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Results : Plagiarism Spectrum

Results : Plagiarism Spectrum

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Tips for Teachers: Dealing with Plagiarism — The Learning Scientists 1) Teach students about plagiarism in the classroom, even if they should have "learned it" already. Repetition of information, especially spaced repetition (1), improves learning. Learning about plagiarism is no different. Past a certain point, it seems reasonable to expect that students know not to turn in someone else’s paper, or not to copy full paragraphs word-for-word into their papers. However, maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism as a whole can be much more complicated. Teaching these nuances may not be appropriate for elementary and middle school students.

Plagiarism Scavenger Hunt Examples: I would be plagiarizing if I were to write an essay about the walrus and said: The walrus' other characteristic features are equally useful. As their favorite meals, particularly shellfish, are found near the dark ocean floor, walruses use their extremely sensitive whiskers, called mustacial vibrissae, as detection devices. As their favorite meals, particularly shellfish, are found near the dark ocean floor, walruses use their extremely sensitive whiskers, called mustacial vibrissae, as detection devices. The walrus' other characteristic features are equally useful.

What Is Plagiarism? Chris just found some good stuff on the Web for his science report about sharks. He highlights a paragraph that explains that most sharks grow to be only 3 to 4 feet long and can't hurt people. Chris copies it and pastes it into his report. On August 26 2020, the Project Gutenberg website underwent some major changes. These changes had been previewed since early 2020, and visitors to the old site were invited to try the new site, including giving input via a brief survey. The old site is no longer available. If you found yourself on this page unexpectedly, it is because an old page was redirected here. Please use the navigation menus at the top of the page to find what you were looking for.

Avoiding Plagiarism Summary: There are few intellectual offenses more serious than plagiarism in academic and professional contexts. This resource offers advice on how to avoid plagiarism in your work. Best practices for attribution You can use CC-licensed materials as long as you follow the license conditions. One condition of all CC licenses is attribution. Here are some good (and not so good) examples of attribution.

The Web Library Building a World Class Personal Library with Free Web Resources The Web Library: Building a World Class Personal Library with Free Web Resources Online companion to the book. Frequently updated: last update 8-24-2009copyright Nick Tomaiuolo 2009 Indicates a site that is not discussed in the book. News! World's Virtual Library (80,000+ FREE eBooks, eTexts, On-Line Books, eDocuments) n Welcome! Over the last decade, a quiet revolution has been going on in the development of a large library of "digital" or "electronic" books. While there are still large gaps, a very substantial body of "Western" thought is available in the form of downloadable or on-line books. Most major writers, from Plato to Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Proust, or John Le Carre, are accessible on the Internet. Subjects range from the highly scholarly to the contemporary and popular -- especially as more commercial publishers discover the virtues of "on-line" distribution. This index is intended as a "Meta-index" for most major eBook sites, along with thousands of smaller specialized sites.

Is Google Making Us Stupid? The process of adapting to new intellectual technologies is reflected in the changing metaphors we use to explain ourselves to ourselves. When the mechanical clock arrived, people began thinking of their brains as operating “like clockwork.” Today, in the age of software, we have come to think of them as operating “like computers.” But the changes, neuroscience tells us, go much deeper than metaphor. Global Peace Index – Vision of Humanity The results this year show that the level of global peacefulness deteriorated, with the average country score falling by 0.34 per cent. This is the ninth deterioration in peacefulness in the last twelve years, with 81 countries improving, and 80 recording deteriorations over the past year. The 2020 GPI reveals a world in which the conflicts and crises that emerged in the past decade have begun to abate, only to be replaced with a new wave of tension and uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New Zealand, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark.

The World Factbook People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. For threats outside the U.S., contact CIA or go to a U.S. Embassy or Consulate and ask for the information to be passed to a U.S. official.

Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Houston is Texas’s biggest city and the fourth largest city in the country. Founded on the banks of Buffalo Bayou in 1836, Houston is a city focused on progress, and is always keeping an eye towards the future. But it also has a rich and important history, which has affected the state, the nation, and the world. Houston served as the first permanent capital of the Republic of Texas, hosted the state’s first presidential convention, and built Texas’s first freeway and the world’s first air-conditioned sports stadium. In 1969 “Houston” rang out as the first word spoken from the moon, a nod to its legacy as “Space City.”
