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Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer

Replicator™ 2 Desktop 3D Printer

Imprimante 3D Dimension, prototypage rapide ABS par impression 3D Kio Stark » Don’t Go Back to School Here is a radical truth: school doesn’t have a monopoly on learning. More and more people are declining traditional education and college degrees. Instead they’re getting the knowledge, training, and inspiration they need outside of the classroom. Drawing on extensive research and over 100 interviews with independent learners, Kio Stark offers the ultimate guide to learning without school. Don’t Go Back to School provides models and methods for taking a new kind of path through learning, and transforming that alternative education into an exciting career path. This inspiring, practical guide provides concrete strategies and resources for getting started as an independent learner. Read an excerpt from Don’t Go Back to School. “Don’t Go Back to School makes good on the advice offered on the cover. “Not going to graduate school felt like a failure at the time, but wound up being the best choice I ever made.

How Big Business is Stymying Makers' High-Res, Colorful Innovations | Wired Design If you're waiting for desktop additive-manufacturing technology to move closer to professional-level results, be prepared to wait for a very long time. The past year was a breakout for desktop 3-D printing. MakerBot released two new models, Formlabs debuted the first prosumer 3-D printer to use high-accuracy stereolithography, and a slew of innovative, printed projects lifted awareness and desirability of additive manufacturing for the general public. But the year ended with a legal hiccup. Formlabs will be dealing with a patent infringement lawsuit brought against them by 3D Systems, one of the biggest players in the industry.

PrintrBot : Les plans sont disponibles sur Thingiverse Il y a quelque temps, je vous ai présenté le projet PrintrBot, un imprimante 3D économique et simple à réaliser. Comme l’avait promis Brook Drum, son concepteur, il vient de mettre à disposition les plans de chaque pièce sur Thingiverse. Cela est une bonne occasion pour rendre cette imprimante totalement réplicative, mais c’est aussi un moyen pour réaliser la votre facilement si vous disposer déjà d’une autre imprimante 3D, ou si vous connaissez quelqu’un qui pourra réaliser les pièces pour vous. Vous pouvez donc retrouver toutes les fichiers 3D de chaque pièce au format STL sur Thingiverse. Et pour continuer dans la simplicité, Brooke Drum a également réaliser une série de photos permettant de suivre toutes les étapes de l’assemblage de l’imprimante 3D PrintrBot.

10+ Best Apps For Your Dropbox If you’ve been using Dropbox for a while, you may not have noticed that a whole ecosystem of applications have been built up to use the service. Over time, these apps have sprung up to fill all of the little holes Dropbox left unfilled. There are apps now for just about everything. It’s possible to sync Google Docs to Dropbox, automatically send Gmail attachments to Dropbox, play music in a browser from your Dropbox music files, encrypt your Dropbox, easily host a website or blog in Dropbox, collect URLs and web clippings to Dropbox and to automate file syncs between all of your social networks and Dropbox. You can even view all of your Dropbox files alongside your Google Docs, Box files and FTP files in the one web interface. 1. DropItToMe is a service which allows you to set up a URL specifically for your friends and clients to use for uploading things to your Dropbox. JotForm lets you create an online form for people to fill out, which then gets saved to your Dropbox. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

3Doodler Lets You Hand-Draw 3-D Objects | Wired Design It may not be pretty, but the 3Doodler makes 3-D printing cheap and accessible. As affordable as 3-D printers have become, they are still out of reach for most people. A two-person team is looking to change that with their $75 handheld 3-D “printer” called the 3Doodler. The 3Doodler is basically a handheld version of the extrusion element found in most RepRap-style 3-D printers with some much needed heat shielding and an ergonomic grip. Launched today on Kickstarter (and already 466 percent funded at $140,000), 3Doodler’s video promises ”If you can scribble, trace, or raise your finger in the air you can use a 3Doodler.” The device acts a bit like a magic wand. The 3Doodler is a cross between a RepRap, hot glue gun, and whiteboard marker. The 3Doodler is interesting, but a killer application is still unclear. However, for $75, the system doesn’t have to do that much to be successful. Example projects made with the 3Doodler. Photos: Courtesy WobbleWorks

FoldaRap : Une imprimante 3D pliable à emporter partout Emmanuel Gilloz est un designer-geek-idéaliste qui réussi à mettre au point une imprimante 3D pliable. Ce système permet ainsi de transporter facilement son imprimante 3D sans pour autant passer des heures à la re-calibrer. J’avais rencontré Emmanuel, il y a quelque temps alors qu’il réalisait sa première imprimante RepRap et déjà, on pouvait voir sa passion pour la conception et la perfection, mais j’étais loin d’imaginer qu’il avait une telle idée en tête. Cette imprimante s’adresse donc à ceux qui doivent se déplacer souvent et souhaitent faire découvrir le pouvoir de l’impression 3D. Tout le secret de la FoldaRap réside dans le fait que le portique supérieur est rabattable sur le socle de base, cela peut paraître simple, mais il aura fallu près de 7 mois à Emmanuel pour parfaire la cinématique et sa simplicité de montage. Vous pouvez soutenir le projet Foldarap sur Ulule ou découvrir ses moindres détails sur En tous cas, bravo Emmanuel pour ce projet, tu m’as fait rêver.

Sensor Features - Impact Detectors. Accurate, Low Cost, Easy To Read - Brain Sentry The beauty of the Brain Sentry system is in its simplicity. Our focus is every player and every helmet. Our development team took significant efforts in designing a system that accurately measures appropriate impact forces, is affordable, is safe, and does not burden the coaches and volunteer heroes that run sports teams and leagues. At the beginning of the season simply activate the sensor and peel and stick it to the back of each helmet. When the helmet is not in use, the sensor light will automatically enter a sleep mode. NOTE: The sensor is not a brain injury detector. * All Brain Sentry sensors are Made in the USA RepRap est la première machine autoréplicable de production d'usage général fabriqué par l'homme. RepRap se présente sous la forme d'une imprimante 3D, pilotée par un logiciel libre, capable d'imprimer des objets en plastique. Puisque la RepRap est composée de plusieurs pièces de plastique et que la RepRap a la capacité d'imprimer ces pièces, la RepRap peut être considérée comme autoréplicable — tout le monde peut la construire avec du temps et le matériel nécessaire. Cela signifie également que — si vous possédez une RepRap — vous pouvez imprimer beaucoup d'objets utiles, voire même imprimer une autre RepRap pour un ami... Le concept RepRap relève de la production de machines autoreplicables, ainsi que de les rendre librement accessibles au bénéfice de tous. est un projet collectif, vous êtes donc cordialement invités à modifier presque toutes les pages de ce site, ou mieux, créer de nouvelles pages personnalisées. RepRap a été la première imprimante 3D à faible coût.

Cult Favorite Note Taking App Notational Velocity Gets A Cross-Platform Alternative Notational Velocity is a cult favorite open source note taking app for OSX. The phrase “life changing” gets thrown around a lot by it devotees. It’s simple, fast and it can sync with either Simplenote or Dropbox, giving you access to all your text notes from virtually any device. But it’s only for OSX. Now there’s an open source clone called nvPY that runs on OSX, Windows and Linux. Over the years there have been a few attempts to clone Notational Velocity. But developer Charl P. It takes some command line work to install, which is unusual if you use Windows, but it’s really easy. Syncs with simplenote.Support for simplenote tags and note pinning.Partial syncs (whilst notes are being edited) are done by a background thread so you can keep on working at light speed.Can be used offline, also without simplenote account.Search box does realtime regular expression searching in all your notes. I use ResophNotes on Windows myself.

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