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StickyScreen — I have a habit of putting sticky notes on the edge of my monitor. Usually these notes consist of mantras I come up with based on something I’ve learned or read recently. I have to change it up about once a week because if I get too used to seeing it, I start ignoring it. Meet StickyScreen My new mini-project takes the note off the edge of your monitor and puts it smack dab in the middle. It’s just like leaving yourself a note on the bathroom mirror before you go to bed: you know you’ll see it the next morning, but at the same time, you’re not totally expecting it when you do. How it works: No bullshit login screens, database voodoo or even a ‘submit’ button. Here’s my current StickyScreen: Show me yours! Update: Since I’ve gotten a couple messages about it – yes, you are free to make your own version or adapt the page to your own liking, though I’d greatly appreciate a shout out if you do.

WebNotes: A Sticky Note Plug-In for Serious Surfers (Invites) Online sticky notes for serious Web surfers? Sounds like an oxymoron, right? But WebNotes, an online annotation and productivity tool for businesses and researchers, aims to please the online bookworm with their virtual highlighter, sticky note feature, minimalistic social features, and Outlook-esque folder system for note storage. The site, which launches in private beta today (we've got invites), takes a grown-up approach to virtual notes, and hopes to mature past competitors like Diigo, Fleck, and i-Lighter. Adult-Only Annotations WebNotes is no-nonsense about online notes. WebNotes really jumps to the head of the class with a few additional key features. WebNotes also wins my attention by immediately updating my MyWebNotes page as soon as I create a new note or start to highlight a text passage on the page. Too Serious or Just Right? WebNotes is sparse on the social features, only offering users the ability to send their annotations via email or share with a link. Invites
