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RSA: Defining cyberwar is just as hard as fighting it Are we in the midst of a cyberwar? And if we are, how do we go about "winning" it? Better yet, is a cyber war more like the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Terror" - wars that have no winner or loser and no end? Cyberwar was the center-stage topic of the afternoon keynote at the RSA Conference in San Francisco today. There was a general agreement that the word "cyberwar" is a scary word, largely because it's too encompassing. The distinctions are important because they address the first obstacle in knowing whether or not a cyber attack should even be considered an act of war. And therein lies one of the biggest problems in the U.S. as a it relates to being prepared for the cyberwar. So what's the answer? If the U.S. faced a major cyberattack - one that took down the electrical grid and resulted in loss of life or one that attacked the banking system and led to an economic emergency, wouldn't there be an expectation for the government to step in. So where does that leave us?

Talking about the EU | Musings on the EU in the UK and other stuff I find interesting Pourquoi la communication digitale est plus efficace avec le contenu ? Qu’est ce qui a changé à l’ère du digital dans les techniques de communication ? Le support a évolué et la façon de véhiculer les messages doit s’adapter entre autres à ces changements. L’information comme la publicité sont soumises à de « nouvelles contraintes » ; si des modèles apparaissent, du côté de l’internaute, les attentes se sont aussi vues modifiées. Tant les supports, les Media que les marques qui font passer l’information, et une multitude de messages doivent revoir leur copie...Un constat s’impose : la façon de consommer évolue et les consommateurs s’informent désormais davantage que dans le passé ; ils n'achètent plus par hasard. La marque doit penser à des contenus spécifiques… différents ! Attention - Cela ne veut pas dire que le message ne peut parler du produit ou du service, au contraire, mais il doit aller plus loin que la simple "réclame publicitaire".

How sensor journalism can help us create data, improve our storytelling Data journalism, meet sensor journalism. You two should talk. What’s sensor journalism? I’ll get to that. Keefe, senior editor for data news and journalism technology at WNYC in New York, said by phone that he had bought the Arduino microcontroller and Raspberry Pi with great excitement, played with them for a weekend, and then boxed them up. Keefe learned that when the soil eight inches down reaches 64 degrees for a few days, cicadas emerge to fill summer nights with their songs. A few days later, at an internal WNYC hackathon, Keefe presented the idea of building a cicada sensor. The Cicada Tracker has taken off from there: WNYC is now planning a pair of hack days: one where more than 250 volunteers will build sensors and another where New York schoolchildren will make even more cicada trackers. The devices report the temperature of the ground, which reports plotted as colored dots on WNYC’s website. But that’s part of sensor journalism’s appeal: It’s cool. The sound sensor I bought.

30 Truly Useful Mac Apps for Professional Writers As a full-time professional writer, I’m always on the lookout for utilities that will improve my workflow and help provide a much needed boost in efficiency. Today we’ll take a look at thirty of the best utilities around to help serious writers in their work. Whether you want a better way to work with Markdown or need something to help you plot out the scenes in your next novel, this roundup has just what you’re looking for. Advanced Writing Tools The writing market is quickly becoming over-saturated with extremely basic utilities that are easy on the eyes but so light on features that professional writers often miss the good old days when developers did all they could to provide you with the powerful tools that you need to get the job done. If this description matches you, check out the apps in this category, each of which is specifically tailored to give you power and flexibility, not eye candy. Ulysses Ulysses is truly an app for professional writing assignments. Price: $29.99 Ulysses Bean

BRING! Agence conseil en communication digitale A Big Article About Wee Things This article was co-published with Source. The scene is total chaos: a woman and all her purse's contents in middair as she trips over a child's toy, a man hastily trying to gather his spilled laundry, a screaming child weaving through the crowd. Somewhere, in the midst of it all, is the person you've been looking for: wearing a red and white striped shirt, black rimmed glasses and a lopsided cap. There he is! Many of us have fond memories of Waldo. And that's what this post is about: wee things. Waldo, and the eternal search for him, can actually tell us quite a lot about design. Wee Things In Space Probably the most immediate definition of wee things are things that are physically small: little things on a page. These visual forms work because they serve as extensions of our mind – they are cognitive tools that complement our own mental abilities. Make Comparisons Tiny sequences of graphics, also known as small multiples, are great ways to help our brains compare. Show a Process

Writing Enhancement Software Review 2013 | Best Grammar Check Software | Writing Software - TopTenREVIEWS Why Use Writing Enhancement Software? English is one of the most dominant languages in the world, but it is also commonly misused, even by people who grow up speaking it. It is also a rich language that will allow you to express yourself in a powerful way. Whether you’re writing a paper for school, creating a short story or constructing a professional document to send out to colleagues, you want it to be your best work. A strong command of the language conveys intelligence, understanding and a sense that you care. Sending emails with grammatical errors can cost you the confidence of coworkers and clients. We've rated and ranked all the best writing enhancement software products available. Writing Enhancement Software: What to Look For Good writing enhancement software needs to enable you to correct your mistakes and learn from your errors. Editing Tools A good grammar checker should also feature built-in style checkers.

Qu’est-ce que la communication digitale ? DIGITAL. Derrière ce néologisme envahissant se cache d’abord la numérisation des supports d’information. Pourtant l’essentiel n’est sans doute pas là… Mais plutôt dans le changement de paradigme que cette dématérialisation implique. Digital. » L’adjectif digital en français signifie « qui appartient aux doigts, se rapporte aux doigts ». Employer le terme « numérique » au lieu du très anglo-saxon « digtal » constituerait donc un abus de langage pour désigner des paquets d’électrons en transit sur des réseaux informatiques. Le Digital recouvre une réalité plus large qu’un nouvel anglicisme (qui traduit, toutefois, le caractère planétaire du numérique). « Digital », au-delà de son équivalent « numérique », renvoie aussi à l’action des doigts sur les écrans. La communication digitale, c’est en effet, d’abord, la numérisation des supports d’information. La communication d’entreprise s’est donc d’abord intéressée au web, puis aux médias sociaux et enfin aux terminaux mobiles. Enregistrer

New Map of Twitterverse Finds 6 Types of Networks | UMD Right Now :: University of Maryland COLLEGE PARK, Md. – People tweet about anything and everything, but a new Twitter analysis coauthored by University of Maryland computer scientist Ben Shneiderman shows much of this conversation falls into six distinct patterns or networks. The study analyzed tens of thousands of Twitter conversations over the past four years to reveal a "topographical map" of these patterns—each showing identifiable contours—based on the topic being discussed, the information and influencers driving the conversation and the social network structures of the participants. These six networks are: Shneiderman, a widely recognized pioneer in human-computer interaction and information visualization, co-authored the comprehensive new study with Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Internet Project, Marc A. Smith, director of the Social Media Research Foundation and Itai Himelboim, an assistant professor of telecommunications at the University of Georgia.

Script It! Formation Dématérialisation - Capgemini Institut Comment préparer la mutation des habitudes, quelle conduite du changement ?Quelles sont les démarches méthodologiques et les étapes du processus ?Quelles sont les évolutions du cadre légal et des obligations en matière de dématérialisation ?Quelles réglementations concernant la gestion de la preuve ?Comment gérer l’archivage à valeur probatoire.Comment structurer les formats et schémas des données.Comment déployer les ressources et les outils nécessaires.Quels sont les impacts dans les relations B to B ? Basé sur de nombreux exemples et cas réels reflétant les situations les plus diverses, ce séminaire dresse l’état de l’art en matière de dématérialisation. Un site web opérationnel suite à ce séminaire comprend, au-delà de l’intégralité des exemples et des visuels commentés durant le séminaire, un ensemble d’éléments pratiques, véritable «boîte à outils» pour la mise en place d’un processus de dématérialisation.

Dématérialisation des factures en mode SaaS
