Related: Personal development
TV is bad for your health I do not own a TV. When I tell people this they freak out and say, “Why would anyone in their right mind not own a TV?” The fact is TV rots your brain, and you would have to be insane to subject yourself to it. It was roughly six years ago when I decided to eliminate TV from my life, and doing so was one of the best decisions I ever made. The benefits are so outstanding that I never plan on owning one for as long as I live. TV harms humans during all stages of life. One study from 2010, “Prospective Associations Between Early Childhood Television Exposure and Academic, Psychosocial and Physical Well-Being by Middle Childhood,” tracked how many hours kids were exposed to television at two and four years old. Another study published in 2005, “Association of Television Viewing During Childhood With Poor Educational Achievement,” showed that time spent watching television is significantly associated with poor academic achievement. attention. Science.
نهاية البترول Positive Pregnancy Affirmations Affirmations are statements that you use to help instill a sense of positivity in your mind about a particular subject. You use these short phrases and sentences to help your mind hear a positive message that you wish it to remember. You can write your own affirmation, to use whenever you like. If you choose to write your own affirmations, start with phrases like: I am My mind is open to My body is open to My baby is My labor is Breastfeeding is I know My body knows Some women use positive affirmations to help them overcome fear, to get pregnant or to simple remind themselves that pregnancy is not an illness. Here are some samples: I know how to take care of myself in pregnancy. You can use index cards to write your affirmations and place them in locations to remind you to say them. If you'd like to have daily pregnancy affirmations emailed to you, you can sign up for the daily Pregnancy Affirmations delivered straight to your inbox.
The Path Exercise (a downloadable tool) - Human Workplace Like an ace, I spilled hot tea on my laptop as I sat in my friend Molly’s kitchen chatting away and talking about business and people. “Oh shiz,” I said, and Molly said “Turn it over!” but I was too slow, and strangely enough my early training kicked in enough so that I couldn’t bring myself to dump tea water onto Molly’s dining-room table, even as I saw the laptop die in front of me. While my friend Diana is transferring files into the new laptop, I thought I should use the downtime to post things that people have been asking for and/or telling us they have found useful in our workshops. Human Workplace Reinvention Roadmap Path Exercise Jan 2013 It’s your path. Have fun with the Path exercise. My point is that there are these threads and strains from our early life that really want to join back together sometimes, and completing this Path exercise can get us in touch with some of them. I gave one to my ten-year-old son, but he made it into a battle map for Star Wars clone troopers.
Flu and the flu vaccine Flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads rapidly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus. If you're at risk of complications from flu, make sure you have your annual flu vaccine available from September onwards. There are two types of flu vaccine: Find out about the injected flu vaccine for adults and children under-two. The effects of flu Flu symptoms can hit quite suddenly and severely. Because flu is caused by a virus and not bacteria, antibiotics won't treat it. Anyone can get flu, but it can be more serious for certain people, such as: people aged 65 or over people who have a serious medical condition pregnant women If you are in one of these groups, you're more vulnerable to the effects of flu (even if you're fit and healthy) and could develop flu complications, which are more serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which could result in hospitalisation. Flu can also make existing medical conditions worse. Read more about flu.
Alimentación para el Cerebro Un ejemplo lo tenemos en las facultades mentales que utilizamos para el amor, la veneración y otros sentimientos similares a los que favorece el fósforo de las manzanas y otras frutas. Los mejores alimentos para el cerebro son aquellos que contienen silicio, el cual se haya en: •Té de paja de avena •Té de cebada •Decocción de cola de caballo •Salvado Así mismo es también importante el fosfato el cual encontramos en: •Harina de maíz •Quesos •Productos lácteos El fósforo puede ser de origen animal o vegetal. Se encuentra principalmente en el pescado, siendo una buena fuente de fósforo un caldo de pescado o de almeja. Aunque muchos vegetarianos no estén de acuerdo, si se quiere tener una buena estructura cerebral y nerviosa, se deben ingerir aminoácidos y éstos solo se encuentran en cantidades suficientes en alimentos de origen animal, aunque bien es cierto que en menor cantidad se hallan en leche, huevos y soja. Manganesio: sumamente efectivo para los centros de la memoria. necesitaremos:
Spiritual Excellence Upload Eternal Warrior Way Subscription preferences Loading... Working... Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi Meditation 101 Uploads Play 5:15 The Power of Focus 10,962 views 1 year ago 14:28 The Power of Leadership 4,936 views 1 year ago 22:23 How to Clear Brain Fog 86,527 views 2 years ago 3:37 Enya — Only Time — Inspirational Video 8,616 views 2 years ago 8:05 Snatam Kaur and Guruganesh Sing for World Peace 3,792 views 3 years ago 0:55 What Does it Mean to Be a Spiritual Person? Featured Channels Meditation 101 Program Peak State Success Popular channels on YouTube charlieissocoollike shane ConnorFranta Smosh 2nd Channel Michelle Phan Kingsley Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to
Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD From Simply Vegan 5th Edition Summary: The requirement for vitamin B12 is very low, but it is essential. Non-animal sources include Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula or T-6635+ nutritional yeast (a little less than 1 Tablespoon supplies the adult RDA) and vitamin B12 fortified soy milk. It is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children to have reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their diets. Vitamin B12 is needed for cell division and blood formation. Neither plants nor animals make vitamin B12. A number of reliable vegan food sources for vitamin B12 are known. The RDA for adults for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms daily (1). Other sources of vitamin B12 are vitamin B12 fortified soy milk, vitamin B12 fortified meat analogues (food made from wheat gluten or soybeans to resemble meat, poultry, or fish), vitamin B12-fortified energy bars, and vitamin B12 supplements. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9.
October 15, 2013 – The Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Reinvent Yourself The Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Reinvent Yourself Here are the rules: I’ve been at zero a few times, come back a few times, and done it over and over. I’ve had to change careers several times. And sometimes just because I hated everyone in my old career or they hated me. There’s other ways to reinvent yourself. I’ve seen it work for maybe a few hundred other people. A) Reinvention never stops. Every day you reinvent yourself. You start from scratch. Every label you claim you have from before is just vanity. You lost everything. C) You need a mentor. Else, you’ll sink to the bottom. D) Three types of mentors – Direct. By the way, mentors aren’t like that old Chinese guy in “The Karate Kid”. – Indirect. I would throw in inspirational books. – Everything is a mentor. And everything you look at, you will connect the dots. E) Don’t worry if you don’t have passion for anything. F) Time it takes to reinvent yourself: five years. Here’s a description of the five years: It doesn’t matter. Today. Today.
Top Reasons to Quit Smoking abuse disorders. Smoking is their way to cope with stress. These smokers need more intensive treatments than other smokers. How can women ease their smoking-cessation worries?They have to learn new ways to deal with stress and depression. Women who smoke can plan ahead to deal with cravings. Also, drink plenty of water, have healthy snacks and mints available. Do women experience depression when they quit cigarettes? Which tips to quit smoking work best for women? Nicotine inhalers and nasal sprays require prescriptions, as do the drugs Varenicline (sold in pill form as Chantix, it blocks the pleasant effects of nicotine on the brain) and Bupropion (an anti-depressant and smoking-
Despeja tu mente Por ello será un ejercicio muy útil para aquellos que estáis todo el día funcionando con la mente en un análisis continuo de todas las situaciones pasadas, presentes y futuras de vuestra vida. Además a un nivel un poco más elevado, este ejercicio es totalmente válido como preparatorio para una buena meditación. De manera que al vaciar nuestra mente de los pensamientos de ese momento cuando vamos a meditar, favoreceremos una interiorización más profunda. Al fin y al cabo, es nuestra mente la que siempre nos pone obstáculos para ello. Este ejercicio no requiere un tiempo mínimo, si no más bien una importante atención a todo lo que vaya sucediendo. Utiliza tu imaginación para conseguir que el lugar te sea totalmente agradable y que por supuesto nadie te interrumpa el ejercicio. Tres serán las posiciones ideales para este ejercicio. A) Una de ellas puede ser tumbado en la cama, con la espalda recta, cuello y hombros relajados y palmas de las manos hacia abajo. Los dedos gordos pueden tocarse o no.
Philosophie/Perception Un livre de Wikilivres. Selon la définition fournie par le Dictionnaire de Lalande, la perception est « l'acte par lequel un individu, organisant immédiatement ses sensations, les interprétant et les complétant par des images et des souvenirs, s'oppose un objet qu'il juge spontanément distinct de lui, réel et actuellement connu de lui. » Malgré son apparente clarté, une telle définition contient de nombreuses obscurités ; en les examinant, nous formulerons quelques-unes des problématiques principales qui ont occupé les philosophes. Les problèmes de la perception[modifier | modifier le wikitexte] Activité et passivité de la perception[modifier | modifier le wikitexte] La définition de Lalande attire notre attention sur le fait que nous trouvons dans la perception une activité d'un sujet qui organise ses sensations et une passivité de ce même sujet qui reçoit ces mêmes sensations. Avec ces problèmes à l'esprit, nous pouvons alors reformuler la première définition de la manière suivante :
Six Fun Gardening Projects 1. Moss Graffiti Decorate your garden in beautiful moss! You can use moss graffiti to adorn a wall, like in the image above, or on stepping stones or wooden or ceramic planters. I just love a DIY urban beautification project! Unlike spray paint, moss graffiti is all natural and healthy to work with. What You’ll Need: Handfulls of Moss1-2 Tablespoons Sugar1/2 cup ButtermilkWaterBlenderCovered ContainerPaint BrushChalkSpray Mist Bottle What To Do: Collect moss.Clean the dirt off the moss.Sketch out the image onto the surface with chalk.Place moss in the blender.Add sugar and buttermilkBlend until thick like a milkshake. Here is another recipe from Stories From Space that uses beer instead of buttermilk. You can use a brush to paint your moss onto concrete walls, rocks, or brick. Another natural wonder found along Adirondack trails is moss. Images of moss wall art graffiti have been making the rounds of the blogosphere for a while now. 2. But our deck is on the wrong side of the house. 3. 2.
The Habits Of Supremely Happy People Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, theorizes that while 60 percent of happiness is determined by our genetics and environment, the remaining 40 percent is up to us. In his 2004 Ted Talk, Seligman describes three different kinds of happy lives: The pleasant life, in which you fill your life with as many pleasures as you can, the life of engagement, where you find a life in your work, parenting, love and leisure and the meaningful life, which “consists of knowing what your highest strengths are, and using them to belong to and in the service of something larger than you are.” After exploring what accounts for ultimate satisfaction, Seligman says he was surprised. And while it might sound like a big feat to to tackle great concepts like meaning and engagement (pleasure sounded much more doable), happy people have habits you can introduce into your everyday life that may add to the bigger picture of bliss. They surround themselves with other happy people. Music is powerful.