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New Reality TV Show proposed While the crossing of the border between Mexico and the US by illegal aliens and drug smugglers gets a lot of news and political attention , few people actually know very much about how this is actually done. Herewith is a Treatment / Proposal for a new TV reality show called "Sneaking into America" : Ten contestants for each series will be selected randomly from applicants. There would be 3 series of Sneaks into America. Each of the 3 series will have 4 episodes… for a total of 12 one hour shows. The first episode of each "Sneak" series is titled “staging for illegal entry”, the second being “crossing the line”, the third being “the overland journey of death” and the final episode “arriving in the promised land”. The last scene in each series will be the winner starting his or her new job in the United States. Contestants who are captured, killed, die or give up with be eliminated from the contest for the winning prize. The first series will be called Sneak to Phoenix.

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