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Crowd Investing for Startups

Crowd Investing for Startups

The Direct Public Offering – The Original Securities-Based Crowdfunding Model | Cutting Edge Capital Excitement about the new crowdfunding securities exemption created under the JOBS Act continues to build despite the long wait for the SEC and FINRA to promulgate the rules that are necessary for the new law to go into effect. While the details of the new exemption remain largely unknown, we all hope that it will provide another viable way for companies to offer and sell securities publicly to both accredited and non-accredited investors and thus increase the flow of capital to small businesses and startups around the country. Unfortunately, however, it may be some time before companies can legally use this new exemption to raise capital from the crowd. What many people may not know is that the new crowdfunding exemption is not the only way, nor perhaps the best way, to legally raise investment capital from the crowd. There are several legal compliance pathways that can be used to conduct a direct public offering. Issuers can Raise More than $1 Million Using a Direct Public Offering

Financement participatif: comment faire appel au crowdfunding ? Faire appel aux internautes pour récolter des fonds, en s'inscrivant sur un site de financement participatif... En ces temps de vaches maigres, où les banquiers serrent la vis, cela tiendrait presque de la solution miracle pour un entrepreneur. Sauf qu'une campagne de crowdfunding ne s'improvise pas. 1. "Le principal écueil est de s'inscrire sur une plateforme et d'attendre que l'argent tombe, sans rien faire, prévient Joachim Dupont. Attention au timing. 2. Indiegogo, Wiseed, Anaxago, HelloMerci... difficile de savoir quel site choisir dans la jungle du crowdfunding. Un choix dicté par ses besoins. Plateforme française ou internationale? 3. En ce qui concerne le montant à lever, mieux vaut se montrer raisonnable, réaliser de premiers investissements et revenir plus tard pour un second tour de table.La durée de la campagne varie en fonction de chaque plateforme. Trois cercles de sollicitation. 4.

SMART Platforms Bpifrance fédère les sites de crowdfunding La banque publique d’investissement veut accompagner le mouvement du crowdfunding, ce système de financement de projets sur internet par une foule de particuliers. A l’occasion des Assises du financement participatif, organisées par l’association Financement participatif France (FPF) à Bercy le 30 septembre 2013, Bpifrance a annoncé le lancement de "", un portail internet référençant les principaux sites de crowdfunding. Pour l’heure, 14 sites de crowdfunding sont accessibles sur la plateforme de Bpifrance. Un moteur de recherche pour les projets à financer liste tous les projets à financer des sites de crowdfunding référencés. Retrouvez aussi notre dossier "Entrepreneurs : les quatre commandements pour s’imposer aux USA" "Il y a beaucoup d’acteurs du crowdfunding en France, qui interviennent dans des domaines très différents, explique Fleur Pellerin, la ministre en charge des PME, de l’innovation et de l’économie numérique. Arnaud Dumas

Social Crowdfunding Platform Expands To Europe With New Berlin Incubator And Donations In Euros, With Pounds Coming Soon, the U.S.-based crowdfunding platform designed for socially-minded causes, is taking its mission to Europe. Today, the startup is opening an incubator in Berlin, its first outside of the U.S., and on a limited beta will start to process donations made on its proprietary payment platform in euros, with the intention of adding British pounds and other currencies in the very near future. — which, commendably, used its own platform to raise $7.9 million from the likes of Relay Ventures, Mike Maples of Floodgate Fund, Reid Hoffman of Greylock Partners, Kevin Rose of Google Ventures, Craig Shapiro of Collaborative Fund, Michael Birch of Bebo, Tim Ferriss and Eric Ries — recently passed 3 million people contributing to 23,000 campaigns on its platform, and the idea is to tap into more local social causes and fundraising activities in this part of the world to grow that base even more.

FinanceUtile GLOCOM Platform - Special Topics - Activity Report GLOCOM Platform Tokyo Forum Report: November 21, 2002 Takahiro Miyao (Professor, GLOCOM) Summaries, Slides and Videos Background Mobile and wireless technologies are the hottest theme in the IT field now, as they are being applied to change our daily life in a fundamental way. The GLOCOM Platform ( has so far held two international forums on this theme, one in Los Angeles and the other one in Tokyo. The Tokyo Forum was offered by the GLOCOM Platform and sponsored by the Center for Global Partnership at the Japan Foundation in cooperation with The Japan Times. An Overview of Presentations Opening Session: Hideya TAIDA (Director, Center for Global Partnership, The Japan Foundation) Opening Address: Shumpei KUMON (Executive Director and Professor, GLOCOM) Keynote Speech: "Where Are We Up To?" Session 1: Global and National Trends and Strategies: Session 2: Community Strategies and Policy Issues:

GLOCOM Platform - Special Topics - Activity Report Los Angeles Forum 2002: Report Takahiro Miyao (Professor, GLOCOM) RealVideo: Los Angeles Forum 2002 Note: To view RealVideo, you need to have RealPlayer G2 or later installed in your computer. Nobuharu Ono of NTT DoCoMo USA, Lucy Hood of News Corporation, Jonathan Aronson of USC, Francois Bar of Stanford University, Michio Katsumata of Nikkei, Tokyo, and Tsuruaki Yukawa of Jiji Press, Tokyo, are among the speakers and panelists at the GLOCOM-USC joint international forum, which was held at the USC Davidson Conference Center on September 26, 2002. It started with opening remarks by Geoffrey Cowan, Dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication, and ended with closing remarks by Michael Diamond, Executive Vice Provost of USC. It is important to note that this forum is the first of the series of conferences on wireless and related topics, organized by GLOCOM, and the next one will be held in Tokyo on November 21, 2002. Appendix I: USC News Release ( 1. 2.
