Model Thinking This course will consist of twenty sections. As the course proceeds, I will fill in the descriptions of the topics and put in readings. Section 1: Introduction: Why Model? In these lectures, I describe some of the reasons why a person would want to take a modeling course. To be an intelligent citizen of the worldTo be a clearer thinkerTo understand and use dataTo better decide, strategize, and design There are two readings for this section. The Model Thinker: Prologue, Introduction and Chapter 1 Why Model? Section 2: Sorting and Peer Effects We now jump directly into some models. In this second section, I show a computational version of Schelling's Segregation Model using NetLogo. NetLogo The Schelling Model that I use can be found by clicking on the "File" tab, then going to "Models Library". The readings for this section include some brief notes on Schelling's model and then the academic papers of Granovetter and Miller and Page. Notes on Schelling Granovetter Model Miller and Page Model
Introduction to Data Science About the Course Commerce and research is being transformed by data-driven discovery and prediction. Skills required for data analytics at massive levels – scalable data management on and off the cloud, parallel algorithms, statistical modeling, and proficiency with a complex ecosystem of tools and platforms – span a variety of disciplines and are not easy to obtain through conventional curricula. Course Syllabus Recommended Background We expect you to have basic programming experience and familiarity with databases. After taking this course, you may be interested in participating in the three-course Certificate in Data Science offered through the University of Washington Professional and Continuing Education program. In-course Textbooks As a student enrolled in this course, you will have free access to selected chapters and content for the duration of the course. Suggested Readings Course Format The class will consist of lecture videos between 8 and 12 minutes in length. Yes.
EDUlib HEC Montréal : EDUlib HEC Montréal : EDUlib Reconnue pour son avant-gardisme, HEC Montréal a été la première en Amérique du Nord à détenir les trois agréments internationaux les plus prestigieux du monde de l'enseignement de la gestion : AACSB International (États-Unis), EQUIS (Europe) et AMBA (Royaume-Uni). L’École accueille plus de 13 000 étudiants dans l'un ou l'autre de ses programmes d'études en gestion, du B.A.A. au Ph. D., et regroupe plus de 270 professeurs. Elle exerce son leadership en recherche grâce à une cinquantaine d'unités de recherche, incluant 26 chaires, mène des projets à travers le monde et se consacre à la formation des cadres et des dirigeants. Depuis sa fondation en 1907, l'École a formé plus de 78 000 diplômés dans de nombreux domaines de la gestion.
Introduction to Sustainability About the Course This course introduces the academic approach of Sustainability and explores how today’s human societies can endure in the face of global change, ecosystem degradation and resource limitations. The course focuses on key knowledge areas of sustainability theory and practice, including population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics and policy, ethics, and cultural history. This subject is of vital importance, seeking as it does to uncover the principles of the long-term welfare of all the peoples of the planet. As sustainability is a cross-disciplinary field of study, this foundation requires intellectual breadth: as I describe it in the class text, understanding our motivations requires the humanities, measuring the challenges of sustainability requires knowledge of the sciences (both natural and social), and building solutions requires technical insight into systems (such as provided by engineering, planning, and management).
Coursera Business model[edit] The contract between Coursera and participating universities contains a "brainstorming" list of ways to generate revenue, including verified certification fees, introducing students to potential employers and recruiters (with student consent), tutoring, sponsorships and tuition fees.[5][6] In September 2013 it announced it had earned $1 million in revenue through verified certificates that authenticate successful course completion.[7] As of December 2013 the company had raised $85 million in venture capital.[8][9] John Doerr suggested that people will pay for "valuable, premium services".[10] Any revenue stream will be divided, with schools receiving a small percentage of revenue and 20% of gross profits.[6][11] In January 2013, Coursera announced that the American Council on Education had approved five courses for college credit.[12] As the journalist Steve Kolowich noted[12] "whether colleges take the council's advice, however, is an open question." Courses[edit]
FIRST BUSINESS MOOC - ANAFI L'analyse financière est un préalable à de nombreuses décisions dans la vie d'une entreprise : octroi de crédits bancaires, émission d'obligations et obtention d'une notation (rating), évaluation de l'entreprise dans le cadre d'une cession ou d'une imposition (ISF), choix de financement, choix d'un niveau de dividendes, etc... L'analyse financière est une démarche intellectuelle où celui qui la pratique se pose un certain nombre de questions, va chercher et trouver des éléments de réponse en particulier dans les documents comptables de l'entreprise, afin de progresser dans sa compréhension de celle-ci et être capable in fine de porter un diagnostic pertinent sur la capacité de l'entreprise à rembourser en temps et en heure ses emprunts et à créer de la valeur pour ses actionnaires. L'analyse financière a pour objectifs de diagnostiquer le passé pour comprendre le présent et essayer de prévoir l'avenir.
gamification About the Course Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges. Video games are the dominant entertainment form of modern times because they powerfully motivate behavior. Over the past few years, gamification adoption has skyrocketed. Game thinking means more than dropping in badges and leaderboards to make an activity fun or addicting. Subtitles forall video lectures available in: English, Russian (provided by Digital October), Turkish (Koc University), and Ukrainian (provided by Bionic University) Course Syllabus The course is divided into 12 units. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Recommended Background This course is designed as an introduction to gamification as a business practice. Suggested Readings The course is designed to be self-contained. Course Format The class will consist of video lectures, which are between 7 and 12 minutes in length. Yes. • Who should take this course?
Bill Howe News Come hear about the new programs in the eScience Institute at a Campus-wide Data Science event, February 7New talk at a JSM panel on Big Data Education: Big Data Curricula at the UW eScience Institute Two new workshop papers: Massive Scale Cyber Traffic Analysis: A Driver for Graph Database Research at GRADES 2013 and "Compiled Plans for In-Memory Path-Counting Queries" at IMDM 2013New paper: Real-Time Collaborative Analysis with (Almost) Pure SQL: A Case Study in Biogeochemical Oceanography at SSDBM 2013New book chapter in Data-Intensive Science edited by Terence Chritchlow and Kerstin Kleese van Dam. I'm giving a keynote at the eResearch NZ 2013The Coursera course Introduction to Data Science is wrapping up -- over 90,000 students, with 50,000 watching videos and 15,000 completing assignments. Research Research Topics Management of very large or very complex science data. Current Projects We also have other projects related to Big Data management. Read more... Teaching Publications Bio
Les Moocs pour la création d'entreprise Le principe des Mooc ("massive open on-line courses") est simple. Un clic permet de s'inscrire à la formation choisie. Des cours essentiellement sous forme de vidéos d'une vingtaine de minutes au maximum, sont proposés à date fixe. Ils sont parfois suivis de QCM destinés à mesurer vos connaissances. Mooc francophones 1. L'objectif de ce Mooc : aider les participants à se poser les bonnes questions avant de se lancer dans la création d'entreprise. Il s'agit avant tout d'une initiation, préviennent les organisateurs qui devraient déployer d'autres Moocs centrés sur la démarche entrepreneuriale d'ici la fin de l'année. Première édition : automne 2014. >> Consulter le Mooc Esprit entrepreneurial 2. Ce Mooc permet de suivre gratuitement pendant 10 jours une centaine de vidéos dédiées à la création et à la reprise d'entreprise et à la franchise. Prochaine édition : 12 au 21 juillet 2014, du 6 au 15 décembre 2014. >> Consulter le Mooc Passeport pour entreprendre 3. Prochaine édition : 17 mars 2014.