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Eddie On Everything » How to disable dumprep.exe (Dump Reporting Tool) on Windows XP If you’ve ever had to use the task manager (CTRL-ALT-DELETE) to kill a “Not Responding” program, you’ve probably been frustrated by the time it takes for the program to actually disappear from your screen. What’s going on here is that a Microsoft provided tool called “Windows Error Dump Reporting,” or “dumprep.exe,” is creating a file containing information about the error that can later be sent back to Microsoft, where it will be summarily ignored along with millions of other error reports. You can safely disable this largely useless feature (and thus speed up your computer in crash-situations) by taking the following steps. How to disable dumprep.exe: Right click on “My Computer,” choose “Properties” from that menu.
9 Tips how to use QR Codes Use dynamic QR Codes Use dynamic QR Codes to edit the target URL anytime. It is a live saver, when you have already printed a QR Code in the newspaper and you find out that you have to change the target URL. With a dynamic QR Code you can change the target URL without to print the QR Code again. Dynamic QR Codes Screenshots of Embedded Windows 98, 98SE, ME The screenshot below is real. There is no disk compression, ramdrives or imaging utiltities involved here. Using our EOS software we performed an embedded installation of Windows98SE to a small 500MB hard disk. After booting to the explorer GUI our starting point was in fact a 17MB installation.
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How to Edit PDF Files - Free Tools for Modifying PDFs The PDF file format was originally created by Adobe in the early ’90s and it now the most popular format for exchanging all sorts of documents including presentations, CAD Drawings, invoices, government forms and other legal documents. There are several reasons why PDF file format is so popular. PDFs are generally more compact (smaller in size) than the source document and they preserve the original formatting. The content of a PDF file cannot be modified easily and you can prevent other users from printing or copying text from PDF documents. Also, you can open a PDF file on any computer or mobile device natively. While PDF Files are “read only” by default, there are workarounds that will let you modify any PDF document for free without requiring the source files or any of the commercial PDF editing tools like Adobe Acrobat.
How to Convert PDF Files for Easy Ebook Reading Many ebook readers natively support PDF documents but, unfortunately, not all PDF documents are easy to read on a small ebook reader screen. Let’s take a look at two simple and free ways to convert PDF files for enjoyable reading. Kindles, Nooks, Sony Pocket Readers, and other popular readers support native PDF rendering. The problem with native rendering, however, is that many PDF documents are formatted to be read on a large screen or printed and read in hard copy.
FREE PDF Tools to Merge, Split, Encrypt, Rotate, Crop, Header, Watermark, Image to PDF, PDF to Image... PDFill PDF Tools are FREE PDF functions to merge, split, reorder, delete, encrypt, decrypt, rotate, crop and reformat PDF pages, to add information, header, footer and watermark, to convert images to PDF, PDF to images or PostScript to PDF, to delete, flatten and list form fields, to scan to pdf, to create transparent image, and more. No watermarks! FREE for Personal or Commercial use! FREE distribution! The following table explains each free function.
Escape From PDF This is a special PDF hack: I managed to make a PoC PDF to execute an embedded executable without exploiting any vulnerability! I use a launch action triggered by the opening of my PoC PDF. With Adobe Reader, the user gets a warning asking for approval to launch the action, but I can (partially) control the message displayed by the dialog. Foxit Reader displays no warning at all, the action gets executed without user interaction.