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Goldie Blox™

Goldie Blox™

Glossaire Chaînage Élément métallique intégré dans un maçonnerie afin de la consolider. On trouve par exemple des chaînage dans les flèches des cathédrales gothiques. Cariatide Ou caryatide. Colonne en forme de statue féminine supportant une corniche, un balcon etc. Chant En maçonnerie, technique de pose des briques sur leur tranche la plus étroite. Chapiteau Partie supérieure d'une colonne formant un motif décoratif et disposée pour supporter les poutres d'une charpente ou les retombées des arcs supportant une voûte. Cintre Ouvrage provisoire courbe, en bois, destiné à porter, lors de la construction, un arc ou le coffrage d'une voûte. Claveau Pierres taillées aux deux faces convergentes, avec lesquelles on construit un arc. Clé de voûte Pierre (ou claveau) qui constitue le sommet d'un arc. Chaume (toit de) Couverture réalisée en chaume, c'est à dire avec des tiges de céréales ou de graminées (seigle, roseaux..). Chaux Colombage Ensemble de pièces de bois formant l'ossature des murs d'un bâtiment. Contrefort

Toy Awards mum Good Looking Cords So You Can Stop Hiding Them Either you take the time to hide all those pesky cords and wires around your TV and computer, or you feel guilty about the mess they make when left exposed. With Multi Lines, electrical wires and extension cords are one in the same. The brightly colored cords feature several outlets that are spread out along the cord, instead of being in one inconvenient grouping at the end of it. Available in a few different colors and sizes (ranging from 6.5ft to 16.4ft), they don’t just keep things organized, they also look pretty neat while doing so. Via:

//_.YORUBA.CULTURAL.INSTITUTE._\\ Apply for Summer Intensive Apply for One on One Tutorial Apply for Online Course Background Based upon the requests of native speakers of Yoruba who want to learn the language, and upon our experience teaching students who have requested we teach groups they form, we have developed a fool-proof mechanism for learning the Yoruba language. The Yoruba Cultural Institute offers a number of learning options. More importantly, our program focuses primarily on realistic dialogue for students of all levels. Extra-Curricular In addition to classroom instruction, our program supports language learning through outside cultural activities that emphasize language use. Immersion Intensive (Summer: June to August) (Fall: September to November) What’s NYC in the Summer but a festival of African Culture? SUMMER DATES: June 3 to August 21st Location: Brooklyn, NY Course includes leading Yoruba Instructional materials from Nigerian authors, musicians and artists. Course Includes: Apply Now Apply Now Course includes:

engineer.... Glace à l'avocat (sans machine) Self-Organization in Science and Society max
