Top 10 Schools of Philosophy

Miscellaneous Through history, various forms of philosophy have developed. Many have fallen by the wayside but a number have stuck. This is a list of the top 10 schools of philosophy. 10. Solipsism Nothing exists; Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can’t be communicated to others. - Gorgias (485-375 BC) Solipsism is the idea that one can only know that one’s self exists and that anything outside the mind, such as the external word, can not be known to exist. Solipsism is often associated with nihilism and materialism. 9. Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Determinism is the philosophical theory that every event, including human cognition and behaviour, decision and action, is determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. 8. - John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) 7. - Epicurus (341-270 BC) 6. - Thomas H. 5. 4. 3. 2.
Logical Paradoxes
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RGB Color est e pluribus unus RGB is a work about the exploration of the “surface’s deepness”. RGB designs create surfaces that mutate and interact with different chromatic stimulus. Carnovsky's RGB is an ongoing project that experiments with the interaction between printed and light colours. The resulting images are unexpected and disorienting. See the Wallpapers collections available:
List of unsolved problems in philosophy
This is a list of some of the major unsolved problems in philosophy. Clearly, unsolved philosophical problems exist in the lay sense (e.g. "What is the meaning of life?" Aesthetics[edit] Essentialism[edit] In art, essentialism is the idea that each medium has its own particular strengths and weaknesses, contingent on its mode of communication. Art objects[edit] This problem originally arose from the practice rather than theory of art. While it is easy to dismiss these assertions, further investigation[who?] Epistemology[edit] Epistemological problems are concerned with the nature, scope and limitations of knowledge. Gettier problem[edit] In 1963, however, Edmund Gettier published an article in the periodical Analysis entitled "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?" In response to Gettier's article, numerous philosophers have offered modified criteria for "knowledge." Infinite regression[edit] Molyneux problem[edit] Münchhausen trilemma[edit] Qualia[edit] Ethics[edit] Moral luck[edit] [edit]
Medieval History
Banksy Inside « The Drop Kings
The mysterious Banksy just released some new paintings on his website. You heard it right, Banksy painted on a canvas. All Banksy fans will appreciate. Here are a few of my favourites.
Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra (excerpts)
Back to philosophy page Zarathustra’s Prologue When Zarathustra arrived at the edge of the forest, he came upon a town. Many people had gathered there in the marketplace to see a tightrope walker who had promised a performance. The crowd, believing that Zarathustra was the ringmaster come to introduce the tightrope walker, gathered around to listen. And Zarathustra spoke to the people: I teach you the Overman! And while Zarathustra was speaking in this way, someone in the crowd interrupted: "We've heard enough about the tightrope walker; now it's time to see him!" Zarathustra, however, looked at the people and wondered. Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Overman -- a rope over an abyss. When Zarathustra had spoken these words, he again looked at the people, and was silent. There they stand; there they laugh: they do not understand me; I am not the mouth for these ears. And thus spoke Zarathustra to the people: It is time for man to fix his goal. Thus spoke Zarathustra.
When we consider the current status of water quality within the state of Iowa, we find that Iowa has generally good quality surface waters and groundwaters. However, threats to the quality of both surface waters and groundwater exist, and small portions of the state's waters have serious pollution problems. The goal of the Environmental Protection Division of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources is to protect public health, safety, well being and quality of life by protecting the state's natural environment. The DNR manages water quality through the implementation of the state's Water Quality Standards. Help us assess Iowa's streams: take the survey The DNR is asking for your input on how you recreate in Iowa's streams as we complete recreational assessments on streams in the state. The DNR will factor the results from the survey into its decision making for applying recreation-based stream designations to Iowa's waters.
Western Philosophy