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Learn to Program: The Fundamentals

Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
About the Course A computer program is a set of instructions for a computer to follow, just as a recipe is a set of instructions for a chef. Laptops, kitchen appliances, MP3 players, and many other electronic devices all run computer programs. Programs have been written to manipulate sound and video, write poetry, run banking systems, predict the weather, and analyze athletic performance. Recommended Background This course is intended for people who have never programmed before. Suggested Readings This online course is intended to be self-contained, but if you want additional reading material you will find that Practical Programming (2nd edition): An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python 3 matches the course material closely. Course Format The class consists of 1 to 2 hours of lecture each week, which are made up of videos that are generally shorter than 10 minutes each.

Gamification About the Course Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges. Video games are the dominant entertainment form of modern times because they powerfully motivate behavior. Game mechanics can be applied outside the immersive environments of games themselves, to create engaging experiences as well as assign rewards and recognition. Over the past few years, gamification adoption has skyrocketed. Game thinking means more than dropping in badges and leaderboards to make an activity fun or addicting. Subtitles forall video lectures available in: English, Russian (provided by Digital October), Turkish (Koc University), and Ukrainian (provided by Bionic University) Course Syllabus The course is divided into 12 units. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Recommended Background This course is designed as an introduction to gamification as a business practice. Suggested Readings Course Format Yes.

S189: Introduction to Python - Materials This mini quiz is totally and entirely optional. You don't need to turn it in, it is all for your benefit. You are, however, more than welcome to go over your solutions with the teaching staff, or get help if you are having trouble with any of the problems. However, do try to give this an honest shot, as it'll help you get a feel for your programming skills. Handouts * Mini Quiz The Ultimate Dropbox Toolkit & Guide Dropbox, the app we all (at least many of us) know and love, has a plethora of advanced uses to make life so much easier in managing data between multiple computers and online. We’ve posted several roundups of tips and tricks for Dropbox and now we present our ultimate toolkit and guide. We’ve pulled all our tips and tricks together and added quite a few more. Dropbox? Not familiar with Dropbox? Is Dropbox a web app? Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Dropbox Tour The secondary component of Dropbox is the web app. So what else can you do with Dropbox? Tips & Tricks Dropbox seems to have an ever growing list of fun things you can do with the app, so instead of scrolling through one massive list to find something that interests you, use the list below to skip straight to the section you’d like to read. Basic Tips List Advanced Tips List Basic Tips Invite Others to Get Free Space — [tips list] Invite Friends Local Area Network Sync — [tips list] LAN Sync Mac

Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity About the Course In this course we will seek to “understand Einstein,” especially focusing on the special theory of relativity that Albert Einstein, as a 26-year-old patent clerk, introduced in his so-called “miracle year” of 1905. Our goal will be to go behind the myth-making and beyond the popularized presentations of relativity in order to gain a deeper understanding of both Einstein the person and the concepts, predictions, and strange paradoxes of his theory. Some of the questions we will address include: How did Einstein come up with his ideas? What was the nature of his genius? What is the meaning of relativity? Students may choose one of three approaches to the course: a more quantitative approach, a more qualitative approach, or an auditing approach. Course Syllabus Week One (Einstein in Context): Einstein quotes of the week; a thought experiment involving relativity; physics and Einstein circa 1900. Week Six (Breaking the Spacetime Speed Limit?) Recommended Background

Google Releases Open-Source Online-Education Software - Wired Campus Google has taken what its officials call an “experimental first step” into online education, releasing open-source software called Course Builder in hopes that universities will use it to deliver free online courses. The search giant says it is in talks with edX—a partnership among Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of California at Berkeley to offer free online courses—though officials declined to comment further. A post on Google’s research blog this week also cited nine universities interested in using the platform, including Stanford University. “We’ve been in touch with a number of universities, and I think it’s a confusing time or an exciting time,” said Peter Norvig, Google’s director of research, in an interview with The Chronicle late Wednesday. “We’re close with Stanford—Coursera and Udacity both came out of Stanford. They’re working on their own open-source project, and they’re also interested in working with us. Mr.

Ruuvipenkin keskustelufoorumi • katso viestiketjua - Raspberry Pi - käyttökuntoon Tässä artikkelissa olisi tarkoituksena käydä läpi Raspberry Piin asentaminen käyttövalmiiksi.Mitä tarvitset Raspberryn Lisäksi:SD-MuistikortinUSB-Virtalähteen microusb liitännälläUSB-NäppäimistöUSB-HiiriVerkkojohtoHDMI-johtoNäyttö HDMI liitännälläTietokone, jossa SD kortin lukija rasptarvikkeet.jpg (182.46 KiB) Katsottu 24701 kertaa Seuraavien oheiskomponenttien hankintaan tulee kiinnittää huomioita:SD-Muisttikortti: Itselläni toimi kuvasssa 3 näkyvä SanDiskin Extreme muistikortti (SD HC 20MB/S 8GB), joillakin käyttäjillä on ollut ongelmia muistikortin kanssa.USB-Virtalähde: Raspberry piistä on saatavilla 2 mallia ja käyttämäni B-malli vaatii käyttöjännitteeksi 5V ja virtaa 700mA, joten sitä ei voi kytkeä tietokoneen usb-porttiin, koska tämä voi johtaa raspberryn ja tietokoneesi vaurioitumiseen. win32di.jpg (29.66 KiB) Katsottu 24701 kertaa Laita SD kortti, joko koneessasi olevaan tai erilliseen SD-kortin lukijaan. win32di0.jpg (35.06 KiB) Katsottu 24701 kertaa

Greek and Roman Mythology About the Course Myths are traditional stories that have endured over a long time. Some of them have to do with events of great importance, such as the founding of a nation. Others tell the stories of great heroes and heroines and their exploits and courage in the face of adversity. Still others are simple tales about otherwise unremarkable people who get into trouble or do some great deed. Course Syllabus Week 1: Homer, epic poetry, and Trojan legends Week 2: Heroes and suffering Week 3: This World and other ones Week 4: Identity and signs Week 5: Gods and humans Week 6: Religion and ritual Week 7: Justice Week 8: Unstable selves Week 9: Writing myth in history Week 10: From myths to mythology Recommended Background No special background is needed other than the willingness and ability to synthesize complex texts and theoretical material. In-course Textbooks As a student enrolled in this course, you will have free access to selected chapters and content for the duration of the course.

Open Source Software Open Source Software: Software Revolution Begins Tutorials On Python Programming fullnews Video Tutorials 1. Python Django tutorial This tutorial will teach you to package URL with apps and add them to your project, while passing values to the URLs as well. 2. Google Python Class This is a class on Python from the Google Python Class. 3. Databases are often created using PYthon's SQLite module. 4. This is a project-based tutorial on Python that covers data structures, debugging and other topics. 5. This tutorial shows you how to use Python for scientific programming and synchrotron beamline. Websites With Python Video Tutorials 1. These are free video lectures on Python that are meant for developers. 2. These tutorial videos teach you the basics of looping, file handling, lists, string functions, debugging, classes etc. 3. This website has a pretty big collection of videos on Python that you can use to learn from. 4. Here you will find over 40 videos on programming in Python that will teach you various aspects of the language. 5. Game Programming 1. 2. 3. 4.

So you want to be a programmer, huh? Here are 27 ways to learn online Whether you are looking to switch careers and become a full-time programmer, want to try to build a website or app on the side, or are just looking to round out your skill set, learning to code has certainly been something a lot of people have started to do lately. And while being a programmer might not be for everyone, there is a lot to be said about gaining a better, more educated view of how all those pixels get moved around all those screens. Before we delve into our list of learning resources sites, we wanted to share some advice from Marissa Louie, a self-taught product designer for Ness Computing. F**k it, we'll do it live! Our biggest ever edition of TNW Conference is fast approaching! Louie said that once you attain the basic skills, the best thing to do is just jump in and try to give yourself custom tasks, and build experience on your own through lots of trial and error. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Just in case you were wondering, it kind of does. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Education Apps – Apps for Coding on Tablets Updated 15/01/2015 - Apps for Coding on Tablets With an increasing focus on programming and coding finding the way onto the curriculum in many different countries across the globe, developers are creating materials which can help educators skill themselves, and also to support pupils in this area. Coding and programming allows for individuals to show their creative side, but also embodies key, logical skills which need to be understood and mastered to create a successful programme. With technology advances racing ahead within societies, the need for programmers is going to be a key concept which individuals need to understand to be able to relate the apps, programmes and any further developments. There are plenty of web/PC applications which can support coding skill development, with one of the most popular being CodeAcademy, where individuals can learn to code interactively for free. Since originally posting this list, there have been further additions for coding with apps on tablets.

Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial History of Popular Programming Languages | Leo Pixel Pascal Pascal is a High-level language it was created by Niklaus Wirth on 1970.Pascal’s Primary use is Teaching Programming. Pascal Commercial Version widely used in the 1980s. It is used to teach Structured programming and Data Structuring .Pascal used in Apple’s Lisa and Skype. C Language C is based on an earlier programming language called B. C++ is created by Bjarane Storustrup on 1983 .it is an intermediate, object oriented Programming language. SeeAlso: Best Wbsites to Learn Programming for Free Objective C Bradcox and tom love Crated Objective C on 1983 .it is a high level Programming language Expanded on C . Perl Perl is a High level Programming language created by Larry wall on 1987.created for report Processing on Unix Systems. Python Created by Guido Van Rossum on 1991. Ruby On 1993 Yukihiro Matsumoto Created Ruby, it is named after the birthstone of one of the Creators. Java Java is a High level programming Language Created by James Gosling on 1995.
