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Is 2014 the year gamification can be taken of the ‘to do’ list and put into practice? While it has been a buzzword in the elearning industry for years now, it seems like this year the time has come for gamification to start delivering real benefits for online learning. Gamification – the use of game play mechanics for non-game applications – promises much: an engaging, dynamic, memorable and rewarding learning experience. But it can be very difficult to know where to start. 1. A common way to relay a subject to a learner is to put it into some kind of real world scenario the learner can relate to, then let them participate and observe the situation as it unfolds. For example, in a course aimed at helping people to spot bribery in the workplace, a user may be presented with the option to take a client out to lunch at a fancy restaurant or to provide them with a takeaway sandwich. 2. 3. A points system simply gives us a method for measuring someone’s performance in a task or course. 4. | Home
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SCORM Explained
What is SCORM? SCORM is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can “play well” with other e-learning software. It is the de facto industry standard for e-learning interoperability. Specifically, SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMSs) communicate with each other. Can you help me with an example or analogy? Let’s take DVDs for example. The SCORM standard makes sure that all e-learning content and LMSs can work with each other, just like the DVD standard makes sure that all DVDs will play in all DVD players. The Cost of Content Integration What does SCORM stand for? SCORM stands for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model”. “Sharable Content Object” indicates that SCORM is all about creating units of online training material that can be shared across systems. “Reference Model” reflects the fact that SCORM isn’t actually a standard. Do you produce SCORM? No.
Use of technology in education to improve learning and teaching Educational technology (commonly abbreviated as edutech, or edtech) is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.[1][2] When referred to with its abbreviation, "EdTech", it often refers to the industry of companies that create educational technology.[3][4][5] In EdTech Inc.: Selling, Automating and Globalizing Higher Education in the Digital Age, Tanner Mirrlees and Shahid Alvi (2019) argue "EdTech is no exception to industry ownership and market rules" and "define the EdTech industries as all the privately owned companies currently involved in the financing, production and distribution of commercial hardware, software, cultural goods, services and platforms for the educational market with the goal of turning a profit. Accordingly, there are several discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and technical development of educational technology: B.F. [edit]
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De Leergang is een waardevolle, onmisbare schakel voor elke zorgondernemer. De vrijwel dagelijks wijzigende omstandigheden in de maatschappij en uw drang om een succesvol ondernemer te willen zijn of blijven dagen u uit! De Leergang voor de eerste lijns zorgondernemers zal: Leiden tot vergroting van de competenties en de effectiviteit bij de zorgaanbieders; bedrijfskundig en daardoor medisch Zorgen voor een betere inzet van schaarse capaciteiten in het zorgaanbodveld Onzekerheden bij de ondernemer wegnemen Leiden tot meer arbeidsvreugde Opleiden tot betere medespelers voor de ziektekostenverzekeraars De zorgleergang: 6 modules; 9 avonden; 3 uur per avond; Beslaat een periode van 3 – 4 maanden; Onafhankelijk; Multidisciplinair; Ervaren docenten; Maximaal 18 deelnemers; Bedrijfskundige onderwerpen; Rode draad is het maken van een ondernemingsplan; Veel casuïstiek met zelfwerkzaamheid; Niet te veel theorie; Docenten zijn voor aanvullende vragen bereikbaar module 1 Bent u ondernemend genoeg?
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Klantreferentie De Belgische Federale Overheidsdienst FINANCIEN gebruikt e-learning voor haar 28.000 ambtenarenHoe doeltreffend, snel en tegen weinig kosten 28.000 ambtenaren over heel België opleiden? Het antwoord van de Federale Overheidsdienst Financiën (FOD Financiën, het Belgische Ministerie van Financiën) die besloten heeft een e-learningsysteem te implementeren. Er is gekozen voor de MEDIAplus eLearning-oplossing van ENI voor de kantoorautomatiseringsopleidingen. > Lees het vervolg Franse inspectiemedewerkers Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid worden op afstand opgeleid met MEDIAplus eLearning.Interview met Edouard SABATIER, opleidingsmanager van de CRAFEP, lid van het Franse Nationale Instituut voor Incasseringsopleidingen (I.N.F.R.). > Lees het Vervolg > Lees het vervolg > Lees het vervolg Testimony > Read more > Read more HUNOSA trains its employees in office application software with MEDIAplus eLearning by ENIInterview with Ana Maria Prado, E-learning Manager at HUNOSA > Lees het vervolg
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Connecting through Content |
If the major characteristic of Web 1.0 is to connect people to content, than Web 2.0 allows people to connect with other people. Web 3.0 connects content to people, and Pearltrees is a great way to see how this works. Most things about Pearltrees are backwards, although still intuitive (because of a cool user interface). You connect your pearl to other people's pearl's, but the search is not done on keywords or tags, rather it is done by matching URLs. So if I had picked a page that looked at the characteristics of Labradoodles (cross beetween Labradors and Poodles), Peartrees would look for others with that URL and connect us in a social graph. Figure 1 - Get connected with Pearltrees Pearltrees, although currently in free beta, is much easier to use than it is explaining what it is and what it is good for. Figure 2 - The Initial Pearltrees screen Although Pearltrees is currently public while in free Beta, a private version will be available when Pearltrees goes live next quarter.