Sea Level Rise Explorer - Global Warming Art From Global Warming Art Elevation Relative to Sea Level (m) Description The map shown above allows you to explore the regions of the Earth that are most vulnerable to sea level rise. As with other Google Maps, you can click-and-drag the window to scroll or double click to zoom. Potential for Sea Level Rise As global warming progresses, sea level is expected to rise primarily due to the melting of continental ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. During the twentieth century, sea level rose 20 cm. However, even if global temperatures stabilize in 2100, the full magnitude of sea level rise is expected to take far longer to develop. Accuracy of Maps The sea level data appearing in my maps is based primarily on version 2 of NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), with post-processing by CGIAR to fill-in voids using data from other sources. The SRTM data are limited to a region of 60 S to 60 N latitude. Related Materials References ^ [abstract] [DOI] Knutti, Reto and Thomas F.
Global risks: Interactive map shows climate issues rising An overly simplistic view of global economics has fuelled climate denial and skepticism for decades. Some opponents of climate change mitigation policies argue that achieving any progress would require an impossible retrofitting of our economy and result in lower profits and fewer jobs. In reality, in many ways, climate action will help businesses be more resilient in tomorrow’s economy. Interestingly, the rapid and widespread outbreak of COVID-19 has given the world an opportunity to test the hypothesis of whether and how an economic shutdown might affect climate outcomes. Initial data suggests that 2020 annual emissions could decrease by as much as seven percent globally due to the downward shift in energy demand worldwide. Climate change poses an urgent threat demanding decisive action. The World Economic Forum's Climate Initiative supports the scaling and acceleration of global climate action through public and private-sector collaboration. Contact us to get involved.
Why Critique Apps That Challenge Kids to Solve Environmental Issues By Tanner Higgin, Graphite Environmental education for most adults used to mean learning a little bit about recycling and planting some trees on Arbor Day. We didn’t delve into ecology as much as we skimmed the surface. But things have gotten more complex since then, and the topic of climate change has brought environmental education to the forefront. At its best, environmental education gets students grappling with big, cross-disciplinary issues like sustainable design and renewable energy. Students think critically about environmental and ecological systems; they diagnose problems, and speculate about (or maybe even create) solutions. 1. This app provides an overview of environmental issues, particularly pollution, for younger students. 2. Enercities is a little more sophisticated than Little Green Island. 3. It’s important to learn not just about sustainability and being environmentally conscious, but also about what’s at stake in these efforts. 4. Related
The Global Risks Report 2020 The 15th edition of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report is published as critical risks are manifesting. The global economy is facing an increased risk of stagnation, climate change is striking harder and more rapidly than expected, and fragmented cyberspace threatens the full potential of next-generation technologies — all while citizens worldwide protest political and economic conditions and voice concerns about systems that exacerbate inequality. The challenges before us demand immediate collective action, but fractures within the global community appear to only be widening. Stakeholders need to act quickly and with purpose within an unsettled global landscape. Read the Japanese version here日本語はこちら
Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-friendly Resources - Refdesk.com Global Warming and Climate Change skepticism examined Green Brexit: a new era for farming, fishing and the environment I want to thank Prosperity UK for organising this conference and in particular, Lord Hill of Oareford, Sir Paul Marshall and Alex Hickman who have been the dynamos who have ensured that today can occur. And they, like the team that run Prosperity UK, are determined to bring together individuals from across the political spectrum to develop policies for Britain’s future outside the European Union (EU). Their committee is composed of both those who argued that we should Leave the EU and also those who believed that we should Remain But they are united by the belief that, whatever positions individuals may have been adopted in the past it’s important that all of us now focus on the opportunities of the future. I want to set out, in a second, where I believe some of those opportunities specifically lie. But more than sixteen million of our fellow citizens voted to Remain. Many people voted to Remain because they understandably feared the economic consequences of leaving. CAP reform Fisheries
WWF Footprint Calculator 25 Year Environment Plan Our environment plan sets out our goals for improving the environment, within a generation, and leaving it in a better state than we found it. It details how we in government will work with communities and businesses to do this. It sets out what we will be doing over the next 25 years. Alongside the plan, we’ve published 3 detailed, technical annexes. We published the first annual progress report in May 2019. The Plan sits alongside two other important government strategies: our Industrial Strategy and our Clean Growth strategy. If you want to receive updates on our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment, please register as a stakeholder.
Teacher Resources: Water Science School (USGS) USGS Home Contact USGS Search USGS The USGS Water Science School Teacher Resources for Water Science, USGS The Water Cycle We have a water-cycle for schools section with a diagram and an online, interactive version aimed at three age-levels of students. Files for printing: PDF (2 Mb poster) | Image (11x17 inch) | Image (poster) Water Properties Learn about what makes water unique and vital to all life on Earth. The Story of Dryville! Story of YOU going into the desert to start a new town...and how water plays a part every step of the way. Activity Center These surveys show cumulative responses after you take the survey. Opinion Surveys Challenge Questions Accessibility FOIA Privacy Policies and Notices U.S.
Horticultural Research by Stockbridge Technology Centre