Instant WordPress Add Masonry, Grid Layouts To Your WordPress Site With Just CSS Ever wanted to jazz up how your posts are displayed on your WordPress home page and archives? What if you could display your posts using the masonry (Pinterest) approach or maybe a grid layout, all just by adding a snippet of CSS? No plugins, shortcodes, template changes, assigning pages as the home page. Just pure CSS. Before We Start… These solutions are based purely on CSS and so, not surprisingly, they rely heavily on the HTML mark-up on your site to work without modification. The CSS used has been designed (and tested) with the default themes. Classes exist on the body element that describe the type of page (e.g. home, blog, archive, search)Post lists are collections of article elements, complete with header wrapped in a div with the id of content If you use a default theme then you will be able to use the CSS without modification. Choosing Where To Apply The Styling You may decide that you only want to apply your chosen styling to certain pages. Browser Compatibility The CSS: 1. 2. 3.
The 15 Most Common WordPress Mistakes to Avoid A very old and famous saying, “to err is human and to forgive is divine“, is absolutely true. We all make mistakes, because none of us is perfect. Whether it’s real life or WordPress, mistakes happen everywhere. To commit a mistake is not a crime, however, not learning from it and not trying to repeat it again definitely is. Everyone learn from their mistakes, but it’s much better to learn from the others’ mistakes. In the case of WordPress, the primary focus of a novice is to set everything up and get things running as soon as possible. Hopefully, everyone will use this guide to avoid the same blunders and make their WordPress site better, faster and more secure and of course a success. #1. Free or self hosted As both of them have their own pros and cons, it’s a big challenge for you to decide which option is perfect for you. #2. When you install WordPress, it automatically creates the username “admin” with administrator privileges. #3. #4. #5. #6. #7. #8.
Jak dodać „szukaj” do menu w WordPress? Wiele razy zdarzyło mi się przeczytać pytanie jak dodać pole formularza wyszukiwania do dowolnego menu. Odpowiedzi na to pytanie są różne: od typowego „nie da się” po mało eleganckie grzebanie po plikach motywu. A przecież WordPress, dzięki mechanizmowi filtrów i akcji, oferuje nam możliwość modyfikowanie prawie każdego elementu. W podanym kodzie do menu, które ma nazwę „menu_default” doklejany jest formularz wyszukiwania. Kod do pobrania: pobierz plik: iworks_add_search_to_menu.php Jak użyć podany kod? Masz 3 rozwiązania: wrzuć załączony plik do folderu wp-content/plugins, a potem włącz wtyczkęwrzuć załączony plik do folderu wp-content/mu-pluginsdołącz kod do pliku function.php aktualnie używanego motywu
WordPress: filtry, akcje i wtyczki Cool Front-end WordPress Editor from Raptor Editor | WP Zac I wrote recently about the front-end editor, Barley, for WordPress. Today I’m posting about another 3rd party service offering a front-end editor for WordPress, WP Raptor. This plugin has a slightly different interface, but same basic principle: give users the ability to edit their site without going to the control panel. Here is a screenshot below of what it looks like in action on the demo on their main site. I am editing the block highlighted in pink marked “Themes”: The trend of front-end editors in WP is growing and I think I’m going to give this one a whirl on my next simple client project.
16 roznych sposobow wykorzystania Wordpressa | E Personal Coach Jeśli myślisz, że WordPress to tylko platforma dla blogingu, to się mylisz. Z prostmi wtyczkami lub motywami, możesz wykorzystać prostotę WordPress przynajmniej na 16 innych sposobów i zacząć zarabiać pieniądze. Blog jest głównym przeznaczeniem wordpress, ale nie jedynym. Poniżej znajdziesz 16 innych sposobów używania WordPressa, które I osobiście wykorzystuje w moim biznesie lub napotkałam w internecie. 1. Canvas – motyw $70 Simple CMS - darmowa wtyczka White Lable CMS – darmowa wtyczka 2. WordPress eStore – wtyczka $49.95 ( integruje się z WP eMember i WP Affiliate Platform)- moja rekomendacja Shopper Press – motyw $79 Templatic E-commerce Themes – motyw $65 WooCommerce - darmowa wtyczka E – Commerce – darmowa wtyczka Simple PayPal Shopping Card – darmowa wtyczka 3. WP eMember – wtyczka $49.95 – (integruje się with WP eStore) -moja rekomendacja Optimize Press – motyw – $97 – moja rekomendacja DigitalAccessPass – script $197 WishList – wtyczka $97 S2Member – darmowa wtyczka 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
WPDASH.IO - Zarządzanie WordPressami z jednego miejsca! TGM Plugin Activation - the Best Way to Include Plugins with WordPress Themes (and Other Plugins) 8 WordPress plugin to make your blog faster and more user friendly W3 Total Cache W3 Total Cache is a performance optimization framework designed to improve user experience and page speed. It improves the user experience of your site by increasing server performance, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integration.Link: Disqus Sick of spam, but still want to maintain a positive commenting experience for your readers? BJ Lazy Load Here is an useful lazy loading plugin to make your site load faster and save bandwidth. WP Definitely one of my favorite plugins ever, that I’ve been using since years. Backup The plugin every WordPress blogger should have installed. Better WordPress Minify Better WordPress Minify allows you to combine and minify your .css and .js files to improve page load time. Link: Contact Form 7 Any serious blog or website needs to provide a way for visitors to contact the site owner. Watermark
Responsive Navigation | Examples of Navigation in Responsive Design Filtr dnia: style_loader_src – czyli zawsze* polskie znaki Jak bumerang wraca temat polskich znaków w Google Fonts i tego że ich nie widać. Gwiazdka w tytule oznacza pewne założenie. Otóż tym założeniem jest to, że dany krój pisma posiada polskie znaki diakrytyczne. Jak dany krój nie posiada, to i tak nic nie pomoże. Aby czcionka mogła wyświetlać musi być załadowany odpowiedni zestaw znaków, ten zestaw dla Polski nazywa się latin-ext. Poniższy kod wykorzystuje filtr style_loader_src i dodaje odpowiednią definicję do każdej dodanej przez motyw czy wtyczkę czcionki google o ile ten krój został dodany za pomocą funkcji wp_enqueue_style. Jak użyć podany kod? Masz 3 rozwiązania: wrzuć załączony plik do folderu wp-content/plugins, a potem włącz wtyczkęwrzuć załączony plik do folderu wp-content/mu-pluginsdołącz kod do pliku function.php aktualnie używanego motywu Uwaga! Podana metoda działa TYLKO na czcionki osadzane z serwisu
Best Free and Paid WordPress Plugins used in 2014 Best Free and Paid WordPress Plugins used in 2014 Here are list of Best Free and Paid WordPress Plugins used in 2014 which are most used because these plugins are capable of bending easily without breaking. I have been using these plugins for my blogs and my clients sites too , i personally feels these are best list of wordpress plugins. They also have good ratings and downloads. Check out my list below Custom Login Best Free: Custom Login ( Best Paid: Pathway _Custom WordPress Login Page ( Author Biography Best Free: Sexy Author Bio ( Best Paid: Fanciest Author Box ( Google Maps Best Free: Comprehensive Google Map Plugin ( Best Paid: Interactive World Maps ( Custom Admin Theme Email Opt-in
Creating your own Shortcodes in a WordPress theme | GavickPro Blog Shortcodes Rock! Shortcodes are a very useful tool once you know what you’re doing with them; they can provide additional options and open up new possibilities for saving time when you are editing your posts/widgets. You can use them to add a non-standard element to your post, or to generate a specified HTML structure instantly using one word instead of typing the full HTML manually every time. For example; if we’re editing a new post for our blog and want to add a nice button, we can just use add the shortcode in our text. Not that there’s anything stopping you typing the HTML structure manually every time, but doing so is inconvenient, time-consuming, and there’s always the risk that we’ll forget to close an HTML tag which will break our page layout and wastes more time to fix. Shortcodes are also useful for adding repeating elements (i.e. text fragments or graphics, lists, blocks with code, texts, quotes, tooltips). Shortcode attributes attribute="value" Making Your Own Shortcode
This is expensive but probably worthwhile when I get to the point of actually selling content (white papers, e-books, etc.) by profgeek1 Mar 10