help site owners optimize their website content, eventually allowing website owners to easily optimize their site based on how people surf their site. JS-Kit’s current widget suite consists of comments, five-star ratings, and a polling widget added this week. Each widget also has administrative capabilities, assigned by cookie to the first computer to accesses the widget code. Comment and rating widget after the jump… | Create your own widget, using any data feed! .:: klr20mg ::. Una dosis diaria de …. jQuery Countdown The countdown functionality can easily be added to a division with appropriate default settings, although you do need to set the target time. You can also remove the countdown widget if it is no longer required. Default countdown: 331Days6Hours34Minutes12Seconds The defaults are: Text is in English Format is 'dHMS' Days are shown if needed Hours/minutes/seconds are shown You can override the defaults globally as shown below: Processed fields are marked with a class of hasCountdown and are not re-processed if targetted a second time. A note on Date - the JavaScript Date constructor expects the year, month, and day as parameters. You can control how the countdown is presented via the format setting. Don't show days: 119Hours59Minutes58Seconds Don't show seconds: 5Days0Hours0Minutes Don't show either: 120Hours0Minutes Pad with zeroes: 04Days23Hours59Minutes58Seconds Compact version: 4d 23:59:58 Minimal compact version: 120:00 For targets further in the future, there are more presentation options. <?

loupe.js (with IE 6/7 support) <form name="lst" id="lst" method="post" action=".. loupe.js 2.0 allows you to add photorealistic loupes (magnifier) to images on your webpages. The design is changeable by use of an image editing program. jQuery Plugin Demo Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer quis ipsum eu nibh aliquam porta. Suspendisse nunc libero, lacinia ut, pellentesque sit amet, porta at, neque. Sed id nulla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce lorem libero, bibendum in, accumsan id, imperdiet vitae, pede. Nullam ac mi. . Aliquam arcu sapien, luctus et, laoreet at, scelerisque eu, ipsum. . Aenean vel felis. viverra, ipsum orci imperdiet ipsum, vitae vulputate lorem magna et magna. Donec orci eros, euismod ut, convallis at, cursus suscipit, libero.

Top 10 Javascripts for Image Manipulation | Blog Oh Blog Reflex.js This javascript enables you to add a cover flow effect to any image on your web page. You can add reflection, tilt angles and also borders to your images. The results look like this:- Curl.js This is an unobtrusive javascript to add page curl effect to your images and works on all the major web browsers. Edge.js This javascript can help you in adding nifty edges to your images. Corner.js This javascript lets you add effects to your image corners like rounded corners, shadow (both inner and outer), shading etc. Slided.js You can add slide frames to your images by using this javascript in your web pages. Glossy.js Add a glossy effect to your images to make them stand out. Filmed.js This javascript allows you to add film strips around your images. Loupe.js Did you ever want to add a lens to your page which will let you zoom into the images. Instant.js This javascript lets you add an instant picture effect to your images. Bevel.js This javascript simulates a whole bunch of effects!

Creating a login form with jQuery | View Demo Creating a login (or any form for that matter) can be trickier than it looks. After all how difficult can two text boxes a button and some labels be? There are different ways to accomplish this task, some using more proper semantically correct markup techniques than others. We’ll first start out with some html markup, notice the lack of css class attributes or JavaScript event handlers present. The next step we take is to target each element down the list and assign it a css class. Next, we’ll add the event handler for the submit button by using .click(). Throw in an animation for good measure to display a message for invalid attempts and you’re good to go. ASP.Net Portal Tutorials and DotNetNuke Resources
