danza màcabra tema iconografico, diffuso alla fine del Medioevo soprattutto in Francia (danse macabre) e in Germania (Totentanz), derivante dall'Incontro dei tre vivi e dei tre morti. La composizione, che veniva dipinta nei luoghi destinati alla sepoltura (i chiostri dei monasteri, le navate e le cappelle delle chiese), si presenta come una processione di uomini di tutte le classi sociali (a significare l'uguaglianza di fronte alla morte), ciascuno accompagnato dal proprio cadavere disseccato, rivestito ancora di qualche brandello di carne (solo nel sec. XVI al posto dei cadaveri compaiono gli scheletri); i morti sono disposti in ordine gerarchico e i laici si alternano agli ecclesiastici.
Australopitheque Afarensis - Lucy - Ancêtres C'est lors d'une campagne internationale de fouilles dans l'Afar (Ethiopie) dirigée par Donald Johanson, Maurice Taieb et Yves Coppens que fut découvert l'un des plus célèbres fossiles au monde. Ce squelette d'australopithèque féminin fut baptisé Lucy. Elle fut très médiatisée lors de sa découverte car elle détenait le record du plus vieil hominidé connu et que son squelette était complet à plus de 40% (soit 52 fragments osseux). En 1978, Donald Johanson, Tim White et Yves Coppens définissent l'espèce Australopithecus afarensis. Le crâne Sa capacité crânienne n'est que de 450 cm3, mais tout à fait en rapport avec la taille d'Afarensis soit 1,06m... Ci-contre la comparaison des crânes entre mâles et femelle montre un fort dimorphisme sexuel (Image Institute of Human Origins). La bipédie de Lucy Caractéristique principale : une bipédie quasi permanente toutefois plus chaloupée que celle d'Homo sapiens Alimentation Nourriture à priori végétarienne.
La scandaleuse histoire de l'Olympia de Manet Avec nos partenaires, nous traitons vos données pour les finalités suivantes : le fonctionnement du site, la mesure d'audience et web analyse, la personnalisation, la publicité et le ciblage, les publicités et contenus personnalisés, la mesure de performance des publicités et du contenu, le développement de produit, l'activation des fonctionnalités des réseaux sociaux. Vos préférences seront conservées pendant une durée de 6 mois. Leonor Fini Man Ray - photography, paintings, biography of Man Ray 7 Hidden Art Secrets That Were Uncovered With Technology Paintings by the masters da Vinci, Rembrandt, Goya, and Caravaggio are often accepted as absolute works. Today, we use mobile devices to capture these images, compressing them onto tiny screens, and remixing them into snapchats, selfies or light simulated paintings. But technology can also reveal the secrets that lie just beneath a work's surface. From underpaintings that reveal new insights about an artist’s true feelings, to hidden details and even in-jokes, technology is rapidly changing the way we see art. 1. Image via BBC News Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, The Lady with an Ermine, was reworked twice before its final composition. 2. Image via Live Science Through macro x-ray fluorescence analysis, a painting of a portrait of a woman was discovered underneath the 380-year-old Rembrandt, Old Man in Military Costume. 3. Image via Technology Review Goya’s signature on The Sacrifice to Vesta was uncovered by scientists using terahertz radiation. 4. Image via Telegraph 5. Image via Phys.org
Art Nouveau 'round the world HOME PAGE Lexique d'architecture médiévale 1 Campanile : Clocher à jour ou tourelle. Canonnière: Meurtrière pour le tir au canon, elle est généralement ovale ou ronde. Capmas : Mas habité par un propriétaire rural. Capucine : Lucarne dotée d'une toiture à trois pans. Caselle(ou cazelle) : Petite construction en pierre sèche, cabane de vigne ou abri de berger. Casemate: Emplacement situé dans le flanc d'une place forte pour défendre le fossé. Castel : Maison ressemblant à un château ; petit château. Castrum : Position fortifiée - souvent sur une hauteur qui contrairement au château fort, constitue toujours une agglomération. Cathédrale: Eglise principale du diocèse où se trouve le siège (cathedra) de l'évêque. Chambranle: Encadrement d'une porte, d'une fenêtre, d'une cheminée. Chancel : Clôture entre le chœur et la nef. Chapelle castale : Chapelle attachée à un château ou manoir, destinée à la famille du seigneur. Chapiteau : Elément décoré de moulures et d'ornements divers qui coiffe le fût d'une colonne ou d'un pilier.
Download All 8 Issues of Dada, the Arts Journal That Publicized the Avant-Garde Movement a Century Ago (1917-21) Surrealism, Discordianism, Frank Zappa, Situationism, punk rock, the Residents, Devo… the anarchists of counterculture in all their various guises may never have come into being—or into the being they did—were it not for an anti-art movement that called itself Dada. And like many of those anarchist countercultural movements and artists, Dada came about not as a playful experiment in “disrupting” the art world for fun and profit—to use the current jargon—but as a politically-charged response to rationalized violence and complacent banality. In this case, as a response to European culture’s descent into the mass-murder of World War One, and to the domestication of the avant-garde’s many proliferating isms. The explicit tenets of Dada, in their intentionally scrambled way, were ecumenical, international, anti-elitist, and concerned with questions of craft. Ball and Tzara were not the only assertive disseminators of Dada’s art and aims. Related Content:
Baroque art, an introduction – Smarthistory Gian Lorenzo Bernini, View to Cathedra Petri (or Chair of St. Peter), 1647-53, gilded bronze, gold, wood, stained glass (Apse of Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City, Rome) (photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Rome: From the “Whore of Babylon” to the resplendent bride of Christ When Martin Luther tacked his 95 theses to the doors of Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517 protesting the Catholic Church’s corruption, he initiated a movement that would transform the religious, political, and artistic landscape of Europe. Martin Luther focused his critique on what he saw as the Church’s greed and abuse of power. View of the Cerasi Chapel in Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome with Annibale Carracci’s altarpiece, The Assumption of the Virgin, 1600-01, oil on canvas, 96 × 61″, and paintings by Caravaggio on the side walls (The Crucifixion of St. By the end of the 16th century, the Catholic Church was once again feeling optimistic, even triumphant. The art of persuasion: To instruct, to delight, to move
History of Western Art: Renaissance to Revolution, 1300 – 1800 Who was Leonardo da Vinci? Who were the great female artists of the Baroque? What role did art play in the French Revolution? This course will survey art and architecture made from the Late Gothic in Italy through the Enlightenment. We will focus on turning points in the historical narrative including the rise of Florence and Siena, the Reformation and its impact on Baroque art in Catholic and Protestant Europe, the scientific revolution, and the political revolutions of the 18th century. Introduction to art historyWhy look at art? BackgroundA brief history of Western cultureCommon questions about datesThe five major world religionsA brief history of religion in artWhat maps tell usIs there a difference between art and craft? Art terms explainedChiaroscuro explainedForeshortening explainedLinear perspective explainedAtmospheric perspective explained Terms and concepts to know: Late Gothic art in Italy (Florence and Siena) (c. 1250-1400) The Renaissance in Italy: painting (c. 1400s) Bosch
Art and the Evolution of Consciousness — Eros & Kosmos Allan Combs California Institute of Integral Studies acombs@ciis.edu The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. — Henri Bergson The idea that consciousness, or experience, has evolved and may continue to evolve through time and history has been explored in one way or another by many philosophers and pioneers of the inner life, but is seen nowhere more clearly than in the history of art. Gebser’s explorations of art and history beginning with a sudden recognition that art at the fin de siècle represented a new kind of consciousness, a new way of seeing and experiencing reality. The most ancient of these forms of experience was the archaic structure of consciousness, perhaps 200,000 years into our past. The earliest human art seems to come from this period. These images exhibit a vigor and simplicity that has not been seen since. Horizontal Evolution Ancient tales from around the world include exchanges between human beings and gods or goddesses. — G. Zones of Experience
MESSAGGI NASCOSTI NELLE OPERE D’ARTE | tony's space E’ risaputo che l’Italia è stata la culla dell’arte con numerosissime opere d’arte in giro, e proprio perché ne sono tantissime vi è più probabilità di trovarne qualcuna che colpisce per la sua originalità e che va controcorrente rispetto ai costumi politici e religiosi di quei tempi. Sotto questo punto di vista, vi alcune opere particolari che hanno “qualcosa di strano”, di inquietante, e alla luce di quanto scoperto ultimamente, chissà quante altre opere nascondono cose che non abbiamo ancora scoperto. 1 – La Basilica di San Eustorgio a Milano, dove si dice siano conservate i corpi dei tre magi, dal XIII secolo divenne la sede principale dell’Ordine Domenicano di Milano. 2 – Nella famosa Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi (Perugia), che conserva le spoglie mortali del Santo ed è gestita dall’Ordine dei Frati Francescani, si trovano opere di Cimabue e di Giotto. Ora, invece, il primato spetterebbe a Giotto. 3 – L’Abbazia di San Pietro a Perugia, edificata intorno al 996, porta in
L'Impressionnisme et les peintres impressionnistes