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How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen

How to hire a programmer to make your ideas happen
Do you have an idea for a website, online business, or application, but need a programmer to turn that idea into reality? Many of my friends have been in the same position, so here's my best advice, below. But first, a quick request: If you are a programmer, please leave a reply below with YOUR best advice. Feel free to include your URL and email for anyone to contact you. I know my advice is not complete, (and you may totally disagree!), so any further advice is appreciated. 1. First read my short “Version Infinity” article. Dream the big dream of everything your site/service/company might be some day, and write it all down. But then think of the bare minimum that would make you happy, and people would find useful. Call this Version 1.0. A programmer is much more likely to say, “I can do that!” Your goal here is just to get Version 1.0 built. 2. Again, remember: only describe Version 1.0. Leave off all details that the programmer doesn't need to know. Be succinct. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Experiencia en el Internet Startup Camp de Valencia Del 16 al 21 de junio de 2012 nubelo estuvo presente el Internet Startup Camp de Valencia, un evento dirigido a emprendedores del sector de Internet y promovido por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Junto a Ferran Calatayud y algunos inversores de nubelo asistimos al evento, y, aparte de aprender mucho y conocer a emprendedores con perfiles muy interesantes, la pasamos muy bien. Así que, antes que nada, muchas gracias a Jaime, MaTeresa, Guadalupe, Yanira, Adrian y a todo el equipo organizador que hizo realidad este evento. El evento duró 6 días en total, y nos alojamos en la residencia de estudiantes Galileo Galilei. En las charlas participaron ponentes muy potentes como Iñaki Arrola de, Luis Dieguez de, Agustín Cuenta de ASPgems, Maria José Gómez de, o Nast Marrero de Tuenti Javier Megías La esencia del modelo de negocios se puede resumir con la siguiente frase: “show me the money!! Weblogs welovroi Proyectos de emprendedores

words you can't say in sales January 2013 | A couple of years ago I wrote an article titled, ‘I Wish I’d Said That: Seven sentences to get you out of sticky situations.’ Just as there are words you can employ to helpful means, there are also words that you should avoid to keep you out of trouble and in control of the buy-sell relationship. Here are seven of them. Seven Words You Can’t Say in Business Development Obviously, the words themselves are harmless and only become problematic when used in certain context. 1. Such a harmless word, you, but using it incorrectly can cause immediate credibility loss that is almost impossible to win back. The problematic use of this innocent word is speaking to an as-yet unqualified target audience, particularly in written form. “[agency] is a strategic marketing services agency that does just one thing—helps you grow your business.” Really? “From strategic market planning to brand strategy, from lead generation to internet marketing services, we get you to your goals.” 2. 1. 2. 3.

Anatomy of a feature “Oh, it’s easy, just a quick http call. I could write a script to do it in like 20 seconds.” I recently added a pretty easy feature to NetNewsWire — a Send to Instapaper command. It really is just a quick http call to the Instapaper server to add a URL to the Read Later list. Piece of cake. But of course it’s not as simple as just writing a quick script. Decisions It’s not enough just to write the basic functionality and add a menu item that runs it. Should it support multiple Instapaper accounts? This would complicate the feature. And we’d have to include some UI for creating, adding, deleting, and editing your Instapaper accounts, which would require a whole new screen, probably in the Preferences window. I’m willing to bet that most people who use Instapaper use just one account, or at least are willing to use just one account when saving from NetNewsWire. But! While a person may have just one account, they might change that one account some day. Should there be a toolbar item? Tough call.
