Siedepunkt 9-11 - Die gewaltigste Lüge unserer Zeit Quelle: YOICNET Autor: by the way Die Terroranschläge vom 11. September haben das weltweite politische Geschehen nachhaltig beeinflusst. Doch viele Fragen bleiben bis heute unbeantwortet. Dokumentarfilmer Anthony J. Hilder kommt den Hintergründen auf die Spur und interviewt Zeugen, Bürgerrechtler, Sachverständige und Experten. The ‘Italian Job’ and Other Highlights From U.S.’s Rendition Program With Egypt Abu Zaabal prison, 25 kms north of Cairo, after a mass breakout during the nationwide protest. (AFP/Getty Images file photo) Among the many aspects of the U.S.-Egypt relationship, few have been as controversial as the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program, where the agency frequently handed over suspected terrorists to foreign governments with histories of torture and illegal detention.
Foreign Policy View the photos. On a recent trip to Afghanistan, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox drew fire for calling it "a broken 13th-century country." The most common objection was not that he was wrong, but that he was overly blunt. He's hardly the first Westerner to label Afghanistan as medieval. news from the grassroots ZNet Top Welcome to ZCommunications. The site has ZNet and ZMag content, topic and place pages under the Focuses link in the top menu - reading lists and whole books, debates, interviews, multimedia, Blogs, Forums, comments, a Store, Sustainer program, WISC, and more. Relating to Z To participate more deeply and generally in ZCommunications, please become a Sustainer. Sustainers who log in will see "+ New" in the black band at the top.
Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters The United States, locked in the kind of twilight disconnect that grips dying empires, is a country entranced by illusions. It spends its emotional and intellectual energy on the trivial and the absurd. It is captivated by the hollow stagecraft of celebrity culture as the walls crumble. This celebrity culture giddily licenses a dark voyeurism into other people’s humiliation, pain, weakness and betrayal.
The American Prospect You've Got Questions ... We've Got Answers What is The American Prospect? The Prospect is a bimonthly print and online political magazine based in Washington, D.C. What's your bent? About The Lede The Lede is a blog that remixes national and international news stories, adding information gleaned from the Web or gathered through original reporting to supplement articles in The New York Times and provide fresh perspectives on events. We also hope to draw readers in to the global conversation about the news taking place online. Readers are encouraged to take part in the blogging by using the comments threads to suggest links to relevant material elsewhere on the Web or by submitting eyewitness accounts, photographs or video of news events. The Lede is assembled in the main newsroom of The New York Times and turns into a platform for live updates when breaking news events demand real-time coverage. The blog’s name derives from an intentional misspelling of the word “lead” (“lede” rhymes with “breed”), which developed in the newspaper industry to avoid confusion with the kind of metal used in printing presses (“lead” rhymes with “bread”). The Lede’s unofficial motto comes from T.S.