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Apps Platform
Google Apps allows website administrators to offer their users co-branded versions of a variety of personalized Google applications, such as Gmail. This document describes the Google Apps Provisioning API, which enables application developers to programmatically enable access to these applications. Specifically, the API provides functions for creating, retrieving, updating and deleting user accounts with one or more domains, nicknames, email aliases, organization units, and groups. This version of the Provisioning API follows the principles of the Google Data APIs. (Provisioning API version 1.0 is no longer in service. Using the Provisioning API The following subsections explain how to use the Google Apps Provisioning API. Getting Started Before you can start using the Provisioning API, you'll need to create an administrator account for Google Apps. Creating an Administrator account The following steps explain how you would set up Google Apps. Enabling the Provisioning API Protocol Java Python
Protocol Basics - Google Data APIs
Warning: Most newer Google APIs are not Google Data APIs. The Google Data APIs documentation applies only to the older APIs that are listed in the Google Data APIs directory. For information about a specific new API, see that API's documentation. This document describes the basics of the Google Data Protocol used by many Google APIs, including examples of what a query looks like, what results look like, and so on. For more information about the Google Data Protocol, see the Developer's Guide overview page and the Protocol Reference. Contents Audience This document is intended for anyone wanting to understand the general idea of the XML format and protocol used by the Google Data APIs. Even if you just want to write code that uses the language-specific client libraries, you might want to read this document, to understand what's going on beneath the client-library abstraction layer. Examples Requesting a feed or other resource GET /myFeed The server responds: 200 OK <? Inserting a new entry
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Getting Started with the Google Data PHP Client Library - Google Data APIs
Warning: This page is about Google's older APIs, the Google Data APIs; it's relevant only to the APIs that are listed in the Google Data APIs directory, many of which have been replaced with newer APIs. For information about a specific new API, see the new API's documentation. For information about authorizing requests with a newer API, see Google Accounts Authentication and Authorization. Video: Watch Trevor Johns go through client library installation, library architecture, and a code walkthrough. Jochen Hartmann, Google Data APIs Team Updated October 2008 (Originally written by Daniel Holevoet) Introduction The Google Data PHP Client Library is a powerful collection of classes that allow you to interact with the Google Data APIs. Pre-Installation PHP may already be installed on your development machine or web-server so the first step is to verify that fact and to make sure that the version of PHP is recent enough to be used for the client library. The screenshot shows the PHP info page.
Vergebung (Film)
In Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden lief der Film bereits am 27. November 2009 an. Der Deutschlandstart wie auch der Start in den Deutschschweizer Kinos war am 3. Juni 2010. Der Film wurde, wie schon seine Vorgänger, von der Produktionsfirma Yellow Bird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem schwedischen Sender SVT und ZDF Enterprises produziert. Nach dem gewaltsamen Zusammentreffen mit ihrem Vater Alexander „Zala“ Zalatschenko liegt Lisbeth Salander schwer verletzt im Sahlgrenska-Krankenhaus in Göteborg. Zeitgleich treffen sich ehemalige und noch tätige Mitarbeiter der Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo) und planen weitere Vorgehensweisen, um die Affäre Zalatschenko zu vertuschen. Mikael Blomkvist sorgt in der Folge dafür, dass Lisbeth mithilfe eines eingeschmuggelten internetfähigen Mobiltelefons mit ihm in Kontakt treten kann. Mikaels Kollegin Erika Berger wird mit anonymen Droh-Mails eingeschüchtert. Nach Zalatschenkos Tod kann Lisbeth dessen Vermögen und seine Grundstücke erben. Protocol
Published on this if you're having trouble printing code examples How to Create a REST ProtocolBy Joe Gregorio December 01, 2004 Note: In this inaugural article of Joe Gregorio's new column, The Restful Web, he explains how to use the REST architectural style to create an application protocol with web-like properties. Future columns will offer additional REST-based applications and analyses. — Editor If you follow web services, then you may have heard of REST. REST is an architectural style that can be used to guide the construction of web services. Recently, there have been attempts to create such services that have met with mixed success. What Is REST? What is REST anyway? A software architecture is defined by a configuration of architectural elements--components, connectors, and data--constrained in their relationships in order to achieve a desired set of architectural properties. Why Follow REST? What are the URIs? Review
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January 19, 1999 January 14th saw the arrival of a new W3C Recommendation, Namespaces in XML. "Recommendation" is the final step in the W3C process; the status means that the document is done, frozen, agreed-upon and official. Namespaces are a simple and straightforward way to distinguish names used in XML documents, no matter where they come from. So let's set up a scenario: suppose wanted to start publishing reviews of XML books. <h:html xmlns:xdc=" xmlns:h=" Review</h:title></h:head><h:body><xdc:bookreview><xdc:title>XML: A Primer</xdc:title><h:table><h:tr align="center"><h:td>Author</h:td><h:td>Price</h:td><h:td>Pages</h:td><h:td>Date</h:td></h:tr><h:tr align="left"><h:td><xdc:author>Simon St. The prefixes are linked to the full names using the attributes on the top element whose names begin. xmlns:. Why Namespaces? But first, an obvious question: why do we need these things? Attributes Too
Auf Initiative europäischer Bahnen wurde 1961 und in den Folgejahren ein Palettentauschsystem mit einheitlichen Abmessungen ins Leben gerufen um dann weltweit im logistischen Umfeld rationell eingesetzt zu werden. Nach EPAL-Angaben befinden sich gegenwärtig etwa 500 Millionen Paletten im Palettenpool, der damit als der größte Palettenpool gilt. Mit der Standard-EURO-Palette (im Sprachgebrauch auch Flachpalette genannt) in den Abmessungen 80 cm × 120 cm × 14,4 cm, entspricht 0,96 m² (Nennlast 1.500 kg, Holzfeuchtigkeit bis 22 %), ist es möglich, Güter zu Ladeeinheiten zusammenzufassen um diese dann effizienter lagern und transportieren zu können. So ist es möglich, auf einem Sattelzug mit einer Ladefläche von 2,50 Breite und 13,60 m Länge je nach Stellart 33 oder 34 Euro-Paletten ohne Ladeflächenverlust zu transportieren. Nach der Stapler-Unterfahrbarkeit werden diese Ladehilfsmittel (LHM) als Zweiweg- oder Vierwegpaletten hergestellt. ISPM 15 - Kennzeichnung: Behandlungsformen:
October 03, 1998 Author's Note: It is somewhat remarkable to think that this article, which appeared initially in the Winter 1997 edition of the World Wide Web Journal was out of date by the time the final XML Recommendation was approved in February. And even as this update brings the article back into line with the final spec, a new series of recommendations are under development. When finished, these will bring namespaces, linking, schemas, stylesheets, and more to the table. This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more about structured documents. Start Here What is XML? What Do XML Documents Look Like? Validity Pulling the Pieces Together Appendix:
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