Rubrics and Rubric Makers As we all know grading is the most necessary procedures of our career. It might just be me, but grading is the bane of my existence. Do you feel the same way? Grading large works, especially towards the end of the school year, feels like it is an endless and mindless process. I remember a few years back when I helped grade over 4,000 essays from a neighboring school district. When you grade large works of any kind it is very difficult for even the most competent people to remain 100% objective. Not only do rubrics lead to better equality in assessment, but it gives you standard that will help you understand exactly what you are looking for in the quality of work. Rubrics are essential to grading student assignments effectively. Rubrics make grading quicker, clearer, and more objective. Rubrics By Category General | Language Arts | Math | Process | Science | Social Studies Rubric Maker Tools All Rubric Makers- Make completely customizable rubrics, and print or edit them at a later date.
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Salsa: styled & accessible learning service agreements PHP Webquest Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider Horario escolar online Assignment Calendar - Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools: Home Dynamic Paper Modes You can create the following: Nets – two-dimensional outlines of three-dimensional shapes, including regular polyhedra, prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones Graph Paper – coordinate graphs, polar coordinates, logarithmic graph paper Number Lines – including positive and negative coordinates Number Grids – hundreds boards and the like Tessellations – tiling patterns involving triangles, quadrilaterals, and hexagons Shapes – pattern blocks, attribute blocks, and color tiles Spinners – up to 16 sectors, with adjustable sizes How to Use Select the type of image you want from the drop down, enter values for the parameters, and click Add to insert an image into the workspace. Toolbar (from top to bottom)