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The Chromatic Typewriter Washington-based painter Tyree Callahan modified a 1937 Underwood Standard typewriter, replacing the letters and keys with color pads and hued labels to create a functional “painting” device called the Chromatic Typewriter. Callahan submitted the beautiful typewriter as part of the 2012 West Prize competition, an annual art prize that’s determined by popular vote. I don’t know how practical painting an image with a color typewriter is, but if Keira Rathbone can do it… (via dark silence in suburbia)

mica angela I was born ages ago into the traveling circus of military life, and have been fortunate enough to have seen a decent chunk of the world as a result. At a young age, I developed a sort of Darwinian added appendage, as my sketchbook rarely left my hands. People who didn’t take the time to get to know me simply called me “that girl that draws.” A few years out of college, I decided to join the US Army, where I met my husband, Matthew. I happily served 4 years in Hawaii as a Photolithographer, leading a prepress topographic mapping team. I now travel all over the world with my husband (who is still in the military), our totally amazing daughter Myla, and our hairy children, Scout (a boxer) and Adie (a Boston Terrier). I work primarily in ballpoint pen and acrylics.

Gabriel Moreno The Art Of Gabriel Moreno Posted on January 3, 2010 by lenny . Madrid based illustrator, engraver and painter Gabriel Moreno has worked with just about every major national agency and many national and international publications. Tattoo inspired imagery can be found throughout many of his pieces. View more of his work at Google+ Comics | Make a comic | Bitstrips Please select one of the following options: If someone is bothering you, use the Ignore button to block them. They won’t be able to contact you or comment on your strips and you won’t see their comics anymore. See how to ignore someone If someone is making hateful or abusive content on Bitstrips, report the user. Report a User for Hateful or Abusive Content Please include a link to the hateful or abusive comment or comment below. Please describe in detail what isn't working If possible, link to a screenshot of the bug.
