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ScrumDo - Free and Open Source Online Scrum Tool Blog: Unterricht mit Evernote vorbereiten Bei finden Sie hochwertige und zahlreiche Unterrichtsmaterialien für Ihren Geschichtsunterricht. Die Arbeitsblätter bei stammen von den renommierten Fachverlagen Raabe, AOL Verlag, Auer, Friedrich und Persen/Bergedorfer und decken viele Unterrichtsinhalte aller Epochen (wie Mittelalter, Frühgeschichte oder neuere Geschichte) ab. Suchen Sie in der vielseitigen Bibliothek nach wichtigen historischen Themen der letzten Jahrhunderte und organisieren Sie die Materialien für Ihren Unterricht in Ihren Kollektionen. In diesen können Sie für verschiedene Fachklassen, einzelne Schulstunden oder ganze Schulwochen eine eigene Kollektion anlegen und ganz einfach den Überblick über ihre Unterrichtsmaterialien behalten. Verlagsmaterialien einfach herunterladen und Ihre Lieblings-Dateien sinnvoll organisieren Immer und von überall Zugriff auf zahlreiche Geschichtsunterrichtsmaterialien

Send Google Mail to Evernote - HarryOnline Evernote is a great system to organize your notes, and to remember everything. You often want to add email message to Evernote, for example to add it to a To-do list. Evernote makes this possible by providing an email address, to which you can forward other messages–they will then be added to your other notes. But you still have to tag them, and you may want to put them in a different notebook. The method described here makes it much faster and easier: simply drag tags and notebook to the message, that’s it. How does it work? Each Evernote account comes with a unique email address (like ‘’) which can be used to add content via email. Here, the messages are forwarded by a Google Apps script. If a sublabel of the Evernote label was attached, it is appended to the subject line with an ‘@’ prefix. In a Google Docs spreadsheet, a log is kept to record all forwarded email messages. Set up the script Now configure the script and have it run regularly: That’s it. Notes

Logiciel de veille : Guide de comparaison pour mieux choisir Logiciels de veille: 200 critères pour mieux choisir Le 10/06/2011 Le process de choix d’un logiciel de veille n’est pas simple: complexité des offres, nombre d’éditeurs grandissant, accroissement des fonctionnalités, apparition régulière de nouveaux médias à veiller et analyser. Aussi, pour la 4ème fois, Digimind propose un Guide de comparaison des logiciels de veille stratégique et e-réputation, destiné aux responsables chargés de leur implémentation et déploiement. A travers 200 critères, ce guide d’évaluation gratuit, permet aux entreprises de s’assurer que leur actuel ou futur dispositif de veille dispose des fonctionnalités essentielles au succès des projets de veille et e-réputation. Télécharger : "Guide de comparaison des logiciels de veille et e-réputation (Gratuit)"" Cette publication propose une check-list des points importants à examiner issus de Cahiers des charges de projets de veille et de fonctions logicielles. Auteur : Christophe ASSELIN + Retrouvez aussi les Livres Blanc :

20 Free Scrum Project Management Tools | Home of Project Manager Even though the top tools for managing Scrum are note cards, whiteboards and big visible charts, you can find a lot of on the internet tools that lets you manage a project using the Scrum methodology. In the event you are managing a Scrum for the very first time, then we suggest you to remain with note cards, whiteboards and charts as the tools for managing until you’ve become familiar with the entire Scrum framework. When you are familiar with it, its fruitful to attempt your hands on some software program tools that let you manage Scrum efficiently although you deliver. While you will find numerous commercial tools obtainable, here in this post we have a list of free of charge tools which are used for Agile/Scrum project management. 1. Daily-Scrum is a planning and tracking tool for agile projects. more info here 2. AgileTrack is a development tool assisting in managing projects/stories/tasks/defects through out their lifecycle. more info here 3. more info here 4. more info here 5. 6. 7.

How I keep notes I keep a large number of notes in Notational Velocity, which has two key advantages: entering and subsequently retrieving notes is very fast, and notes can be stored as individual text files in a directory. Speed Creating a new note requires no mouse-clicks, and only a few key-presses: Cmd-space to open Quicksilver, “no” to select notational velocity, and enter to launch it. Then Cmd-L moves the cursor to the title area, and I can type the title for the new note. This is incredibly fast, and makes note-taking minimally disruptive to other tasks. Searching notes is similarly fast: typing anything in the title area displays a filtered list of notes. Syncing Notational Velocity can sync its notes with simplenote, so that they can be accessed and edited in a web browser or the iPhone/iPad app. Directory of text files I have a cron script on my computer that commits this directory into a Git repository every 15 minutes. At the top of some notes, I also attach metadata.

archify - capture everything, find anything We-Wired Web Stat My Web. Analyse rapide d un site Web - Les outils de la veille | Les outils de la veille StatMyWeb ne rivalise pas avec des services plus complets, du type de Google Analytics par exemple, pour analyser votre site web et son impact. StatMyWeb est beaucoup plus simple et sommaire mais il pourra vous être utile au moment d’analyser rapidement un autre site web que le votre. Celui d’un concurrent par exemple. StatMyWeb vous fournit en effet à partir d’une simple url toute une série d’indicateurs publics sur un site dans une présentation claire et compréhensible par tous y compris de non informaticiens. Si l’on sait que ce genre d’outils sont souvent perfectibles au moment de mesurer le traffic réel d’un site, il vous fournira cependant des informations précieuses sur le positionnement en fonction des mots clés, le nom de domaine et l’indexation et popularité du site. StatMyWeb ne révolutionne pas le genre mais reste une solution honnête et gratuite dans le domaine de la veille concurrentielle pour avoir une analyse chiffrée rapide du site d’un concurrent. Like Loading...

tag-extract: A tool to automatically restructure text/outline using tags | Random Stuff that Matters June 13, 2012, [MD] I created a tool that can reorganize an outline in text format with simple @tags, using the hierarchical format of the file to "intelligently" group subcategories together, and tag lines with their top-level category. I provide examples of how this can be used for a literature review, or for qualitative research. Moving ideas around I've long been interested in ways of working with ideas, texts, and notes – collecting them and reorganizing them – see for example [[grappling_with_ideas-the_paper#manipulating_ideas|my section on this]] in [[grappling_with_ideas-the_paper|"Grappling with ideas"]]. My experiences with Knowledge Forum (mentioned in the link above) taught me the importance of being able to "move ideas around", rather then having them fixed wherever they happened to be first entered. But in fact, this goes further back then that. Johnson (1999) p 5. diff. betw. Corruption: Good governance: Alfanski, 1997 p 10. good governance became an IMF priority in 1990's

Social Folders Save Gmail Attachments in Your Dropbox If you receive a lot of attachments in your email, you must have noticed that it becomes hard to find a file received a long time ago. Then you wish yo u had saved the file locally instead of just relying on the email server. What if there was a way to save all your attachments automatically to a certain place? Here’s how you can automatically save all your attachments to your Dropbox. First of all, if you don’t already have an account at Dropbox, create one. Synchronizing files with Dropbox is quite simple. Now that you know how to use Dropbox, you now need to get an email ID to send files to your Dropbox. Take a look at the settings and customize them if you want. Now it’s time to setup Gmail to forward your emails to your Dropbox. Now select the Filters tab. You are all set now.

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