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Remote Jobs in Programming, Design, Sales and more #OpenSalaries 22 Killer Personal Development Resources You're Missing Out On You’ve got the personal development itch once again. You know the feeling. Maybe you want to be more productive, finally tackle that goal of yours, or start waking up earlier. So you go to Google or your favorite personal development blogs. And that’s it. Sometimes you find what you need, but you still have a sense that there’s got to be more. And that’s where you get stuck. Today I hope to change that by sharing with you 22 of the killer personal development resources you’re missing out on. 1. I know, you thought Reddit was just for gamers, atheists, and students – but that’s a misconception. 2. is a nifty personal development web application. 3. Lately, it seems there have been hundreds of eLearning websites popping up across the web. 4. There are plenty of ways to motivate you to work out, but the app Gympact does something quite clever and unique. Okay, so plenty of you know Ted already, but do you remember the first day you discovered it? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14.

MSPA | Mystery Shopping Providers Association - Shoppers Welcome! MSPA North America has built what we believe to be one of the most comprehensive resources available to help individuals learn about mystery shopping and to get access to mystery shopping opportunities. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MSPA is pleased to announce ShopperFest2014!! Interested in mystery shopping? MSPA-NA is a trade association and does not hire shoppers. Le nomadisme numérique : vivre et travailler partout! - Blogue du Service du développement professionnel de l'Université Laval Des experts prédisent qu’en 2035, plus d’un milliard de personnes seront des nomades numériques, i.e. des personnes qui travaillent de n’importe où, que ce soit du café du coin ou, plus souvent, qui voyagent aux quatre coins du monde, bref des travailleurs sans frontières ni bureau fixe. Portrait d’un nouveau mode de vie professionnel. Qui sont les nomades numériques? Les raisons qui poussent un individu à devenir nomade numérique (ou nomade digital) sont généralement un désir de liberté, un besoin d’indépendance, le souhait d’éviter les horaires fixes et la routine et le désir de voyager. Les nomades digitaux apprécient particulièrement les pays offrant une bonne qualité de vie à petit prix comme l’Indonésie ou la Thaïlande. Les qualités et compétences requises Mais avant de ne penser qu’aux voyages, réfléchissez bien à savoir si vous êtes fait pour cette aventure et si c’est vraiment le mode de vie que vous souhaitez. Comment devenir nomade numérique? Les types d’emplois

Downloads Money 101 Student Workbook A hands-on, activity workbook for college students learning the What?s My Score Money 101 curriculum. Download PDF (1.03 MB) Take Control of Your Credit Score This brochure covers all of the essentials of credit scoring. Download PDF (2.26 MB) Practical Money Guides: Complete Set Covering everything from credit cards to budget basics to the ins and outs of a credit history, these brochures help students navigate through key issues surrounding financial responsibility. Download English PDF (3.8 MB)Download Español PDF (3.8 MB) Practical Money Guide: Budget Basics A budget can help you pay your bills on time, cover unexpected emergencies, and reach your financial goals now and in the future. Download English PDF (996 KB)Download Español PDF (996 KB) Practical Money Guide: Credit Card Basics Credit cards can be powerful financial tools for you and your family, and as with all financial tools, they need to be used carefully. Practical Money Guide: Credit History

5 Essential WordPress Tips for Beginners Jonathan Goldford is a partner at Wired Impact, a web design company that builds websites for nonprofits. You can connect with Jonathan on Twitter and on the Wired Impact Facebook page. Have you ever been driving your car, playing on your computer or trying to change the input on your TV when, all of a sudden, someone introduces you to a mind-blowing new feature? Here, we'll cover five great, lesser-known WordPress features. Soon, you too will experience that elusive "Ah-ha!" moment. 1. The majority of bloggers try to follow a publishing schedule. In the WordPress backend, go to the Edit screen for the post you wish to schedule. 1. 2. WordPress generally does a good job creating URLs for your pages or posts, but sometimes you'll need to adjust. 1. If you notice that your new page or post URL doesn’t match one of the two cases listed above, here's how to change it. 1. Note: it’s not good practice to change permalinks after the post or page has already been published. 3. 1. 4. 1. 3. 5. 1.

Nomade digital : Tout savoir pour voyager et travailler partout dans le monde Mise à jour le 7 septembre 2022 Envie de devenir nomade digital et d’être géographiquement libre ? De travailler sur Internet tout en voyageant ? Vous êtes tombés au bon endroit ! Dans ce guide, vous allez retrouver un maximum de ressources afin de vous informer sur le concept de nomadisme numérique. Le statut de « digital nomad » donne envie à beaucoup de monde. Mais entre le rêve et la réalité, il existe souvent un grand écart. Il faut vous méfier des vendeurs de rêves et faire preuve de pragmatisme. Cela fait 8 ans que je suis indépendant et que je vis aux quatre coins de la planète. Avec un peu de motivation et de travail vous pourrez aussi devenir nomade digital. Cela peut prendre 6 mois, 1 an, voire plus parfois. Nous allons voir comment ensemble. Nomade digital : un mode de vie qui explose En train de bosser depuis Bacalar dans le Yucatan (Mexique) Disons le tout de suite, le terme « nomade digital » est imprécis et parfois fourre-tout. Une définition Pour faire simple : En allant plus loin :

Career Hub: Online Tools to Jumpstart the Career Change Process As the Career Assessment Goddess, I'm often noodling around on the Internet looking for really useful career tools. I see a lot of the garden-variety, fr.e.e-type career tests online that can be humorous (like the Pig Test and the Lipstick Test) or downright simplistic ("answer these 3 multiple-choice questions to pick your college major or career"). In fact, if you Google "career tests", you get more than 75 MILLION hits. Here's some worthwhile career transition tools I learned about this week: Employability Check-UpA sub-site of America's Career InfoNet system, this tool helps you to determine your ability to find employment for a particular occupation and industry, cross-indexed by state and locality, education-level attained, and wage-level desired. Keep these tools in mind as you face your next career transition, voluntary or otherwise.

4 Steps to Monetize Your Blog Through Affiliate Marketing An Honest Review of GlocalMe WiFi Hotspot 2023 In this review, we test the GlocalMe portable hotspot, let you know the good and bad, and give you our honest opinion on the device and service. Like a lot of you, we’re always looking for reliable, fast Wi-Fi. Between traveling a lot (when the world allows), working from home (or on the go), and occasionally home schooling, good internet is an absolute must for us. Essentially, the GlocalMe G4 PRO (which is the actual device we tested for this review) is a touchscreen data Wi-Fi hotspot that lets you to connect up to 10 devices simultaneously to the Internet. Since we’re using the GlocalMe G4 PRO specifically, here’s what we thought of GlocaMe’s flagship device. Pros internet coverage in 140+ countriespay-as-you godoubles as a power banksupports 4g LTE with speeds up to 150mbps down and 50mbps up (depending on connection)easy to use touchscreen with easy to see battery life and data remaininglong 18 hour battery lifeno sim card requiredcan connect up to 10 devices Cons GlocalMe app

15 Things You Can Do Right Now To Help Your Career Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win,” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face. In fact, it is that day to day grind that pulls down many of us – we go to work, come home exhausted, and often feel as though we’re just spinning our wheels. If you want to get ahead in your career and in your life, you need to start small and look at the immediate things you can do to help out your situation. If you’re sitting out there at your desk, tiredly wondering if there’s something better that you can be doing with your life, start with these fifteen tips that you can start executing immediately that will lead you down a path towards a better career. Make a list of all of the things you did today/this week/this month to help your organization, and file them away. Work on your writing skills For me, The Simple Dollar is actually an active part of improving my own writing.
