Banned Ingredients: Unhealthy Food Additives in US Food You think the FDA has your back? Sure, they recently proposed two new regulations to up food safety measures, specifically how food processors and farmers can work better to keep their fresh products free of dangerous bacteria (remember that killer cantaloupe outbreak from 2011?). But while it may seem like the government is out to protect us from bad—even fatal—food-borne illnesses, which cause some 3,000 deaths a year, they don't completely have our best interest—or health—in mind. “For numerous suspicious and disturbing reasons, the U.S. has allowed foods that are banned in many other developed countries into our food supply,” says nutritionist Mira Calton who, together with her husband Jayson Calton, Ph.D., wrote the new book Rich Food, Poor Food due out this February. “If you see any of the following ingredients listed on the nutrition label, don’t buy the product,” Calton warns. RELATED: Eating healthy doesn't cost as much as you think! RELATED: Trying to lose weight?
5 Scents that Affect Your Mood - Destination Femme Scents can be really powerful on the state of your mind and your mood. Smells can illicit nostalgia and memories, and bring you back to the place or time you that you unconsciously associate with that scent. Just so you don’t underestimate the power of your nose, here is a list of common scents used in aromatherapy. Believe it or not, the delicate scent of the jasmine flower increases productivity and concentration. So next time you’re prepping for a presentation or going into an exam, spray some jasmine perfume or sip some jasmine tea! Lavender is legendary for its relaxation properties, and its benefits have already been recognized and exploited (in a really good way!). If you have trouble sleeping, placing a sprig of lavender under your pillow tonight might just do the trick! If you’re a binge eater (chocolate, am I right), an emotional eater, or someone who just can’t resist food (who can, let’s be real), peppermint may be your solution. Tell us: What’s your favourite scent?
Natural Relief for Upset Stomachs Caraway This popular cooking spice native to Europe and western Asia has been used to treat gastrointestinal issues since as early as 1500 BC. Recent studies have shown that when taken with peppermint, as much as 95 percent of people suffering from dyspepsia experienced improvement in symptoms. MORE: The Science of Digestion Read More Caraway appears to help to inhibit smooth muscle contractions, which may reduce diarrhea. Peppermint Peppermint and other members of the same plant family, including spearmint, were used to treat upset stomachs in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. MORE: Eat to Beat Abdominal Distress Peppermint oil is an ingredient in most chewing gum, so you might try popping a piece at the onset of indigestion, or brewing a cup of peppermint tea. Ginger A 2011 Taiwanese study found that this popular home remedy helps move food through the digestive tract quickly. Ginger may be more effective for symptoms when paired with peppermint. GALLERY: Why You Can't Stand Certain Foods
foodmatters Elissa Goodman Seasonal changes, aging, and daily stresses can suppress your immune system and leave you depleted in nutrients. Maintain a strong immune system year round with these natural immunity boosters! My desire to stay well has much more to do with building my immune system all year-round rather than just surviving this year’s flu season. My personal favorite… Poor sleep interferes with your immune function, multiplies your chances of getting sick, decreases longevity, and drastically affects your ability to fight cancer. It thrills me to see TURMERIC more widely available. I grew up banned from eating them, but medicinal mushrooms are potent immune boosters and should be a part of your health routine. Increasing your Vitamin C dosage is one of the easiest ways to boost immune function. Another cancer fighting vitamin, Vitamin D has been clinically tested to reduce risk of 17 different types of cancer. I love the taste and loathe the stinky breath, but garlic is well worth it!
printer Who came up with the idea that we are supposed to drink orange juice at breakfast? And why, if oatmeal is so good for us, do we eat that only in the morning as well? Apologies to the Palinites, but nutritionists are starting to realize that you and I like our oatmeal and OJ before we start the day because we evolved to like it that way—because enjoying the two together is healthier than eating each of them alone. Epidemiologist David R. Jacobs, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota calls it food synergy, and he, along with many other nutritionists, believes it might explain why Italians drizzle cold-pressed olive oil over tomatoes and why the Japanese pair raw fish with soybeans. What's more fascinating, however, is that the evolution between eater and eaten might answer the long-held question about why humans live longer, healthier lives on traditional diets. Tomatoes & Avocadoes And when it comes to salads, don't choose low-fat dressings. Oatmeal & Orange Juice Broccoli & Tomatoes
12 Things You Can Do For Daily Detoxification It’s a common belief that detoxing is a one-time event, lasting anywhere from 24 hours to several weeks or more. But there’s no reason why you can’t take steps to detoxify your body on a continual basis. It actually makes sense since you’re likely taking in toxins each day, until they build up to the point of causing problems. By attending to toxin clean up on a daily basis you keep your body feeling good, and you reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop bigger problems because of your toxicity level. Drink Plenty of Water This is one tip that you’re probably sick of hearing again and again, but it’s only because it’s so important to so many vital organs, and it helps to keep your body well-flushed of toxins. Brush Your Body Take a dry loofah sponge and brush your body, starting with the extremities and working your way in. Have a Daily Detoxifying Tea There are plenty of teas out there that offer different cleansing benefits, with the most common one being green tea.
Qi Journal Homepage 10 Ways to Stay Depression-Free Healthy living is an important part of self-care, Dr. Manevitz says. For example, when you eat right, brain cells get appropriate nutrition so “the brain works at its maximum,” he explains. And exercise releases endorphins, brain chemicals that act as natural antidepressants. Here are 10 lifestyle changes that can keep you feeling your best. 1. Drinking releases neurotransmitters that may make you feel better, but only temporarily. If you’re taking antidepressants, alcohol can also increase their side effects, making you drowsy, more intoxicated than usual, or in some cases, causing a blood pressure spike that could lead to a stroke, according to the Mayo Clinic. 2. It can head off a recurrence of mild to moderate depression, or help you overcome an episode, according to his team’s research.
CogniFit Brain Fitness And Memory Programs, Brain Training Vitamins, Vitamin Table Deutsch: Gesundheits- und Fitnessrechner Here you can calculate the following informations on health and fitness topics:BMI | Ideal weight | Calorie consumption | Liquid consumption | Walking Index | Nutrition values | Vitamin table | Basic conversion | Body fat (adipose) rate | Optimal training pulse and heart rate | Protein requirement | Fat requirement | Nutrition value need | WHR - Waist to hip ratio | Drink reminder Vitamins Here you can find a detailed table of the most important vitamins. Indicated is in which food it is most, the effectiveness, what happens at deficiency and overdosing, the daily need, who has an advanced need and the qualities of the vitamins. Convert length units and weight units. © Jumk.de Webprojects | Imprint & Privacy No responsibility is taken for the correctness of these informations. <div style="color:#ff0000;font-weight:bold">JavaScript must be activated to be able tu use the calculator.