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Kurt Tucholsky: Leben und Werk - Eigenhändige Vita Kurt Tucholskys für den Einbürgerungsantrag zur Erlangung der schwedischen Staatsbürgerschaft Dr. iur. Kurt Tucholsky Hindås, 22.1.34 Kurt Tucholsky wurde am 9. Im April 1915 wurde Tucholsky zum Heeresdienst eingezogen; er war dreieinhalb Jahre Soldat (die Papiere über seine Militärzeit liegen bei). Nach dem Kriege war Tucholsky unter Theodor Wolff, dem Chefredakteur des Berliner Tageblatt, Leiter der humoristischen Beilage dieses Blattes, des Ulk, vom Dezember 1918 bis zum April 1920. Während der Inflation, als ein schriftstellerischer Verdienst in Deutschland nicht möglich gewesen ist, nahm Tucholsky eine Anstellung als Privatsekretär des früheren Finanzministers Hugo Simon an (in der Bank Bett, Simon & Co. in Berlin). Im Jahre 1924 ging Tucholsky als fester Mitarbeiter der berliner Wochenschrift Die Weltbühne und der Vossischen Zeitung nach Paris, wo er sich bis zum Jahre 1929 aufhielt. Tucholsky hat im Jahre 1920 in Berlin Fräulein Dr. med. »Der Zeitsparer«. 1913. »Fromme Gesänge«. 1920. Dr.

Alive & Free A page of links to recent works (free) on-line from living authors: Books, Book Excerpts, Long Fiction/Non-Fiction. (* indicates complete book on-line.) Fiction Dead Doll Humility by Kathy Acker Obsession by Kathy Acker Death on the Nile by Karim Alwari Rim by Alfred Besher (Hotwired registration required) Innocence Lost by Earl Brewer Naked Lunch by Wm S Burroughs Synchronized * by William Calvin Unlisted * by William Calvin Cool Darkness by Matthew Carpenter Delirium by Doug Cooper -- cover The Titles Sequence From The Adventures Of Lucky Pierre by Rovert Coover The Advocates Devil by Alan Dershowitz from Birdland by Rikki Ducornet The Hejleh by Esmail Fassih Politically Correct Bedtime Stories by James Finn Garner Agrippa * by Wm Gibson The Juror by George Dawes Green Searching For The Truth by Wei Jingsheng The Dying Ritual by Christopher Jorgensen Love [Enter] by Paul Kafka On the Road (1) -- (2) by Jack Kerouac Umney's Last Case by Stephen King The Lark and the Wren by Mercedes Lackey Non-fiction

15 New Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers Adobe AIR has clearly became the standard on creating desktop applications for web developers. Besides the offline applications, it can combine the richness of web with the simplicity of desktop & offer very functional tools. At WRD, there were 2 other posts that had shared web designer/developer focused Adobe AIR apps.: Since then, various new tools are built & here are 15 new Adobe AIR applications for designers & developers: colrful colrful is a beautiful application that enables you to make color-based searches in Flickr. Another feature is the ability to mention an image URL & get similar images from Flickr. Polaris The application is a desktop interface for Google Analytics (free version works with 1 website). It offers most of the features of Google Analytics including visits, pageviews, reports, Google Maps report & more.. Big Browser Big Browser is an application which can display multiple websites in a single window. Boks This is an Adobe AIR UI for Blueprint CSS framework. SEO Analyzer

Ext JS Blog - » Building a desktop application with Ext, AIR, Ap June 30, 2007 | Jack Slocum Ext JS is an excellent framework for building web applications that have desktop like functionality in a web browser. But what if you could take your JavaScript powered application and run on the desktop like any other native application? The launch of Adobe AIR (formerly Apollo) has made this not only a reality, but extremely easy. Get Aptana With the new Aptana AIR plugin creating an AIR app was easy, even for a newbie like me. 2. 3. Coding the application Coding the UI of the AIR application was indentical to coding any other Ext application. and Google Gears support The other challenge faced was when I wanted to run the same application in a browser. Building the application Can Aptana make this any easier? Simple Tasks I started out with low expectations - just making a simple application in AIR using Ext. While Adobe Air is still being refined, I have the feeling that this is the start of something great. More Information - Historische Texte und Wörterbücher Authorama 10 Adobe AIR -Must See- Applications WebResourcesDepot have collected the "must see" Adobe AIR applications which any developer is interested in Adobe AIR should bookmark. Some of the Adobe AIR applications have their source codes, so they may help developers to create their own. Adobe AIR Applications With Source Code Fresh Download Fresh: Fresh is a skinnable RSS reader built entirely using AJAX running on Adobe AIR. Roadfinder Download RoadFinder: Download RoadFinder Source Code: Roadfinder combines two of the most popular online maps, Yahoo! Spaz Download Spaz: Download Spaz Source Code: Spaz is a free, open source Twitter client for Mac, Windows and Linux. Signet Ora Time And Expense

Christophe Coenraets » Flex-based SQLAdmin for Google Gears I spent the last few days building a Flex/Google Gears integration demo that Kevin Lynch demonstrated during the Gears announcement today at the Google developer day in San Jose. The demo is a Flex-based Sales Force Automation application that uses Gears to save data to a local SQLite database while offline, and automatically synchronizes back with the server when you reconnect to the network. There is a browser-based version of the application using Gears for the local database access, and an Apollo version using Apollo’s built-in SQLite support. I will post the code and more information about the application after cleaning it up a little bit. In the meantime, here is a SQLAdmin app that I built to help me manipulate my Gears database as I was building the demo. You can run the application here. To use the app with your own databases, download the application here, and run it from the same domain as the database you wish to inspect. The source code is available here

DigBib.Org - die freie digitale Bibliothek Why not try an Adobe AIR RSS Feed Reader, its worth it : Speckyboy Design Magazine Adobe AIR has recently surpassed well over 100 millions downloads, and its all thanks largely to the many Twitter apps available. Now, I love Adobe AIR, and hate its current reputation that it is seemingly limited to only Twitter. Why is no one downloading the AIR RSS apps? You should be, they are great, just have a look at the list below. AlertThingy – FriendFeed Edition AlertThingy – FriendFeed Edition » Get all your FriendFeed updates direct to your desktop with AlertThingy FriendFeed Edition. AlertThingy – FriendFeed Edition Video Review Snackr: Snackr: Homepage » Snackr is an RSS ticker that pulls random items from your feeds and scrolls them across your desktop. Snackr in Action Video Snackr – GUI » from Robert Sørensen » on Vimeo ». ReadAir ReadAir » ReadAir can sync your Google Reader feeds straight to your desktop. ReadAir Screenshot Scoop: What’s new? Scoop: What’s new? ShareFire Sharefire Screencast GeoFeeder EspressoReader EspressoReader Screenshot

Google Gears for Offline Data Entry Friday, July 20th, 2007 <>p>Jack Herrington has written his second article in his series on Gears. The article goes into detail on creating a form based data entry application that works offline. This means that entries are batched up, so when the user goes online they can be sync’d up. The forms are sent using Prototype and Ajax.Updater. Jack iterates on the data model, going from a simple blog, to separate content. ConclusionFor years now, web applications have been stuck at the 90 percent solution mark.
